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NBR - single ladies . . .

39 posts, 26 members
8375 posts
. . . I'm going through a 'hating being single'  phase and so....

What are the GOOD things about being single?
615 posts
Well I'm married
and I can't find the tab or option to put my husband on trade me ha ha 
so if I was single I wouldn't be doing that xxxxx

1732 posts
Now I have a fiance that I live with and love BUT ...

Good things about being single;
Having quiet time by yourself.... no interuptions.
You don't have to consider someone else when you want to go somewhere, or pick what food you want for tea, etc.
No explaining to someone else why you are spending so much money on makeup (or anything else).
And you can travel on a whim, no rearranging schedules, finding out if the other person can get leave etc.

You are awesome Trudi! Single or not.
1964 posts
Ok, so I'm not single but having been in a relationship for 10 years these are the things that look fun to me about being single.
Going out, meeting guys and being able to imagine that they are all perfect not like how you know someone forever and all their gross things they do lol.
You get to not be that annoying person who goes out but is on her phone half the night talking to her man.
You can spend your money on you and not have to justify a single thing to anyone else.
No annoying inlaws (I like mine now haha!)
Going on girls trips and travelling places without a care in the world (I guess you need to not have kids either for that).
143 posts
I'm single and also feeling like I should be putting myself out there. 
I guess the good things are being independent and spending time and effort on yourself.
Doing what you like to do. 
1031 posts
Lol, I love that it's the non-single ladies replying! Love the support.

The main reasons I love singledom are purely self-indulgent:
-My money gets spent on me
-I don't have to share a bed
-I can go in to hibernation mode whenever I want without having to factor anyone else in
-If I look a mess, it don't matter (which is often)
-I can watch beauty vids on YouTube for hours straight with no judgement

Number one - I don't have to consult with anyone to do anything. My fave!
8375 posts
thanks girls.  I gotta stop focusing on the 'noone wants me so i must be flawed'  part and focus on things like these xx
5112 posts
I have to second Sarah's comment YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHARE A BED!!!!!!!!! hahaha if fiance is off shore I spread eagle like you wouldn't believe hahaha 
615 posts
Oh ladies how I miss to spread eagle the bed:(
just stay all star shaped :( 
have all the pillows and blankets:(
2052 posts
Just buy bigger beds. We went to a super king to accommodate the fur babies. Then I banned them so now I can sleep like a star fish
5254 posts
It's wonderful never having to answer to anyone, to be criticised by someone, to be abused and controlled by someone...enjoy the peace of only having to worry about yourself Trudi, relationships aren't everything and being single just makes you single, it is not an indictment on your character.
825 posts
If your looking for an overseas change the United Arab Emirates and Qatar have like a 3-1 male- female ratio. Otherwise closer to home the Southland and Clutha areas are meant to have a higher male to female ratio than anywhere else in New Zealand. Just saying...
1185 posts
It's on your own terms no conflicts no one to answer to. Noone to impress. No jealousy, no restrictions,no friendships ruined. Being independent no let downs no false pretenses. I have so those and more about being a single parent that are advantages.
Main one is building up your own confidence to be able to see a real man amongst the not so real and to attract the real man to the real woman that you are..
It's ok to be single I believe it. Companionship often isn't the answer to everything and Trudi the right man us out there don't beat yourself up over
1031 posts
Lol Ringfamily! It's true though, lots of hard working single lads down there.

Wise words Keri and Maree xx
3402 posts
I'm married but I do miss solitude times occasionally not that I don't love every second with my husband but sometimes you just want to do girly things on your own.
456 posts
When hubby lived overseas for four months years ago I got to pretend I was single. It was surprisingly liberating not having to tell anyone where you are going, how long you'll be and is that ok or do they need the car? 
1289 posts
Trudi it is better to be single and happy/content than in a relationship and miserable. I learnt that one the hard way. Tomorrow is a new day and who knows what may happen.
504 posts
No toilet seats left up!!! Haha
2056 posts
I feel for you, I've felt that way before. I was having a conversation with a friend last night and we decided it's not our lack of attractiveness that makes us single, it's that there aren't any decent men available, all the good ones are taken.
But what I love about being single is the freedom, not feeling like I have to rein in my behaviour because he wouldn't like it and being able to flirt back with the cute guy.
5351 posts
Toni lol I'm so glad my brad puts the seat down lol 
I have auntys and uncles who have been single all their lives with no kids and their so happy, loving and caring.All the ladies have mentioned some great things. Enjoy it while you can. 
1185 posts
My boys know to have the toilet seat down their dad I trained well with that too. Also to close the lid and always shut the toilet door afterwards. I can't stand a toilet door left open and bathroom door especially at night time bc these rooms have their windows open 24 7 and it was something my dad use to always make us do at home growing up so now it's a hard habit to break and for me it make sense. Like why must we have these doors left open? I can't wait to move into our new house though bc it's back to my own ensuite and walk in bathroom I've missed these things. It gives me a sense of freedom frok my kids don't get me wrong I love them but I just need a bit of space now and then lol. But this thread is about being single lol and being a single mum you can get quite costraphobic with kids up in your face I love them again I reinforce but I've never been able to close my door for the past 4 years and just sit in my room.
1185 posts
Ringfamily you have good points about the male to female ratio wow.. just wow. Lol
370 posts
I've been mum/housewife since I was 19, so haven't experienced much of this, but the things I imagine I miss from being single would be just being able to do what I want when I feel like it, not having to check in with other people about where I'm going and how much it's costing, not having to pick up other people's crap from round the house ....
I love my life as it is, but wish I had a little more time to myself
3402 posts
It's also ok to be single, I didn't even dream of the whole being in a relationship thing let alone being married and living in a different country.  I was severly independent and hadn't even had a boyfriend when at 27 I meet my now hubby.  Totally wasn't looking for it or planned it, it just happened so no one should feel like it is the be all and end all to be in a relationship I know plenty of women who have always been single ladies and wouldn't want it any other way. 
1964 posts
I'm the same as ksjc. I think sometimes the grass can look greener on the other side. Do you think that might be the case for you Trudi? Don't settle! Take some time to really enjoy doing things just for you.
You're not old or uunattractive!  There will be some great guy out there for you.
341 posts
Hands down best thing about being single is that you are the boss of your life. You answer only to yourself, make your choices to suit your needs (and wants) and you have the freedom to do anything without compromise.

82 posts
Aw hon you're not flawed at all, you just haven't found that right person who compliments all your amazingness, and you won't settle for anything less.  (which someone people i.e. me, have trouble with and end up with douchebags out of not wanting to be alone). Best things about being single for me so far:
* Freedom, no checking in, no asking the other person what they want to do, random missions when I want
* Independence: What I say goes, I don't have to take anyone elses opinions/thoughts into consideration (mostly I'm still a mum)
* Fun: Girls night out, sure why not, sit on the couch watching chick flicks all day, hey who cares, spend my spare $$ on a frivilous item - sure it's only my wallet
*The bathroom is MINE! No toilet seat left up, no whiskers in the fricken sink, if I clean it stays tidy, no towels left on the floor
*I'm free to be myself - I have a different confedience while single, no idea what it is (well actually I do, but I won't go into that here, you already know the story) 
* See a hot guy...go make out with hot guy ;)
* Starfish in the bed!

While sometimes it would be nice to have someone to share life with & discuss the world, it's not everything and being in a relationship doesn't guarantee that you'll have someone that actually wants to do the same things you want etc. 

Keep on being yourself xx

313 posts
Being able to have cake for tea. Just cake. Or party food, like cherios. I miss those days when it was just me and my girl and if I didn't want to cook, we would have dessert or chippies or both. I might get away with it now, but I think he would just cook instead.
196 posts
Like some of the other ladies said, being single has a lot going for it, you can do what you like when you like without having to answer to anyone. Make the most of it, because when you are in a relationship with someone everything changes. I fret sometimes that my son is still single at 28, but I know that he will find his life partner someday, these things can happen overnight, I should know, I was engaged after three weeks.
506 posts
I love being single! I've been single for 5 years now, I have had occasional casual hookups and a couple "trials" at a relationship but I keep finding reasons to stay single lol. My last serious relationship was with my kids father - 10 years. The biggest draw to single life for me is not having to answer to anyone. Doing what you want, when you want without having to consider anyone elses feelings/opinions etc. Another reason.. Living my lifehow I want it... not having to compromise. Having my house how I want it... ME clean... not MAN clean (which is totally different to my version of clean).

People think that being single sux... but it doesnt have to... put yourself out there, join some dating apps, meet new guys, open yourself up to opportunities of love, I'm still looking!
I think being single is very liberating. No commitment to anyone, nothing. I'm not single right now but I used to feel that way sometimes too. Then I remember how my friends act when they go through breakups then I'm like 'I got 99 problems but a BF ain't one'. I've had some awful luck in dating so I like being single much more. The last time I had a bad breakup, I cried for two hours and then thought 'why am I crying over this idiot' and I got over him just like that. I sound really heartless but he really wasn't worth my time.
8375 posts
Entirely possible Rezee.

Most of the time I'm okay with it but had a low last night and was all grrrr.thanks ladies. This helped.

Luh u kk
703 posts
After being in a relationship from 16-21 I am now single and I LOVE it. Just a few reasons...
1) Not having to justify any purchases, especially beauty.
2) WAY more money to spend on myself... beauty products.
3) Nothing interupts my beauty routine. Need to fake tan? I do it. Want to smother myself in body butter? I do it. 

Of course I sometimes wish I had company, but to be honest I love my own space. I make the most of hanging out with friends and enjoying my own company. At the end of the day, being in a relationship is only good if it's a positive experience based on trust.
5254 posts
So so so very true itsclearascrystal! Qweenkaren I feel you have been looking in my fridge....
341 posts
Haha,  just thought of a very important reason for loving being single - you can totally go nutso excited and try and secure a BRBB just because you want it. Psycho behaviour around trying to purchase said BRBB,  is totally ok and cannot be criticised or commented on or merely tolerated and thus enthusiasm for BRBB is not dampened or guilted by a significant other. Plus you do not have to explain or justify the purchase of BRBB to anyone - only your own conscious (which wants the BRBB as much as you do, so it's ok anyway).
3402 posts
Janini I do that anyway and I am married lol, he knows I have a deep rooted passion for beauty things so he sometimes gets excited with me and sits with me as I open boxes to up my excitement hehehe. 
1964 posts
Haha, my man knows I'm getting this box too. Nothing is getting in my way, well unless they sell out!
341 posts
Awwww, that's great that there are wonderful supportive partners. I hope they are ready for the next few days of mad desperation, internet hogging at certain times and squeals of hopefully,  delight ;)
915 posts
My daughter is recently single and she loves that she can just go home from work and blob with the kids -no nagging -no man flu- lots of plus's in every situation .Enjoy being you and do lots of stuff you like.



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