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50 topics, 201 posts, 21 members
Started by Pat17
3 Replies
19 Oct 10:02am
Started by Pat17
12 Replies
18 Oct 9:48am
Started by Whittakers-lover
5 Replies
20 Oct 9:39am
Started by Pat17
12 Replies
18 Oct 9:47am
Started by Johanna
1 Replies
18 Sep 5:00pm
Started by Whittakers-lover
15 Replies
23 Oct 5:05pm
Started by Whittakers-lover
23 Replies
23 Oct 5:01pm
Started by Whittakers-lover
24 Replies
15 Oct 10:20am
Started by Pat17
10 Replies
22 Sep 10:03am
Started by Whittakers-lover
18 Replies
14 Sep 9:26am
Started by Whittakers-lover
8 Replies
7 Sep 11:59am
Started by Kimrose
12 Replies
18 Sep 9:38am
Started by MareeB
7 Replies
11 Sep 9:19am
Started by leuyen8952
2 Replies
28 Aug 8:57am
Started by leuyen8952
1 Replies
23 Aug 7:17pm
Started by MareeB
10 Replies
7 Oct 10:03am
Started by leuyen8952
1 Replies
22 Aug 2:08pm
Started by leuyen8952
1 Replies
22 Aug 2:07pm
Started by leuyen8952
1 Replies
22 Aug 1:56pm
Started by adsds0524
1 Replies
21 Aug 11:09pm
Started by adsds0524
1 Replies
21 Aug 11:08pm
Started by adsds0524
1 Replies
21 Aug 11:08pm
2 topics, 38 posts, 6 members
Started by Whittakers-lover
23 Replies
23 Oct 5:01pm
Started by Whittakers-lover
15 Replies
23 Oct 5:05pm
50 posts, 11 members
1841 posts
Still hopeful even though possibly not likely.
1841 posts
I have had one review approved recently
585 posts
I love this site and really would hate for it to collapse
585 posts
Looking doubtful as nothing is getting updated .Hopefully things will chage for the better soon !
I really, really, really hope there will be a Christmas BBBE :-)
585 posts
Time we were advised of current situation of BR -Very frustrating and worrying . Can we help in any way .Has BR been sold ?
585 posts
yes a bit of a worry !
220 posts
It now says open in 72 days. 
585 posts
I agree Christine S !
27 posts
It would be really nice to get some sort of reassurance that we will actually be able to do something with the points that we are collecting. 
585 posts
no it never opened -
585 posts
True Kimrose -let's be hopeful and supportive
585 posts
I have my last review still waiting .I am not worried about that but if we knew the problems we all may be able to help and support as none of us want this site to go and if I could help in any way I would.
1463 posts
There is obviously someone still working at Beauty Review so we should keep supporting them.
1463 posts
The last 3 reviews I did have appeared on my page and I have received the points so as far as that goes I think it is business as usual. 
1463 posts
Oh well, more time for reviews! So when the vault actually opens we all can have a massive shop!
47 posts
I'm quite disappointed - I got notifications yesterday that my review points had been submitted but still no vault open - and I've got lots of points. I am also sad that BR is for sale if it is because we had amazing people managing it and I worry about the type of people that could take it over 
585 posts
Vault never opened and now extended to January -Behing the scenes need to let us know what is happening -Maybe we can help in some way !!
585 posts
What is happening !! The vault never opened as advertised ,Reviews haven't been updated and no new articles!! We need to know what has happened .
585 posts
What -Now opens in 77 Days !!! What is going on ????
585 posts
Yes that would be nice -I will try again tomorrow -Like that song " Tomorrow ,Tomorrow !!"
27 posts
Maybe someone from BR could give us an update when the vault will actually open?
585 posts
Me too !! Hope it is sorted soon !
27 posts
I also pays to get an allergy test, I used to think I had hayfever, but it turns out I'm allergic to dust mites. If you can be sure what you're allergic to, you might be able to avoid it (to a degree).
27 posts
I also wrote two reviews a little while ago, hoping that new content would be good for the BR site, but I am also still waiting for the reviews to be approved.
1463 posts
Will keep checking!! So keen
585 posts
Yes there is a glitch -Not great start but keeps us checking eh !!
47 posts
I've not been notified of my recent reviews either being published and I'm here for the vault and it doesn't seem to be open yet it is supposed to be I wonder what's going on? 
47 posts
Yeah why isn't it open? I delayed going in to my daughter's playcentre for this and it's her last term there 
47 posts
I'm on here to see and so far it's not? 
1841 posts
I put the date in my diary and am here at 9am. Vault hasn't opened.. Will check back throughout the day just in case though.
426 posts
Such a sad situation for them to be in Maree, hopefully they have found something better for them. 
1 posts
Yes ! Antihistamines can help but still nasty with all the pollen lol
585 posts
Very exciting and hopefully beginning of new chapter !!
585 posts
I am the same Whittalers-lover.It is a worry XX
I really hope things pick up again. I haven't had notification my last reviews were accepted.  I can't see them published either :-(
Do you think the Vault will be opening? X
1463 posts
So much has changed on our country,  I just love to remember the times when kids would play in the street, go to each other's houses, that's when I was a kid. Good times!
5323 posts
I don't know where they were moved to AboutFace. I'd say some managed to get a room in transitional housing, others probably live in cars. The lucky ones might have gotten rooms with other people.  I didn't think I'd ever see the day that NZ would be like this.
585 posts
It is sad that so many people are homeless and a lot are on drugs too.
585 posts
Kimrose that is a good idea -I will check out my latest products too and review.
426 posts
Definitely sad Maree, no there shouldn't be any homeless people here. Where were they moved to? 
1463 posts
I have a lot of reviews to do, I will try to get them done this weekend!
1463 posts
I think if we carry on like business as usual. This could help with the sale if there is a buyer checking out Beauty Review.  They will see it is a viable option, so let's keep going!
585 posts
I agree with you MareeB -Nz should never have homeless -We should be a more compassionate society
5323 posts
It really was AboutFace. I'm glad the homeless people were moved off the park before it happened or there could have been fatalities. I can't believe I'm talking about homeless people living on parks in Dunedin - what happened to my country?????  
585 posts
I am worried nothing is happening -perhaps we an offer our services in some way to help keep this site going ? What are your thoughts?
585 posts
Thanks Silvene -I really feel for you .
1288 posts
I have chronic hayfever (I suffer with it all year round, not just seasonally, although it's so much worse in Spring). I find Razene to be one of the best antihistimines, and take one every night with dinner. If it's really bad (like last night, where I ended up sneezing and coughing with a post-nasal drip, even after taking the antihistimine before bed), I take a second tablet in the morning, as well. 

Rinsing my sinuses with a saline solution really helps get rid of any allergens, and clears blockages. I use a sinus rinse bottle (similar to this one) and just mix my own saline solution at home, using one eighth of a teaspoon of water in 250ml of cooled, boiled water.
426 posts
Pleased that you are ok Maree, it looked bad down there xx



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