by BR Natalie
Staying beautiful isn't always pretty - the human body has some areas of maintenance that are, well, a bit icky. Ear wax. Belly Button fluff. Toe nail grime.
But you have to admit, sometimes there's a bit of satisfaction to be had from the more icky beauty chores. I quizzed my friends and family and here's what the grossest of the bunch confessed to enjoying.
1. A spot popping and hitting the mirror.
Second place in the pimple zone - a really long blackhead.
2. Digging out an ingrown hair that turns out to be realllllly long.
Even if there's blood, even if there's pain, that hair uncurling makes it worth it!
3. Filing your feet when they're dry and witnessing a cloud of foot dust.
Admit it - you've let your feet go an extra week just to make it really satisfying...
4. Peeling off a nose strip and being greeted by a forest of long black heads.
Why do we use pore strips? 10% to clean our pores. 90% to inspect them after!
5. Cleaning your ears out and it turning...magical. Cough. Eargasm.
Even better is when you've been out of cotton buds for a few weeks and you really needed that clean.
So 'fess up then - what beauty habits give you a gross satisfaction? Share it loud and share it proud, we won't judge!
Number 2 is definitely something I find satisfying.