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The Beauty Confessional: Do As We Say Not As We Do

17 May, 2017 - 11:18pm by - Head Pixie | 23 Comments

By BR Kellie

It was like someone had dropped a bomb on a field filled with flowers and newborn spring lambs. Or maybe it was like seeing someone had graffitied all over the Mona Lisa. Or perhaps it was kind of like looking into the eyes of someone you thought you knew, only to realise you know nothing about them. They may as well be a stranger.

What the heck am I going on about? Picture this. We’re at the office. We’re tap-tapping away on our computers. Rifling through courier boxes of goodies. Processing orders. And then suddenly one of us looks up from her screen and declares ‘God, I’m a fraud. All the times I’ve written you must wear sunblock and I pretty much never ever do.”

Should we have been outraged? Accused her of hypocrisy? Perhaps. Except what happened was we did that side-eye glance thing at each other. There were reddening of cheeks. Gazes fixed firmly upon objects in the far distance. And then the guilt got to me and I opened my mouth and blabbed my own confession. Then the rest followed suit. It turns out your beloved beauty crew are all guilty of not doing things we know we should, things we're always telling you to do. So what do we say to do, but don’t do ourselves? With the crew’s permission I give you our beauty sins.

The non-sunblock wearer was none other than our beloved Tabby. She insists that if it’s the middle of the day in the heat of summer she’ll pop some on, but on the whole she doesn’t bother. Instead she hides from the sun. And she never bothers with it during winter.


How often do we bark ‘it’s a crime not to prime’? Super often. Yet Amelia confessed to not priming her eyelids. Ever. We pried her for more acts of beauty treason, but she insisted that was all she didn’t do.  So she’s pretty much a beauty goodie two shoes. 


Queenie blew our collective minds when she admitted sometimes she goes to bed without taking her makeup off. The horror!!!

And then Nat one-upped her with the revelation that she only uses a cleanser if she’s been wearing makeup or reviewing a cleanser. At that point I was fuming because I cleanse twice a day religiously, and Nat and Queenie have beautiful and clear skin and I’m the pimply Pixie. (Generally hormonal pimples, but still…. Gah). Then Nat went on to say oh-so-casually that she brushes her hair once a week. Have you seen her hair? It’s fantastic. Nat. Has. Great. Hair. And she barely brushes it. It’s like she won the genetic skin and hair lottery!

As for me? What’s my big sin that I’m always saying other’s should not do? I have steaming hot showers. Love them. Wouldn’t be without them. I’m one of those souls that feels the cold, and often it’s the only way I can warm up. I have been known in summer to throw in a mildly cold blast at the end to attempt to make my hair shiny, but in winter? It’s hot all the way, baby!

So there you have it, our beauty naughtiness, laid out for all to see! Still, it’s got to be better than grafiiting a work of art or dropping bombs on newborn lambs…

Now, enough about us… what do you do that you know you’re not meant to? Feel free to share... because, let’s be honest, you can't be any worse than us!



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14th June, 2017

I should be using a eyecream but I forget to buy one and I would want to see results within a month so never buy one. never use toner, I always cleanse at night but hardly cleanse in the morning. Always have my showers hot!! And I also use my mascaras till the are empty about 6months

23rd May, 2017

Well we're all guilty of something and this article just shows how human you BR crew are. My sin is that I sometimes go to sleep without washing my facell mostly if I've stayed home and done nothing but I may also have spf on my skin or day serum what that does to my skin I'm not too sure. I do see effects of huge bags the next day under my eyes if that's the consequences of not washing before bed then thagain bad right? I don't do it often but sometimes. I don't always use sunscreen in winter but if I wear my cc cream it has a spf 50+

21st May, 2017

I have been known to sleep in my makeup too. I know it's bad! I'm even more useless at using sunscreen yet I make sure my kiddies do....I could probably add more things to my list hahaha

21st May, 2017

I am the worst for not brushing my hair.. once a week at most but its usually up in a mum-bun or ponytail to be fair. At the moment my crime would be that my nails are uneven due to breakages and being to lazy to trim the others to match, and my make up brushes need a good clean (not that I have used them much lately).

20th May, 2017

I am one to only just start priming my eyelids!!! I've comitted the not washing my makeup before bed time a few too many times as well! I've also not been comitted to my facial scrub routine and Friday night fast mask. My skin dislikes me more than likes me lol

20th May, 2017

LONG hot showers! Don't use sunscreen.

19th May, 2017

I'm also guilty with steaming hot showers in the winter and I'm always preaching to my hubby about how he should wash his hair with cold water to avoid dandruff...

18th May, 2017

Haha, it's so good to know you guys aren't perfect! I'm terrible with removing old nail polish. I know it looks terrible all chipped but I just forget.

18th May, 2017

I do not always use primer, I like my hot showers and then I do not often moiturize my body but I do my face :) I also can be bad for sleeping in my make up at times

18th May, 2017

I'm the same, I don't remove my make up if I'm too tired and I only prime most days.

18th May, 2017

One of my beauty sins is not taking my make up off, but only on those nights when I have had more than enough wine! I do take special care in the morning to correct my awful sin of the night before.

18th May, 2017

Oh, well I'm just shocked :)

18th May, 2017

Hot showers is definitely something I could never give up... I sometimes feel cold all the way into my bones and I totally agree that it can be the only way to warm up! I'm also terrible at brushing my hair.. once a week is about right.

But it's great to hear that we're all human!!

18th May, 2017

What's wrong with steaming showers? I cannot stand cold showers especially now it's winter.

18th May, 2017

I admit to cleansing once a day. Sometimes I often forget to do my skincare. This winter I have thorough with my face skin care which is strange.

18th May, 2017

Indeed - or soaking in a lovely hot bath - ahhhhhhh!

18th May, 2017

I really miss having a bath. I see to live a nice hot soak in winter!

18th May, 2017

Silly autocorrect ... I really miss having a bath. I used to love a nice hot soak in winter! Especially a bubble bath, or one with Epsom salts and essential oils.

19th May, 2017

Main reason why Lush is one of my favourite stores ever: bath products!

18th May, 2017

Same here :0