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All this talk around the expert review panel has me wondering...

74 posts, 21 members
Oh, I totally agree with soozie on the paragraphing! A comprehensive review with everything in one paragraph is rather too akin to marking ESOL essays, in my opinion! 

It hadn't occurred to me to just seek out reviews from people whose writing I like and trust, but it's a good idea. Especially if they have the same skin concerns as me!
8375 posts
ESOL essays! Yes!!!

cute pic, sarahellaoverton! I wish I could wear that colour; it suits you though!
5255 posts
I miss Chickaboos reviews too. There are some great writing styles around. I also have trouble with perfume reviews because I can't identify the notes in perfume. It's a shame, because I loooove perfumes.
8375 posts
i don't know what the notes are called in perfume either and it doesn't worry me, haha. For me perfume is either amazing or not for me, and it's usually pretty black/white!

i'm sure there are a lot of posters who left and now wish they hadn't with these newer changes! I don't hugely MISS anyone, I find we all gravitate towards the people we'd be friends with anyway on social media etc off BR :)
461 posts
Just the other day I was wondering that I haven't seen ANYTHING from Chickaboo or Farmers Wife in a long long time.

Am I allowed to ask what ever happened to them?  

8375 posts
they both chose to leave, for very different reasons. :)
394 posts
I talk to them both on a regular basis and both are great but like trudi said, both left BR for different reasons :-)
461 posts
Oh phew!  At least they're ok, I was worried that something may have happened to them.  I do hope they are having happy lives :).
261 posts
Hi Macs,
I haven't received my trial foundation or primer either. I emailed a couple of days ago, but I don't think they have tracked it down yet. 
Have you got yours? It's nearly the deadline, so I am running out of time!
8375 posts
That won't matter siouxsannah. If you've been letting them know that it hasn't arrived they'll be able to extend the deadline, I'm sure
5255 posts
Oh no Siouxsannah and Macs - I hope they turn up soon!
5255 posts
I'm just wishing you all a very happy evening as I cannot stand having 3x 6s in a row in my number of posts - it freaks me out!!!
1280 posts
I know how you feel about the 3x6's, Maree. I'm the same, if I notice it and try to move it along.  When I saw that Chikoboo had left with 3x6 for her number of reviews, it freaked me out a little bit. 

Yes, I am a superstitious person, always have been.  Hubby made me walk under a ladder last weekend ... I'll admit that I really, really didn't want to (bad luck and all that) but there was no other way for me to get what he needed while he was up the ladder, so I crossed the fingers on both hands and wished that nothing bad would happen.  Lol! 
5255 posts
That would freak me out too Silvene - I'm superstitious and have OCD!
2718 posts
Ba ha ha omg I am loving this thread, thanks for starting it Trudi x

I remember when I first started writing reviews, wow how simple and useless some of them were, I wasn't so great at describing products especially perfume, I always struggle even now to describe a scent lol.

Now when I review a product, I try to think about what I would want to know about a product, packaging, results good or bad because what works for some may not work for others and vice versa.  You also get to know members that have been here from the very beginning and what has worked or not worked for them and have similar skin types to myself i.e. super dry and sensitive etc.  

I always love reviews that are either fun, entertaining but at the same time are thorough and informative.  Shaz I love your reviews, you had me cracking up with your hash tag #illreportyou lol.  

I also agree with paragraphs in a review, personally I like and prefer to have certain aspects of the product separate i.e. the packaging, the results, would I buy again because it helps you find the information you are looking for easier.  Some are not interested in the packaging but want to go straight to the results and was it worth the price tag etc.

Sorry, that was a bit long winded oops lol xx
2718 posts
I'm friends with Farmerswife and Chikaboo on Facebook and they are definitely fine.  I just think they both have a lot going on at the moment.  Maybe one day they'll be back xxxx
8375 posts
shaz's reviews often give me the killer lols :)
8375 posts
nice to see you back btw mumof3!
915 posts
I like a review that tells me about the packaging and the product -Not too short but enough that I know the person has taken the time to evaluate the whole product and I feel the product owner might like to know if the packaging relates well to the product as well. It is good we all like different things as every review has value to someone and I appreciate the time someone puts in.
I like that at the moment there are so many different people that are trying products and writing different kinds of reviews that it worries me if it's the same people the reviews will be too similar. I personally don't particularly participate in the page as much as I would like to as I get to frustrated with using it on my phone and loading errors. Expert beauty reviewers make me think of a bunch of professionals that are going to tell you what they think you want to hear.
8375 posts
Stunning simplicity I can kinda understand that concern but those who I know are on the panel already won't be like that. We're all pretty diverse, not shy of sharing an opinion and honest about products. In fact, just about the only thing we all have in common is that we write good reviews, to be honest!
2999 posts
I agree with Trudi. Just reading reviews of the Max Factor foundations shows that. A lot of us who reviewed those are on the panel. I always write honest reviews and even brands I love the most still get honest reviews if I don't like a particular product (yes, even Lush!)

Actually Trudi and l are a good example of how diverse reviewers can be. I know there are products she loves that I hate and vice versa. Neither of us have any connection with the beauty industry (apart from giving it our hard earned cash!) nor do we beauty blog. So not professionals - just that our professions require us to be able to write well. 
5255 posts
Yep, what you ladies just said. I'm excited to see lots of fab, thorough reviews on products. It's really helpful when considering whether or not to buy a product, (especially something expensive) and as Trudi just pointed out, the reveiwers are going to be people we already know and trust. It's awesome, I'm really looking forward to it.
2718 posts
awww thanks trudijoy, great to be back and catching up with you all xx