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How Was Your First Day Of Level 2

201 posts, 17 members
1419 posts
I am so glad we are still at level 3 and didn't go to level 4! I did actually cry when they announced it. For us in pharmacy level 4 was so hard.
1811 posts
Think it's a really good decision that's been made. Its busy at work but better than  being bored I suppose.
8375 posts
Stunning day here in Aucklockdownland 
. I would love to go for a walk but seeing as I can't, I baked. Savoury pinwheels and dark chocolate chunk  cookies. 
2680 posts
Stunning day here too! I got heaps of washing done, the housework, took pup to the river and put the slow cooker on. Heading back to work at 3.15 so just relaxing on the deck :-)
8375 posts
That productivity is impressive! I showered, dressed, baked, ate and did dishes now I have my stupid foot elevated. I do have my new replacement Aim'n tights on and they're super pretty so that's cheering me up. Once my foot ice and painkiller kicks in I need to do a few chores and make a decision about dinner 
2680 posts
I also swept the deck lol I love doing things when it's sunny and a nice temperature.  Awww hope the meds kick in soon! Maybe treat yourself to a delicious deserve it ;-)
1419 posts
We stayed  in bed late today, because we could. We got up and went for a walk, the sun is beautiful.  We have distance Lakeway drinks at 4.30 today, will be nice to see everyone in our little community,  even if it is at a distance. 
5112 posts
I too have been busy!! Love this sunny weather. 

Made and baked cinnamon rolls
made pasta (and soon dinner, beef strog /drool)
mowed half the lawns (mr shaz did the other half)
cleaned behind the oven, yuck
tidied my sewing/makeup desk
made 2 pairs of gruts, i just have to sew the elastic on

I even enjoyed a morning cuppa in the sun while the squidlet rattled the cage (front gate) and babbled/squealed loudly lmao

5112 posts
And it sounds like everyone is having a spectacular day!
8375 posts
Thought about it lisa! Going to do a second night of tacos tonight - crispy chicken ones this time 
8375 posts
You're the only person I know who uses the words 'gruts' and 'squidlet' shaz, and I love it 
5112 posts
Hahaha. Well. I shant be changing any time soon ;-P unless i think of something thats better than gruts and squidlet hahahaha 
8375 posts
Lol def don't change ! 
2680 posts
Sounds like everyone has had a nice day! Ugh I need to do behind the oven Shaz and I keep putting it off......tomorrow....I will think about it lmao ;-)
5112 posts
Yes think about doing it.. and don't lol or do it cos mine was sooo grody hahah. Theres a 1cm gap on either side of my oven (which i HATE) and everything in my hand seems to find this gap

i wanna block it somehow but i dunno what id put in there lol
5112 posts
Oh my LAWD theres a produc that goes there!!!! Thank you google!!! Haahahaha
8375 posts
God bless google!

my oven def needs cleaning inside but it's inbuilt so no cleaning behind. 

5112 posts
Hahaha i reckon! Have just bought a set. Im so excited lol

Also ew yeah i hate cleaning IN the oven and its even worse with small fiddly fingers "helping"
8375 posts
Look at you and your productive purchases. All I've bought in the past 24 hours is wine and hoodies. I got a Mecca refund so may end up placing a Mecca order too lol #lockdown. Might hold off until I finish my Kiehl's Sativa oil sample as based on first use I might really want it. 

I had some anxiety creep back in an hour ago. So many people are trying to find loopholes in level 3 and excuse doing whatever they want and it makes me feel less safe. 
5112 posts
I saw that on the news, they were all at the beach lax as can be! Its rude as hell and v selfish

Ooh i like your purchases better hahaha i want a bum bum cream but alas i am poor and i will probably get some at Christmas, cos lets face it, itll feel like its tomorrow when it happens haha
1280 posts
Shaz, please let me know what those oven things are that you found ... I have the same issue with a gap on either side. Anything that jumps out of the pot or frying pan, or off the serving spoon for that matter, always seems to disappear down the "rabbit hole".  
8375 posts
Bum bum! I'm so buying more when mine run out 
1280 posts
Lots of people at the beach near our house today.  None of them wearing masks and not many keeping the full 2m distance either.  Who else thought about the fact that public toilets are closed during lockdown ... Ugh! I may have to watch where I go walking after this lockdown is lifted. 
8375 posts
Silvene that angers me SO much. I'm immuno compromised and injured and anxious and I need people to be careful. 
5112 posts
Silvene,  these things. 2-6 weeks for delivery though, but shipping is free lol
2999 posts
I could do with something like that too Shaz! Let us know how they work out. 

I was up early but had a lazy day. I started Umbrella Academy. Watched a couple of episodes but not sure if I'll continue with it. 
2999 posts
I found some on eBay! 
5112 posts
Soozie i was gunna go the ebay/aliexpress route but i didnt want to risk it lmao my last ebay parcel from January still hasnt shown lmfao 
2999 posts
I've been pretty lucky with eBay. But Yeap, the waits are long. January is too long though. 
1280 posts
Thanks, Shaz.  I might try looking on AliExpress. All my parcels from there have arrived on time over the past month or so. 
5112 posts
I bought hormone powder so today i took cuttings of my daphne and hopefully it takes root :-D $30 ish a plant no thank you!
5112 posts
I also planted over 200 sweet pea plants so... thats going to be fun :-D
416 posts
You can also use honey if you don't have hormone rooting powder.

5112 posts
Ooh you can? I didnt know that! Thank you!!
5250 posts
Oh divine Shaz. I love sweet peas. I always use honey on my cuttings :)
229 posts
We planted sweet pea this weekend too - spring and summer the kids run riot with planting in our gardens - and I love sweet pea and all her happiness and fragrance. Honey is a really good cutting option - but rooting hormone for daphne gives you a better success rate as it's a hardwood, and a longer road   - it's a longer commitment to propagate  but with lots of love she will take :)
2680 posts
I'm so crappy at gardening, I envy you all! I have some giant sunglasses and some wildflowers so I am going to attemp them again this year lol.
5112 posts
Both of my new gruts have WAIST and LEG bands, and have been washed, ive done the dishes ( a feat, as its a job i absolutely hate doing ) so as a reward squidlet and i are going shopping for her birthday present tomorrow mwahahahahaha

Leg not keg! Waist not wasit! Good lord fingers

I give up hahahahaha
8375 posts
lol keg bands.  ;) 
5112 posts
Ah ffs. leg. LEG bands  hahahahah 
8375 posts
now i have a dilemma.  Do i point out your wasit bands as well? ;P 
5112 posts
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahaha lawd above. Insert forehead slapping emoji hahahahaha

Ill edit it shortly but its annoying going to the specific forum then scrolling to find the comment. We need an edit button everywhere!
8375 posts
a million percent agree!!!!!!! so frustrating 
2680 posts
Bhahahaha mine is just as bad Shaz! It says I have giant sunglasses instead of sunflowers lol :-)
5112 posts
Bahahahahaahhahaahaha omg lisa i didnt even see that!! Hahahahahaahahaha yay for club fat mashy fingers then bahahahahahaha or ... is it the phones sabotaging us? 

Yesss trudi ive been wanting it to be there for ages haha please answer our prayers modgods or br goddesses, or the tech guys, whoever!! Someone!!! Lol 
8375 posts
Editing  and  being able to properly @people so things could kinda thread: the dream.

also getting notified when someone replies to your comments on reviews/pics but that's another discussion lol
416 posts
I had a we giggle Lisa when I saw giant sunglasses but gathered what you meant. Predictive text catches me out too lol. Gardening isn't that difficult, it's quite rewarding when you see what you've planted grow. We make sauce and relish from our tomatoes and the other veggies work out cheaper than buying them. 
2680 posts
Lol yes predictive text always gets me! I grow vegetables too and find that rewarding.  I tried to grow these flowers last year and nothing came up lol. Mum has the most amazing garden but I certainly didn't get her green thumb lmao.
2680 posts
Funnily enough I saw yours Shaz and thought ohhhh she must be talking some sort of grut lingo :-)
5112 posts
Haha! I was!! Im wearing a newly made and washed pair, theyre bright pink with dinosaurs hahahaha and theyre better than the first! 



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