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How old were you when you started using eye creams?

34 posts, 31 members
27 posts
I get told all the time that Im too young to be using them! (Im turning 20 this year) but i need them to try get rid of my dark circles :(
How old were you guys when you first started using them? And what eye creams did you start with?
488 posts
I think everyone should use an eyecream. Regular moisturiser isn't suitable for use on the eyes. It's just a better of finding the right one for your skin type and age. I don't think there's much point going for a heavy anti-aging cream right off the bat though it would probably lead to those little white bump things (millia?)
1109 posts
I'm 18 and I use them! You're never too young! Seriously, keeping your undereyes hydrated is a huge deal, and it's a plus if you find a cream that helps with dark circles. My undereye concealer doesn't go on right when I stop using eye cream.
488 posts
I think everyone should use an eyecream. Regular moisturiser isn't suitable for use on the eyes. It's just a better of finding the right one for your skin type and age. I don't think there's much point going for a heavy anti-aging cream right off the bat though it would probably lead to those little white bump things (millia?)
488 posts
I think everyone should use an eyecream. Regular moisturiser isn't suitable for use on the eyes. It's just a better of finding the right one for your skin type and age. I don't think there's much point going for a heavy anti-aging cream right off the bat though it would probably lead to those little white bump things (millia?)
8375 posts
It's not an eye cream per se but I'm a million percent in love with the Body Shop elderflower eye gel.
5351 posts
I started at 18yrs old thats when my aunt gave me a whole lot of  Elizabeth Arden samples
5351 posts
I started at 18yrs old thats when my aunt gave me a whole lot of  Elizabeth Arden samples
204 posts
I started a bit late. I think I started using eye creams 2-3 years ago and it was because of a sample. Mr first proper one was Clinique and it came with the Clinique Bonus. The problem is I don't know how to tell if eye creams work on me or not. It sounds like I should see a dramatic change but I haven't yet.
570 posts
I started in my early 20's - using Clinique's All About Eyes. Lovely product, not sure why I stopped using it... Anyway, when it comes to skincare I'm a big fan of the earlier you start (within reason, my 2yo has stunning skin and doesn't need anything, hahaha) the better.
5250 posts
It's never too early to start using eye creams. I've been using them for many years and I'm not too wrinkled around my eyes for my age, nor I do have dark circles. Good luck with them :)
1139 posts
I've been using one on and off for the past year and I'm 20... I can see the importance of eye creams but when I read Sali Hughes' book she said they weren't actually essential, so I'm conflicted haha
567 posts
I started last year when I turned 30.  I noticed my eyes were looking less young and so had to do something about it.  I have been using an eye serum ever since and I have noticed a huuuge difference.  I have even been asked for ID four times in the past 4 months yay me :D  Great boost for the self esteem.
2999 posts
I've used them since my twenties and started off with the Body Shop's elderflower eye gel. Twenty something years later and I relatively line free. Whether that's because of constant eye cream use or genes, who knows. Elena, Sali Hughes has got me thinking on that one too!
324 posts
[color=#291b29]I've been using them on and off for the past 6 months and I'm 20. I want to fully commit to it but I can't find one that doesn't irritate my eyes. I put it on and in the morning my eyes are stinging everytime. I also work in a shopping centre and everytime I leave work if I've put an eye cream on recently they start to water severly and it makes me look like I'm crying! I don't know why my eyes don't agree with them but they don't.[/color]
108 posts
I have never used an eye cream to be honest, maybe I should start. My beauty therapist tutor gave me nightmares by telling me about a certain brand building up under the skin tissue that wasn't aborbed into the skin, it was a real horror story! Can't recall all the details but it was some years ago but the story kinda stuck with me so I have been a bit wary. Perhaps I'll try but definitely stay away from that brand!! :)
1072 posts
I think I was 28 when I was first introduced to my favorite eye gel... but the very first eye cream?? hmm I know I had bought a few off and on but probably only after 25? and they were hit and miss and I didn't love them.

My favorite is the Vital C hydrating eye gel
1289 posts
I use an eye cream/gel on and off so I don't get the full benefits of using it continually but I do get some. For my age, 39, I have no lines but that could be genetics. I got my first one in my twenties from Clinique.
I also cheat and use my eye cream around my lips on occasion to help prevent lines on them too.
1964 posts
I think I started using an eye cream at 20 but only on and off. Im 28 now and using one is definitely an everyday thing now and has been for the past couple of years now. 
424 posts
I've been using a couple of incredible eye creams that have taken away most of the fine lines around eyes.  100% Coffee Bean eyecream to remove the dark circles and puffiness in the morning, and Cosima Flawless at night. 
I don't think you can start too early, my beauty therapist started using eyecream when she was 17 and she looks so young!  She did tell me that you really only ever need the smallest amount though, using too much can cause the product to pool under the skin - she told me so gross stories about that lol
210 posts
I was on the slow boat with eye cream, only started using daily last year when I started to notice fine lines around my eyes, so 33/34  ~ wish I started 10+ years earlier!
506 posts
I started when I turned 30, so a couple of years ago. I do wish I had started earlier, but I didn't start really caring for my skin until I got more involved with Beauty Review. I've learned so much just from this site and the members alone. Most of my life I've moisturised but I never did more than that because I never knew any better.
3402 posts
Do you know what I don't actually remember as I have been using it since forever lol.  As I wear glasses 99% of the time (only take them off to sleep) the sunlight gets intensified around my eyes and so damage starts eary.  It was one of those things my mum told me in my teens and I recall her buying me a pot of some, what I can't recall but ever since them I have used it morning and night, different brands of course as I like to swap and change with the latest releases and always wear sunscreen!
79 posts
I'm 22, I haven't used any before but i will probably try one soon. I didnt really know much about skincare before joining BR so i'm slowly starting to look after my skin better.
1849 posts
I started last year (28) and i wish i started earlier, your not too old to add a little extra under your eyes, and its a good routine to get into :)
1243 posts
Late teens I think? Not sure which one as late teens are long gone. My current faves (that don't give me milia, my pet eyecream peeve) are Natio Ageless and Clinique repairwear laser focus.
Am I the only person about to put up their hand because they have never used an eye cream! hahah  the shame!  But no, I have never used a dedicated eye cream.  Maybe it's too late for me.  I am stringent with everything else. x
1031 posts
Whittakers, you're not alone! I have never used a dedicated eye cream either. I have moisturised religiously since the age of about 12, but never had a specific eye cream.

Paula's Choice have debunked the myth that you need a specific formula for under the eyes, so I just use my regular face cream and have also recently started applying a topical Vit C treatment under the eyes. Everyone has their own opinion on these things, and that's cool, but I totally trust the Paula's Choice research team (wow, that totally sounds like I'm brainwashed, haha).
703 posts
I started using the Clarins eye gel when I was 18 as a wrinkle prevention product. I'm hoping my skin will thank me in 20 years. There's nothing wrong with using an eye cream when you're under 25, as long as you don't use one that is too heavy as it will make the area puffy. xx
62 posts
I've always neglected eye creams, but I came across a really nice one from Kiehl's. I like the illuminating effect, which is a major motivation to use. I'm really lazy!
150 posts
I've only started regularly using eyecreams in the past year! I've always been a bit rough on my eye area (whoops), so should of been looking after them sooner. 
3392 posts
I remember eye gel/cream was on the list of products I was going to buy myself when I get my first allowance. I have been using an eye gel since I was 14. Then I think for a few years when I moved countries I got a bit slack, just because I can't remember what I used. Over the past few years I've always used Trilogy's Eye serum and it's a staple. Though when I finish my current roller, I might have to deviate from my fave and use up some of my other eye creams and serums that I got as gwp.
2056 posts
I'm 20 and just got my first eye cream in a goodie bag. It's the Plantae eye contouring cream from the Karizma Wellbeing goodie bag. That bag has serious got me excited about looking after my skin. So I am now trying this eye cream and hoping it will keep away future lines and wrinkles. Because I don't currently have any I don't know if it will do anything, but it will be interesting to see if my eyes do feel more moisturized. And that was a good point made above about mosituriser. I hadn't thought about that.
14 posts
I was about the same age! My mother gifted me one that didn't work for her, and I use it whenever I can. Dr LeWinn's firming eye cream, since I have bags big enough to take on holiday!

But more importantly, it's never too early to start looking after your skin!



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