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NBR ish - Spring health kick (September, but I started early)

53 posts, 23 members
8375 posts
Anyone keen to keep a thread running for supporting each other to have a healthy start to spring?

I've decided to go back on the eating plan I lost 30 kg on (only wanna lose ten or so this time though) and really focus on getting healthy again - water, fresh air, exercise etc.

1243 posts
Keen! I'm overseas for half of September but I want to keep active while I'm away!
8375 posts
yup I'm away for 5 days myself but when I'm there (Sydney) I walk a LOT so I think it'll balance out :)
1243 posts
I'm going to Europe and so non-conference days will be lots of walking, conference days not so much :/
8375 posts
ooh exciting though.  Mine's a conference too but I'm thinking I'll catch the train up but walk back (doesn't hurt that I know where the good shops are on that road haha)
1243 posts
Heh an excellent plan! I'll be doing lots of touristy things but I always find the best way to explore is just by wandering around
8375 posts
I agree!  getting lost somewhere is the best way to find things haha
1243 posts
1768 posts
I am in on this aswell. I dont want to lose weight, but want to tone up and get fit. My goal is to run 10 kms by the end of the year and i am quickly running out of time
1147 posts
I'll think about it lol. I've been thinking it's the time of year to get out for a walk every day with my camera. I so need motivation!
825 posts
I'm definitely keen- I have killer cankles that need some work before they are bared to the world. I've been contemplating hot yoga (since last spring come to think of it!lol) and I really want to be able to run more than 200m at a time without stopping. 
5351 posts
Yeah Im going to start too. I'll start off with walking and at home workouts. since I've put on about ten kg. I just wanna loose that so I can get back into summer wear.
178 posts
Woohoo! Lets do this, very keen. I'm over feeling not comfortable in my own skin in Summer, I want to be able to feel confident and healthier, I'm so in. My partner just said yes to me purchasing a fitbit aswell, I think that would be a great motivator! C'mon ladies we can so do this!
3402 posts
Spring clean the hone whilst spring cleaning my health, sounds good I'm already kind of doing it anyway aside for curbing my sweet tooth!
143 posts
Yes this is a great thread! I have definitely gone to the gym a lot more this year (which I'm proud of) and have toned up a bit. I definitely have a lot more to go though, and with winter, I have been slacking off a bit. My gym membership is also goingn to expire in a couple of weeks so I may look to join a new gym. Really want to feel confident this summer!Let's all support each other - we can do this ladies!!! 
423 posts
I've been spring cleaning the house what feels like non-stop since January. Although it does feel lighter, in that we're hoarding less stuff. 

I'm not too worried about health and fitness because I'm already taking care of that side nicely (ran my first 5K last week... hope to repeat it, faster, this week), but more taking care of my mental health. Right now I'm procrastinating on studying for a test with a thumping headache. So a wee bit more ME time, and keep on top of the health and fitness :)

Which reminds me, I should get around to listing my unloved fitbits and Polar HR monitors on Trademe!
5254 posts
Great idea Trudi, I'd be up for that. I still have to lose the 20kg I've needed to lose all year (sticking with that cos I'm too scared to weigh myself and find that it's more than 20kgs!)
1732 posts
Totally keen! I had a good weightloss earlier in the year and I'm pretty sure I have found all the weight again. I thought yesterday I need to get back into healthy eating... then I picked up a block of chocolate on the way home and decided to eat most of it! It just seems so easy to forget to do, I just need to make a habit out of it again.
8375 posts
nail on the head, kirsty.  I lost 30 kg - I know what I'm doing...but I'm not doing it and need to start!
1109 posts
I'm going to try to eat more healthy and drink more water for sure, as for exercise I'm not sure I know I'm gonna be super busy anyway. 
639 posts
Wow 30kg is amazing?Was it hard work? And count me in I seriously need to stop eating so much candy and cake!
2718 posts
Totally with you on this one hun.  When I was eating healthy and doing exercise I lost 18kgs and I felt amazing, since I've been studying, I put what us students call "Study weight".  Apparently its well known that we need to allow for at least 10kgs weight gain while studying because of the amount of time we sit on our butts lol.  I do alot of studying, whether I'm at tec, in the library or at home, its usually always sitting.  I need to get  back into my walking and drinking water.  
8375 posts
It wasn't too hard hon, was just about making a decision, staying consistent, and focused.  I counted calories so I didn't even have to give up wine and chocolate and things.  I lost 8 kg in the first month then chipped away at the rest - took a little less than a year.

This time round I'm hoping to have dropped around 5 by the time I start my new job and then the rest by xmas.  I'm going to gym this time though so I might end up heavier but smaller.
8375 posts
ah the study weight mumof3! it sucks.

Mine is 'too busy and stressed so basically eating whatever is closest when I realise I'm starving so my already destroyed metabolism gets confused and retains all the fat from the fat laden things I'm eating'

Luckily that should be an easy habit to break now that I'm not quite so busy
2718 posts
I don't mind so much in the winter time being heavier than normal, as I call it my "Winter Weight/Study Weight" and I do tend to eat more naughty things in the winter, but come spring summer, I start opting for the healthier options, like salads and green tea as opposed to hot chips/wedges and Mocha lol.  I can't really blame my eating on the weather but I try to use it as an excuse lol
8375 posts
i'm a salad fiend in the summer, I'll eat it twice a day, every day.   But winter.... well those pastas and risottos are so soul warming!
2718 posts
He he he we had mexican for dinner tonight, was super yummy but felt super bloated and yucky after it lol.  Should have had a small plate but instead had a big one and then a second helping dang it he he he
205 posts
im in, started kinda today anyway, I previously have lost 25kg aswel trudi but taht and more found their way back to me, I want to be fitter for summer, lets do it ladies!
2056 posts
Yes keen :)
1031 posts
Definitely keen! I was doing well before I got ill a couple of weeks ago so it's time to get back on the wagon! As long as I exercise it usually prompts me to eat better, so exercising I shall do!
8375 posts
one (work) week in, and I've done exactly zero exercise, but I've eaten amazingly well, been under calories every day (except Tuesday but I was so far under Monday and Wednesday that it balanced out) and I feel good!  I'm not using the scales to define my success, this time, so it's all NSVs (non-scale-victories)

Hoping to reintroduce exercise this weekend!
8375 posts
currently failing dismally.  I think I'm still under for weight but it's hard to tell coz this is my PM fat week haha.

I've been eating much better but not really sticking to my calorie plan, and I'm still not exercising. 

i *do* have my gym gear in the car though and have a solid plan for once I change jobs.

A little demoralising rereading this and realising I'm not doing what I'd hoped but it's a tough time for me atm and i guess being kind to myself is also important, eh?
8375 posts
okay enough stuffing around.  This time, I gotta do it.

I'm in a much better mindset having *finally* left my old job and moved on, so I'm gonna do this.  Goal to lose 10kg by xmas, and get fitter/more toned.  I want to be in a bikini on the beach again this summer :D
1732 posts
Totally agree Trudijoy! I just started recording my weight in my planner once a week on a Monday and it is a great way to keep it front of mind. I lost a kilo last week from a few small changes like more water and being a tiny bit more active. Hope to keep it up this time :)
What is your plan for your health kickstart Trudijoy?
8375 posts
calorie counting works for me hon so I'll be doing that.

Because I'm hypothyroid I don't eat back the calories I burn. Instead, I make sure I do some manner of light exercise 3x a week and eat the same calories every day, trying to make sure I get enough fibre, good fat and a range of fruits and vegies.

Little calorie saver switches like getting an iced Americano in starbucks instead of an iced latte can easily save me calorie points to use on things like wine and chocolate.

Also I want to get a decent natural tan happening so that means lots of walking outside. I do want to add in gym work this time too because I'm really worried that my spine has weakened with me not having as much muscle since I gave up netball. I'll probably start swimming once a week as well because my gym has a pool.

I lost 30 kg in 360 days and I only want to lose ten this time so I think I can do that by Xmas (or my birthday as a back up in early Feb haha)
1732 posts
I like calorie counting too Trudijoy. It has really worked for me in the past. Right now I want to see how I go without it and then start counting again if I'm not seeing much change.

I love the way you think about it with taking back some things to be able to fit in others. That is the way I do it too! What is the point of life if you don't get to have those fun things. Even in my strictest periods I would always make sure to have one cheat meal a week.
5351 posts
Oh I've been so bad. Ever since I quit smoking. I've been smoke free for one month and one week so far. I really want to get back into exercise and healthy eating.
8375 posts
yay for you though Macs quitting smoking is huge!! Congrats!

Kirsty yeah long story but telling myself certain foods are bad doesn't end well. So everything is fine in moderation, and then I have control over the calories, rather than controlling the food and ending up feeling victorious because I'd 'managed' to last an entire day without eating. Needless to say food and I had a very unhealthy relationship at one point and I didn't really want it in my body. Which, when you're hypothyroid, doesn't mean you lose weight. Blah.

Anyway, much healthier now even at 10kg 'overweight' and have beaten that demon; just want to feel a bit healthier and more confident in the tighter summer clothes :)
3402 posts
I can't manage many diets like counting calories or points but I can manage on smaller portions best.
3402 posts
Yay go Macs I've been hoping that you have been able to keep on the stop train. My hubby starts the stoptober tomorrow and is already cranking lol
456 posts
Good idea, Trudi. I've been eating a little healthier lately but I need to start exercising. I was so fir during pregnancy, but since baby girl was born I've been too busy/disorganised to exercise. Now her sleep times are more regular I need to stop procrastinating and get out there and run!
8375 posts
and don't forget that baby girl makes excellent upper body/arm weights haha. Especially when she's dancing while you're holding her, the wee cutie
1964 posts
Right, I'm starting today. I've been so bad over the last couple of months. I just want to feel a bit better this summer.  I have never been a summer person, but being a bit smaller will make the heat easier to handle!
196 posts
You go, ladies. I was given an exercycle for my last birthday and have to confess I haven't used it enough to get myself fit and toned like I would want to be. With the weather (hopefully) improving it will be easier to get out and about walking as well, I would like to lose about 5 or 6 kilos and get toned as well.
5351 posts
Thank you chick. It hasn't been easy. Thats good that your hubby is doing Stoptober. I just need convince my partner now to stop.
8375 posts
I want a crosstrainer but cant fit it in my house and my gym is only a few minutes away lol
2056 posts
Well exercise has flown out the window for me due to the wonderfully busy life I lead. But I am trying to eat a bit less of the bad food. Because something is better than nothing right?
5112 posts
I have kinda started? I've been having smoothies for breakfast for like 3 weeks now (except today when it was a hot cup of tea instead, damn this weather!) and I know I've stopped eating the whole block of chocolate. I actually have two half blocks in my cupboard from like two weeks ago! But otherwise I'm not doing anything extreme. I am just happy in my skin at the moment!
1964 posts
Shaza, sounds like you are doing well. I do believe small changes are much better for long term success.  It's been too cold in the mornings for me to feel like smoothies but I am looking forward to having them on warmer days.
567 posts
I am on this band wagon too if we are keen!  I do smoothies for brekkie too and coming from four toast this is huuuge progress!  I gym it at least once a week but because I'm so rural it's hard to get there so I walk 2-5km three times a week.  The problem is the weight ain't budging although I do feel a lot better and sugar isn't my friend anymore because my body feels bloated if I have it.  I am keen to kick my butt in to gear and get out there this summer.



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