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The New Beauty Trend That's Got Us All Sweaty!

12 July, 2017 - 10:06am by - Head Pixie | 19 Comments

By BR Tabatha

Recently I saw an article talking about a new trend – athleisure beauty, and boy did I roll my eyes. Before I even bothered to read the article I imagined it was all about how to get that glowy just-did-a-workout-and-don’t-I-look-great look without putting in the hard yards. And that it would be the makeup equivalent of wearing athleisure-wear even if you’re not working out (Pet peeve alert! Yeah, I get that it’s comfortable but seriously? If you’re going to the supermarket and then doing a spot of shopping do you really need to be wearing gym gear?). Well colour me red-faced when I actually read the article and discovered I should’ve held my judgement... well, mostly.

So what is athleisure beauty? Quite simply it’s makeup you can wear while working out that won’t slip off your face leaving you looking like a bedraggled horror movie extra who’s just run through a forest teeming with rain while being chased by a bunch of hyped-up-on-‘roids zombies. 

Much like athleisure-wear, athleisure beauty is becoming big business, with cosmetic companies like Tarte creating lines especially aimed at those who want to keep their makeup on whilst working out.


Now here’s where I weigh in on this and get a little judgy – because what good is Tabby if she’s not being opinionated? I get that we want to look nice at all times. I rarely leave the house without at least some makeup on. Or a full face. More than likely a full face. But we all know that wearing makeup while working out is one easy way to clog your pores, which can result in breakouts – and to quote the First Lady – ‘ain’t nobody got time for that’.

My rule of thumb is that if I’m working out the makeup comes off first, and then post-workout I go about a simplified skincare regime of cleanse, tone, moisturise, and then reapply makeup. Sure, it’s going to be a bit of a time-suck, but frankly I’d rather go au naturel while working out than suffer a red and raging breakout if I don’t.

Of course, if you like the idea of wearing makeup while working out, you do you. Heck you may even be one of those lucky folk who can do anything to their skin and get away with it – if that’s the case check out this article Kellie put together on water-resistant makeup, which is kind of like Athleisure makeup but without the fancy advertising spin.

One tip? If you insist on wearing makeup to pilates or to a bootcamp or while out on your morning jog and you want to get in on this athleisure beauty trend (which while a thing overseas I couldn't find any companies doing it here in NZ) look for products that are oil-free or mineral based, as they’ll help your skin breathe that little bit more, resulting in less clogging. Or skip the full face and keep things simple with a dash of waterproof mascara and a little lip gloss. 

So do tell, are you hot for the athleisure beauty trend? What are your tips, tricks and fav products to use? Or is it all a bit beyond you and you're happy to go bare faced while working out? Chat away!


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4th August, 2017

Really, wearing full makeup at the gym? It leaves me wondering what the point of the workout is. I can understand a tinted moisturiser/ touch of concealer to make you feel a bit more confident if your skin's not behaving , and maybe some lip protection, but please give us a break with the full on.

25th July, 2017

Have not tried tarte cosmetics i should exercise more... But i don't

23rd July, 2017

I go to the gym straight from work, and the gym is right across the driveway from home. So my make up is still on and I am lucky enough not to look like a horror story when I have finished.

22nd July, 2017

I remember having to go to course with make up on then to the gym before work. I was to lazy to take it off between course and the gym so I would just remove it in the shower at the gym then reapply at the gym before heading to work.

21st July, 2017

I don't exercise too much and sweat as well so my makeup stays up quite well. Although dusring summer I feel the need to use the spray to set my makeup

20th July, 2017

I only do yin yoga at the gym so I rarely break out in swear. If I've already got makeup on I leave it on otherwise I go barefaced. I certainly wouldn't put makeup on to exercise. If I was going to break out in a sweat I would remove my makeup first.

13th July, 2017

Seriously !!! I expect to get red, sweaty and feel really ugly after a good workout but a nice shower and then I am ready to face the world with moisturiser a bit of make up.

13th July, 2017

I personally don't like wearing makeup when i work out or play sport as I like my pores to be able to breath fully. However this does sound really good though!

12th July, 2017

I like to be make-up free when I exercise. Sweating and mascara is not a good combination!

12th July, 2017

Nope - I'm an au naturel exercise girl! Hate the feel of makeup on my face when I sweat

12th July, 2017

When I was young and wouldn't leave the house without makeup, then those were the days I'd wear makeup for sports or a bike ride in the park. This is when this makeup would've been handy. But seeing as I'm comfortable to leave the house bare faced I wouldn't wear makeup for working out unless it was more like an active activity like a scenic hike and with a bestie that likes to snap a ton of pics of us both.

12th July, 2017

I'm happy to go bare faced - I'm not about to "waste" good products while I'm struggling to row another 500m or lift an extra 5kg.

12th July, 2017

I don't work out, but I guess i'ts nice to know your makeup wouldn't slide off your face in the height of summer, work out or no work out sliding makeup is not a good look

12th July, 2017

I prefer not to wear any makeup while I'm exercising I get too paranoid about getting breakouts and bad skin if I'm working out with makeup on

12th July, 2017

I never wear make up when I run in the mornings. I literally look like I've whipped on my compression clothes and ran out the door lol.

13th July, 2017

That makes sense to me too.

13th July, 2017

Totally agree