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The Concealer Setting Trick That Blew Our Minds!

4 July, 2018 - 08:23pm by - Head Pixie | 21 Comments

By BR Kellie

I love the movie Zoolander. I can watch it again, and again, and again. It's up there with The Devil Wears Prada, The Sound of Music, and Star Wars in my watchability list.

One of my favourite parts is when Derek and Hansel are looking for the plans that will save the world from Mugatu's evilness, and they're told by Matilda to look in the computer.

"In the computer? It's so simple."

Post realisation, Derek and Hansel then start attacking the computer with whatever's on hand in order to get into it, all the while making monkey/ape sounds.

Fun times. Hilarious.

BUT... that line with all its 'how did I miss this, it's so obvious' awe sticks with me. It's the tone I use in my head when I discover something that really is so obvious I feel like an idiot for not figuring it out myself.

And it was that kind of voice that ran through my head when I came across this under eye concealer setting trick.

You see I have a rather dry under eye area. It is also prone to shadows due to the shape of my eye area. It's also very textured  - I'd go so far as to say that sometimes when I look at my under eyes I wonder if I'm part-lizard. Now, the problem with having a dry and textured under eye area is that I've never had success with setting concealer. Generally the process goes: 

Apply concealer.

Blend. Blend. Blend.


Five seconds later... *expletive, ugh* ...because the powder has served to emphasise the texture and fine lines. This is before it even begins to crease.

So I got to thinking... there must be a way I can use concealer under my eye area. There must be another way to set it. Surely in all these years of makeup application someone would have figured out a way to give us dry-skinned, textured girls a chance of at least faking that bright eyed, bushy tailed look.

So I hit YouTube because, along with Google and Reddit, it contains the answers to all of life's most pressing questions. (Joking. Mostly. Sort of.)

Who should come up top of the list? Only my fave, Wayne Goss. What should he pop up with? Ways to set your eyes without powder. God, I love that man. So much. To the ends of the galaxy and back. Bless his cotton socks. So with bated breath I watched his tutorial, and you guessed it... I had my Zoolander moment.

(If you can't see the video, click here!)

'In the computer. It's so simple.'

Except in Kellie makeup-land it went along the lines of... 'Use a setting spray. It's so simple.'

So what's a person who's not a powder fan to do if they want to set their under eye concealer? 

First, apply your concealer. Then, take a sponge, spritz it with setting spray, wait for the spray to absorb, then dab the sponge under your eye.

It's that simple. And it makes so much sense. 

So, I picked a day when I didn't have to be anywhere in a hurry. I applied my face. Popped on my Maybelline Fit Me concealer, blended it out. Then taking my sponge I spritzed it with Skindanavia Setting Spray, and patted it on top. Then I waited a bit to see what would happen. Would it emphasise the crepe-y texture of my under-eye like powder did? Would I witness another uber lizard-skin moment? 

Short answer?

No. No, I did not. 

Instead I looked like me, but a brighter, more awake, less bruised under-eye version. AND... the concealer didn't crease during the day.

Stop it. Get out. Shut the front door. It's in the computer. It's so simple.

Wayne also offered other non-powder options, such as don't set at all but be prepared to re-pat and blend your concealer throughout the day when it creases, or you can buy a crease-proof concealer, or you can use eye primer under your eyes before applying concealer. All good ideas, but the setting spray rocks my party.

So there you have it. Wayne Goss' no-powder tip to set your under-eye concealer when powder is hashing up your look. Now tell me lovelies, are you party of my lizard-eye family? Will you be trying this technique out? Or are you one of the lucky ones that can bake and fluff powder anywhere and everywhere without being insta-aged? Chat away!



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19th July, 2018

Going to try this tomorrow for sure

12th July, 2018

Wow Great tip .

8th July, 2018

Going to have to give this a go

8th July, 2018

Awesome! will definitely be trying this out..thanks for sharing :)

7th July, 2018

I'm trying this trick for sure!

7th July, 2018

Wow - this sounds amazing! Powder always creases, think I’ll need to give this a go!

6th July, 2018

I need to get a setting spray and try that out.

6th July, 2018

I wish i could, but i am so oily! Will save this tip for the normal skinned gals x

6th July, 2018

Thank you I will need to try this what fab tips!

5th July, 2018

I actually don't usually conceal under my eyes, but I always finds it creases if I do.

5th July, 2018

Hallelujah!! LOL I found my miracle . Off to try it .

5th July, 2018

This is a neat trick! Will definitely try.

5th July, 2018

I can't wear powder under my eye - otherwise the cracks would rival some of the driest deserts on the planet! I have found Elf eye primer is excellent for me, with concealer over - seems to do the trick! Might try the setting spray trick too though! I also need to find a new concealer - dark circles to keep at bay - I have some research via reviews to do!!

5th July, 2018

My world has been shook! So simply! I have oily skin, however, when I set my under eyes with powder, it turns into a crepey mess and I wonder where the hell these extra wrinkles come from....I am so going to try this next time! Got to love Wayne Goss. He's one of my favs too and I also go to him when I want to learn a new technique.

5th July, 2018

I'm definitely going to try this one! I better go shopping lol.

5th July, 2018

Any chance that you can add the link please Kellie? I can't seem to find this tutorial.

First Lady
5th July, 2018

Here you go: It's embedded in the article but the office is divided on who can see it! The Beauty Boffins are on the case!

5th July, 2018

Thank you :-)

5th July, 2018

Same here! That’s why I don’t bake my under eyes . It’s always a wrinkly mess!