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Proof! Why You Should Never Ignore Expiration Dates!

4 July, 2017 - 10:59pm by - Head Pixie | 17 Comments

By BR Tabatha

How often have we gone on about throwing makeup in the rubbish once it goes past a certain amount of time? So often you're probably sick of hearing about it. But we're about to bang on about it again because we've just found visual proof of the greebies that hang out in your makeup once it gets old. (Side note -  here's one of our articles on expiration dates in case you're not up to date with this most important beauty information.)

Redditor, Semicolon_Expected, decided to swipe an old mascara and an old lipgloss on separate agar plates, then let them do their thing over the course of three days. The results are... expected... but still shudder-worthy.

While this is icky enough as it is, what grosses us out more was when a fellow Redditor commented saying they'd done a similar test using testers from beauty stores, which people then went on to comment about how many people they see applying lipstick testers to their lips. Noooooooo! Don't! Swatch your hand, not your kissables, people!

Microbiologists reading the five-year-old mascara thread said the growths were actually looking pretty good - although one did say it looked like a staph colony they were growing. I've seen a skin staph infection. I'm not sure what's so good about that... 

Fellow Redditors are now calling for Semicolon_Expected to test other beauty products, like makeup sponges, and after seeing the mould spores in BR Kellie's old Beauty Blender, we're hoping she follows through! 

The thing is, common sense does have to prevail, because although these images make us squeamish it doesn't mean there's anything deadly in those petrie dishes - and she didn't have the equipment required to confirm what the bacteria was, so there's no point scare-mongering. That being said, it's still bacteria. And it's still from an old cosmetic. So unless you're planning on having some sciency fun with them we deeply recommend, no, we implore you, to chuck the old stuff out.

So after seeing the germs that grow in old beauty products will you be doing a mass throw out? Or will you continue to throw caution to the wind? Also... are you tempted to conduct experiments like this on all your cosmetics? We know we are!



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14th July, 2017

It's hard to use common sense when it comes to throwing after make up. Especially if it is expensive and has hardly been used. I don't like to use mascara that is too old as its so easy to get eye infections. I wish more companies made travel size makeup.

11th July, 2017

Gross! That's a big off putting! I guess I should start to buy things as I need them not collect them

7th July, 2017

well I think some eye shadow pallets could be expired of mine...

6th July, 2017

Erm..ick...ignorance is bliss... I might throw a few things out all the same..

6th July, 2017

Oh goodness I will be going with the nude look....they all need chucking.......

6th July, 2017

while its not the grossest thing ive seen today (hairy grown man bum crack, gotta love the supermarket) it's still pretty gross :/

6th July, 2017

Yuck! I had a feeling the lip gloss would be worse!

6th July, 2017

Urgh. That has opened my eyes a bit. I think it's time to go through my hoard, especially my mascaras and throw, throw, throw.

5th July, 2017

Oh, how gross! I feel much better now as I have had a huge cull and now everything is current, and will be from now on!

5th July, 2017

To be fair, I know a bit about science etc, and there's actually bacteria everywhere. It's on our skin and inside us. Staph can cause infections, but it's also what's called a colonising bacteria so it can actually just co-exist with us. Therefore, even if you've only used makeup once, there's gonna be bacteria on it already. I guess it's more important to just sanitise it every so often and to try not have so many open at once. Though it's always easy to advise, but not follow it and I am guilty of both :(

5th July, 2017

Ewwwwww I have been trying to change mascaras every 3 months :)

5th July, 2017

Gross. I am pretty good at throwing things away now. Mascara being my main one. I only have 1 open.

5th July, 2017

It depends I have chucked some lip makeup that was eight years old even though it was in okay condition. Powder products I keep for forever and foundations and base products get the boot when they make me breakout. The only item I chuck fairly regularly is mascara.

5th July, 2017

I have been simplifying my products and not purchasing until I have used existing so hopefully this will eliminate this risk .After reading this I am going to make sure I replace applicators and sponges more often though . Good to revisit and reassess though.

5th July, 2017

I'd like to see a test like this done with new products next to one that has been used/expired. Bacteria is everywhere so it would be nice to see whether there really is a difference between something just opened and something that has been used.