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How to Hide Your True Age - Starting With Your Hands!

4 September, 2015 - 09:29pm by - First Lady | 17 Comments

By BR Amelia

There gets to a point in every woman’s life where it becomes harder and harder to hide your true age. Yes, you can still soften fine lines with serums and moisturisers. Yes you can use flattering makeup. Yes, you can go down the surgical path to lift and tighten. But all it takes is for one person to look down at your hands and the game is up, especially if you haven’t taken care of them over the years.

Brown liver spots, ropey looking veins and thin papery lined skin are our hand’s dead giveaways that we’re not as youthful as our face might suggest. So how can we look after our hands in order to keep people guessing as we get older? Perhaps even more importantly, is there anything we can do to turn back the clock?

Sunblock. We can’t bang on enough about how good sunblock is for your skin. Every morning, rain or shine, do your face (do your body!) and make sure you swipe a decent amount over your hands too. A daily dose of sunblock will help keep the liver spots and the wrinkles at bay.

Moisturise. Keep a thick and nourishing moisturiser in every single handbag, in your car’s glovebox, on your bedside table, on your bathroom’s sink, beside your kitchen sink. Then make sure you use it, especially after doing the dishes or washing your hands.  Speaking of doing the dishes, always wear gloves. Always. No exceptions. 
Another option is to give your hands the spa-treatment.

DIY it at home by grabbing good old Vaseline, smothering your hands in it then popping cotton gloves or socks over your hands before you catch some zzzz’s at night. If you really want to treat yourself, and your pincers, book in a Paraffin Wax treatment at a salon for a hydrating treat.

If your hands are already home to brown spots you can try lightening them by rubbing in lemon juice, aloe vera or even olive oil. Leave it on the spots for half and hour before washing it off. If the natural method doesn’t work you can head to the salon for a spot of IPL (intense pulsed light), which is said to break down the brown spot’s pigmentation.

As for those veiny veins? Alas, the collagen in our hands is quick to break down, which is why those bumps and lumps are quick to show up. If you’re game there are options involving fillers being injected into your skin. If that’s not your cup of tea, you can make like Madge and wear MJ style gloves for the rest of your life. Although while that look can be rocked on the red carpet, on stage and during winter, I’m not so sure how it’ll go down at the local grocery store …

The other option of course is to not let it bother you and to just get on with life enjoying the body you’re in. 
So, do tell… are you good at looking after your hands? Do they bely your real age or has a lack of care over time led to your hands showing how many rings you’ve got on your trunk? And, does anyone have any other tips on how to keep the sunspots and wrinkles at bay?


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7th September, 2015

I think prevention is better cure. If you can just have an spf hand cream handy. I have an spf handcream handy by the washing machine and I apply it before I go to hang the washing. I try to always have gloves on if I am washing the dishes or if I'm going to be spending awhile outside. It's cold at the moment so that is easy. I am bit slack with reapplying handcream if I'm going to be at home though.

7th September, 2015

Very guilty here. My hands look in their 50's whilst my face may not. I have always hated my hands , I have transparant skin and my hands just looks so old! I kid you not. Wrinkly , veiny,freckly. I have hated them since I was 10 , even used to get comments on them , how boney and old looking they are.

7th September, 2015

Yes, hands and neck are the most neglected areas in my book. I wish I could afford collagen injections on my hands, I am a blue vein person with very thin skin on the tops of my hands.

6th September, 2015

I was thinking about this the other day how I need to moisturise my hands more often because otherwise they'll age quicker.

6th September, 2015

I try and use handcream regulary but I don't do anything else. I know I really should use sunscreen on them in the summer months but I tend to forget and then with washing etc I would forget to reapply anyway.

5th September, 2015

I think that most of us realize too late how important taking care of our hands is. I was looking at my hands they other day thinking about how they have aged lately. On the plus though, I found that placing a hand cream in my car is the best way for me to moisturise them, the red lights turn into a time to slap some cream on my hands.

5th September, 2015

I have been very quilty of not looking after my hands but this year I have been much more vigilant about moisturizer and may hands look a lot better for it .It shows it is never too late to start and I will start putting sunsreen on too in future.

5th September, 2015

My poor mitts get thrashed every winter by the cold and have a tendency to crack which is quite painful and annoying. So I do try to look after them. I' m not as vigilant as I should be with the handcream so I try to get ones that only need re application every other time that you wash your hands. I usually have at least four scattered throughout my day. I tey to wear gloves when appropriate but I try not to think too much about it. We are all getting older and it sure beats the alternative.

5th September, 2015

Totally had my hands burnt a few times oldly enough they were brunt here in Auckland and not in my hometown of Hawkes Bay bc it's so hot there.... Anyway my hands definitely give away my true age they have age spots which is how I see if a product works by trying an antiaging product on my hands I like too use my Olay cleansing brush on my hands with my exfoliant and it does help them alot I still haven't got a good hand cream that does provide intense hydration, I do like the Dr Lewwins brand however very exspensive & I'm also guilt of not applying enough or if any sunscreen to my overworked hands.

5th September, 2015

I definitely like to look after my hands. I always put the excess sunscreen from my face over my hands. But at the same time... It is just a part of getting older and I'm not afraid of that.

5th September, 2015

I'm definitely self-conscious about my aged hands, they've got sun spots/redness/veins etc. Plus sausage fingers. I'm always so envious of people with beautiful skin on their hands, with long delicate looking fingers.

I started putting SPF on them daily a few months ago but that isn't helping with the damage that has already been done. Last week I started using AHA and retinol products on them every night (products I'd initially purchased for my face but my face didn't like them) and I'm seeing results already! I took some before photos, so hopefully in about a month there should be a visible difference. I'm excited to see!

4th September, 2015

I'm really bad at caring for my hands! I have a million handcreams but am yet to find one that sinks in quickly enough for me to get back to what I am doing at the time, so find I don't use them often enough. I do have cotton gloves and will occasionally do the treatment with those on, but its so easy to just say- 'oh I'll do that tomorrow', and never get around to it. I am trying to do a big use up of all my opened products at the moment so using more handcream could be a good goal for both my massive stash and my skin!

4th September, 2015

I try to keep my hands and nails well moisturised.

4th September, 2015

I neglect my hands so much. Every bucket sale I have been too I keep meaning to get that Hemp hand cream from the Body Shop. I really do need to start paying some attention to them. I can see the colour of my veins. I never used to be able too. I probably wouldn't get work done on them but I will start to care for them more.

4th September, 2015

I did read something a few years ago to not neglect hands and neck. I use all my old, unliked face creams on my hands at night and the ones containing SPF in the morning - and i have hand creams placed around the house. I seem to have an endless supply of hand creams! My hands still look veiny though.

6th September, 2015

I just use the crappy ones- the ones that made me break out etc.

5th September, 2015

The hemp hand cream is great, Macs, one of my favourites (I seem to have a vast collection lol)

5th September, 2015

What hand creams can you recommend soozie? I've only heard about the hemp hand cream through raving reviews and it being mentioned on the forum

6th September, 2015

I totally relate to this and I also need to start weaqring gloves for the yukky jobs which I never do

5th September, 2015

That is a cool idea using your skincare products on your hands! I can't wait to see before and afters. I reckon on your face you don't notice a difference but on your hands might be easier.

5th September, 2015

Yeah I suppose you look at your face so much more than your hands (well, us makeup folk do anyway), so it can be hard to see any changes. My fingers are crossed!

7th September, 2015

That's a cool idea I'd love to see the results.

5th September, 2015

Totally agree!

16th September, 2015

Oh good idea, with the Olay cleansing brush. Must give that a go! :)

16th September, 2015

Try it out AmandaJane it does wonders ;)