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Back Away From The Brushes!

7 August, 2017 - 08:36pm by - Head Pixie | 29 Comments

By BR Tabatha

It's easy to get too excited by makeup. To go overboard. To indulge over and over until you have a moment, like BR Kellie did recently, where you realise there's a whole lot sitting on your vanity that you don't use. 

My 'woah' moment came when I spent a good few minutes sorting through by makeup brush collection to find the same Anastasia Bevery Hills double ended eyeshadow brush that I use every single day. Despite having a handful of eyeshadow brushes that could do the very same job. So it got me thinking... do I really need four different highlighting brushes? Five different powder brushes? About a million eyeshadow brushes. What do we makeup-lovers or just makeup-once-in-a-whilers actually need in order to do our face?

I compiled a wee list - and then I hit up YOUR reviews to find out which on my list were the must-haves.

A good foundation brush. Now some people prefer the paddle style of brush, others a good stippler. But do you really need both? Actually, perhaps. (I know, I'm doing SUCH a great job of whittling down the collection right now...) I find different foundations need different methods of application. What won't work with a paddle will work with a flat top, what won't work with a flat top will work with a dampened beauty sponge. So here's three styles of brush that get the seal of approval from Beauty Review members (and in the first case, me).

The Original Beauty Blender (with a rating of 4.7/5) is my ride or die. I love it. I've tried others and enjoyed them, but none so much as this. Not only does it do a beautiful job of blending out foundation but it can be used for concealer too (meaning no concealer brush!) as well as liquid or cream highlights and bronzers.

The xoBeauty Flat Top Synthetic Face Brush (with a rating of 4.8/5) will stipple and buff its way to foundation perfection.

And the Bobbi Brown Foundation Brush's (with a rating of 4.7/5) paddle apparently will paint your skin to its most beautiful version of itself. 

A good powder brush is a must and with a rating of 4.7/5 and 40 reviews you'd have to check out the budget-friendly e.l.f Complexion Brush. Not only does it work for setting powders, but it can be used for blush and bronzer. Now, at this point we could say 'that's it, we're done, let's move onto highlight, then eyes'... but I'm a bit finnicky about my powder brushes. I like one for setting, one for blush, one for bronzer. So... come on down...

... The Real Techniques Your Finish/Perfected Blush Brush! Rated a stunning 4.8/5 this brush makes blush a breeze! The shape just allows the product to be applied and blended out with no hassle whatsoever. And those bristles - super soft. Swoon. Yes, I have this one in my collection and it's the only one I reach for - rendering the rest useless to me.

As for the bronzer brush... I love a good Kabuki... and e.l.f's Kabuki with its 4.8/5 rating makes for a budget-friendly option.

And if you're not fussy about using one brush per powder product you can use a kabuki for the lot.

Are you all about the glow? Then a highlighting brush is a must for your stash.

Zoeva's Luxe Highlight brush reviews at 4.2/5 and is beloved for its softness, precision and for it's lack of shedding!

Right, so that's your face sorted. How about those peepers? Well Carousel Cosmetics have got you sorted with this two-pack of brushes.

The Perfect Eyes Brush Duo rates an excellent 4.5/5 and provides a shaper brush and a blending brush, so you can pack the colour on and then blend it out. Beautiful!

So there you have it - eight brushes and one sponge you need in your kit if you're extra pedantic like me, or five brushes if you're not. 

So do tell... what are your must-have makeup brushes? Is there anything not there that you feel is an absolute must? Is there anything I've added you think could be done away with? And how many brushes are in your stash? Do you have it under control? Or do you need to move some along? Get chatting!


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20th August, 2017

Must have brushes is a big list and I cannot live without foundation brush, contour brush, blush brush, highlighter brush and eye shadow brush. I love the double ended brush. All are a definite must for me and keep thinking if something new can be more easy where I don't have to stock so many brushes and there is a simple answer to all necessity but can't find..

15th August, 2017

I've tried a beauty blender once, although I bought 3 different types. I liked the look and ease of using it but it seems to much to maintain (eg washing after every use). I have one set of brushes but still only use...3.

15th August, 2017

Always looking for decent brushes so I think its one of those never ending quests for the perfect set

12th August, 2017

I love collecting brushes especially having a second set of brushes come in handy when it's time to clean them.

11th August, 2017

I have on RT brush and it's my fave. I have just under 50 brushes in my personal collection and I must admit I only have 1 face set the rest are eye brushes. I'm always on the hunt for better ones.

10th August, 2017

The only makeup brush I own is a blusher brush, honestly! I must try the Original Beauty Blender though have heard some good stuff about it.

9th August, 2017

Makeup brushes are definitely my downfall... but I have 3 'sets', my makeup counter set, my gum makeup bag set and my freelance MUA set, so I can always find an excuse to buy more! X

9th August, 2017

I have lost a few of my brushes I need more but I hate ones that are made harming animals.

9th August, 2017

I always think more is less lol and feel like I never have enough. Even though they don't fit neatly in their designated holders (ex candle votives) :p I love the beauty blender pro as this doesn't seem to absorb loads of product and still can give me a medium coverage. Also the blush brush from Real techniques is a winner it effortlessly applies product leaving a nice flush and you have to be very heavy handed to ever get clown face. I'm always searching for the perfect blending brush even though I have a few, I'm yet to get my hg. My hg for bronzing and I use it as a contour brush is the powder brush from It Cosmetics. Their brusshe's are good quality dense yet soft and this brush in particular gives me a flawless finish. I just love it and use it everyday. I also like the dense foundation brush it's recommended use for their cc cream but it does fine on any liquid foundation.

9th August, 2017

I have a range of foundation brushes - all dependent on which foundation I'm currently using, and one (or two) for face masks. I like to have two similar brushes, which I alternate to give the foundation brush good drying time after cleaning. as for all my other brushes - probably too many, but really, they are 'backups' I need them all!

8th August, 2017

I have the opposite problem - not enough brushes! Only have 2 eyeshadow brushes. Need to build up a better collection

8th August, 2017

I use the same five brushes each day: powder, blush and three eyeshadow brushes. Two of the eyeshadow brushes are Mac ones that I've used nearly every day for about 12 years. The rest are Real Techniques. I wear BB cream and find it quicker and easier to just use my fingers rather than a brush or blender (not a fan of those at all). I also love the spoolie on the Billion Dollar brow pencil so I've saved that to use with my current eye pencil.

8th August, 2017

Oh brushes. That was my collecting obsession earlier this year or was it around the end of last year, till my drawer got full. So what's my justification for hoarding? Well every full face of makeup requires a good handful of brushes and like I assume most people I don't wash those brushes right away so I need to have back ups for when the brushes are dirty or drying. Foundation brushes, lipstick brushes (yes I have them, but in a rush to get out the door the immaculately precisely painted on lipstick idea gets tossed in favor of the convenience of applying it straight from the bullet), concealor brushes and anything that applies a liquid product is single use per wash. Let's not forget that I don't just wear one eyeshadow I blend 3,4,6 shades so that takes few brushes. Then there's powder, blush, bronzer and highlighter plus a spoolie and if I used brow powder there's that angled brush. So by the time I'm done doing my face I have used a good handful which go in a cup to be hopefully washed within the next few days and then tomorrow another handful is used. For convenience I like having quite a few options to use and spares. Plus brushes don't expire so I don't feel the need to use them up. Don't know how many brushes I have but the stash is quite healthy.

8th August, 2017

Must have foundation, blush, contour, eyeshadow, brow and powder brushes. I've gone off the beauty blender.

8th August, 2017

So after buying a couple of sets of brushes and winning a cool sheisado set from BR, I have approximately 1 brush left...thanks to Miss 19!

9th August, 2017

Lucky daughter. I wish my mum was into make up lol

9th August, 2017

Lol Macs ...Ive lost pretty much all of it...shes a blondie and I'm, of course brunette but she is a hautitu and takes 80% of my stuff! Ratbag! I was 16 years a beauty therapist prior to becoming a social worker so shes always snaffled my stuff lol

9th August, 2017

What's your favourite brand? I've got some Morphe brushes and although they are nice (Zoeva are much nicer but also more expensive) and thinking about Real Techniques or maybe I should look at Sigma again ...

9th August, 2017

I haven't tried Morphe brushes yet. Sigma I only have a few and I'm waiting to get one of those brush holders for them and a better brush cleansing pad since they are so dense. Real Techniques is one brand that I recommend mostly because they are

9th August, 2017

value for money. They do have some more premium lines like the Bold Metals and Powder Bleu collection which I haven't tried yet. I wouldn't get every brush in the premium collections as they are pricey but there are a few that I would like to get.