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Changes to how status's work

170 posts, 40 members
First Lady
957 posts
Mystery shops are just being confirmed, so we'll announce those tomorrow.

We'll announce our next bunch of Heroes and trio of Supers on.....Weds

It's exciting!

221 posts
Very excited to see who get the beauty assessment. 
And also about status.
First Lady
957 posts
New superheroes are locked in.

And guess what?

One is a super-super.  Yes we have our first 'second time being a Superhero' Superhero.

Just something to mull on before Wednesday ;)
1547 posts
ooh exciting, I'm definitely going to keep my eyes peeled on Wednesday. I wonder who the super super is, I have a couple of guesses in mind.
5112 posts
1964 posts
Oh thats very exciting!  I have been wondering if a previous super would ever get to be a super again. I have a person in my head that I think it could be, cant wait to see if I'm right!
1732 posts
Awesome! I have a few guesses in mind!
8375 posts
Oh wow that's an honour. Wonder who it is? I have a couple of suspicions
3402 posts
Wow status change already. I've had my fingers crossed for a certain someone to get super this time. And a super super how exciting. Time to access my memory of all those who have been before.
77 posts
Looking forward to seeing how this all works.
Is there a list of who has been a super in the past?
How do you become a hero/super hero?
5254 posts
Wahoo - I'm excited for status changes, but I'm going to miss mine!
8375 posts
silvene scroll down on this page
1547 posts
hi Stunning, have a look at that link trudi posted, it explains statuses near the bottom. Heroes and super heroes are hand picked every quarter and they're the sites top contributors. Super heroes are a sub category of hero and there is only three, so they're the top of the top contributors of the site!
1155 posts
Exciting a Super Super!!! Can't wait to see who that is :)
8375 posts
Not sure why I addressed that to Silvene sorry! x
1547 posts
ah that's makes sense Trudi, I thought you were maybe referring to one of Silvene's previous comments asking about status changes.
8375 posts
Nah hon just still not thinking clearly xx messy week
5351 posts
Wow, exciting times ahead of us. I've enjoyed the current heroes. Loved reading their reviews and articles. Im a huge fan of the three of them. I have three ladies in my mind that I'm hoping for. Almost half a year geez how time flies so fast.
1425 posts
A super super, how super! Cant wait till Wednesday 
2056 posts
Golly a super super. I too had been wondering if there was a limit on how many times someone could be a superhero since I hadn't seen anyone be one twice. Will keep my eyes peeled on Wednesday.
5112 posts
Is it Wednesday yet!? lol
5254 posts
You'll never sleep tonight Shaz :)
5112 posts
Hahahah Maree I'll just play Tetris for an hour or so until I feel sleepy haha ;-)
3402 posts
Yay it's Wednesday tomorrow so excited for all the changes. Doesn't seem real how fast it's going!
8375 posts
It'll be interesting to see what happens. I'm prepared if I lose hero with how busy I've been and have my eye on several who deserve hero/super. The super-super has me confused... There are a few it could be maybe
5254 posts
Errrrrrrm, I don't know what Tetris is.... I'm watching Face Off, it's really cool :)
1155 posts
I can't wait to see and hear about the changes. There are so many ladies worthy of these badges :) Enjoy the game Shaz, Tetris is very addictive lol. Maree, what is face off?
5112 posts
What! Maree how can you not know what tetris is!!! Tetris was my childhood lol (hopefully the pic doesn't mess up the forum D: )
1425 posts
Wow Shaz, you are so clever putting a picture here. I always someone younger to do the techy stuff for me, you youngins are very smart. And yup, cant wait till tomorrow. I have an idea as to who I think the super, super will be and if she is picked, it is a well deserved badge. Till tomorrow. ... 
611 posts
1 more sleep.... Can it not just be Wednesday today? 

Shaz I used to love Tetris when I was younger I've just downloaded it to my phone
1280 posts
Lol, I was just talking about Tetris and how addictive it was, the other day!

@Amyxxoo, Face Off is a prosthetic / special effects make-up competition that airs on Four at  7.30pm on a Tuesday (you might be able to catch it on Four+1). 
5112 posts
Hahaha aw Kim it's pretty easy if you know how! I was talking to my lawyer today and she was having a laugh cos she couldn't work the USB sticks on her computer, but then when it came to working out how to print something she schooled me! I had to laugh. I think everyone has their skills :-) 
214 posts
I dont know everyone who has been a Super before but I have one lady in mind who it might be too! Ive never paid much attention to badges before now so I think its about time I did - roll on tomorrow. 
Good luck to everyone xx
5112 posts
Ooh Bex and Silvene, you should try Quadris - it's like tetris but not! It's annoyingly addictive lol. And Face Off is AWESOME!!!
1155 posts
Thanks Silvene, souns like something I'd watch, can't believe I've never heard of it before. Have just recorded it on Plus4 as I do not have power over the remote at the moment haha
5254 posts
Hmmn..I've never seen it before Shaz, it looks like the computer version of Rubiks cube???

Face Off is amazing Amy, and tonight's one about creepy dolls was Faaaaabulouuuuuusssss!
5112 posts
WHAT! Oh Maree you are missing out!! Here's an online version - I already played for like 10 minutes and it's still addictive hahaha
5254 posts
Shaz I'm killing myself laughing. I haven't a clue what to do but I got 138 points before it finished! hahahahahahahaha
5254 posts
Then 183 then 684 heeeeeeyyyyy I can't stop....
5112 posts
Tuesday night entertainment! lol there is a 'how to play' button on the home screen but I think it's just arrow keys :P
5254 posts
What's your best score Shaz? my best is 884 - it's going to be a long night..
5112 posts
As long as you don't have to be up early tomorrow I don't feel guilty :-p my high score on my phone is 22000 I think, some people have a high score of 1470000 I'm like WHAT!? HOW!!! hahaha
5254 posts
Thats even funnier Shaz - I'll be 108 yrs old and blind before I can get that many points!!
5112 posts
That in itself is an achievement - I don't know how well blind people can play tetris ;-P
First Lady
957 posts
On topic...I bought my stepdad a Tetris lamp, and you can stack the pieces however you want, and as you stack them they light up!  So nerdy.  And cool.

Almost on topic - My uni friend from the UK is editor of MCV magazine, I was trying to convince him to come for a visit, so now I'll be able to tell him we have hard core gamers here haha.

Totally off topic...status changes have been locked in and agreed upon by the core crew members.  As always, it's based on this last quarter's activity, it's based on interactions across the site and BR-sphere, our social media, YOUR social media etc.  Our new Heroes really do embody the spirit of the site, each in their own unique way.  It's exciting, and as we know, these quarters fly by!

5254 posts
I don't think I can see Tetris addiction in my future. When I got my first computer I played solitaire every day until the whites of my eyes were red, and I vowed after paying a fortune for new glasses that I wouldn't put myself through that again! it is kinda fun tho...

Big day tomorrow Nat - wow that quarter has gone fast. I feel like the next vault is very soon too, August seems no time away!
444 posts
It's finally here!! Thank you BR for such an awesome quarter, I really had a good time (no surprise there it's BR!).  I can't wait to see the status changes now excuse me while I check out this online version of Tetris tiheeeee.
1964 posts
I've loved being a superhero for this round, thanks so much for choosing me.?I'm looking forward to tonight, status change time is always interesting.I loved tetris, I used to have one of thos brick games when I was younger. I'm obsessed with candy crush these days though.
1155 posts
I may of been up at midnight playing Tetris lol thanks Shaz, I'm now addicted haha



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