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You Can Only Use ONE For The Rest of Your Life...

1 November, 2018 - 08:15pm by - First Lady | 149 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Hair.  Some times drying it is not enough to style it, and more often than not, to style it you need to dry it.  

Now we're lucky people - we live in a world of hair tools that help us efficiently and effectively dry and style our hair.  But what if we took a bit of a step backwards and gave you one of those annoying ultimatums...

You can only use ONE for the rest of your life.  Which would you choose, your hair dryer or your straightener?

Moi?  It would be my straighteners all the way.  Only because I'm shockingly lazy at hair care, and generally just go to bed with damp hair.  Quelle Horreur!  But when I want to look all fancy, I always reach for my straighteners - curls, waves, super-straight, flicky - they do it all.  Plus.  I have so much hair it proper makes my arms ache when I attempt the at-home blow wave!

Anyhoo, enough about me, let's talk about today's trial opportunity.  We're looking for reviewers to put the Remington Infinite Protect range to the test.  

Infinite Protection Technology is a unique combination of an Intelligent Sensor and an advanced ceramic coating infused with Shea Oil & U.V. filters working together to help increase protection against repeated heat styling and exposure to U.V. sunlight for long-lasting vibrancy and shine.

Within each product, the Intelligent Sensor has been selectively positioned so it continuously adjusts the temperature to deliver a healthier styling heat to prevent damage from over-heating.

So, go on, do tell - if you could only use one for the rest of your life what would it be - your hair dryer or your straightener?  Why?  Oh, and of course - which Remington Infinite Protect product would you like to review for us?  The Hair Dryer?  Or the Straighteners?

If you could only use your hair dryer or straighteners, what would it be?

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2nd November, 2018

I would use the straightener as use can style your hair in various ways :-)

2nd November, 2018

I'd absolutely love to review the Remington Infinite Protect Hair Dryer! My hair dryer is on it's way out so this would be great timing

2nd November, 2018

My straightener! I could let my hair dry naturally and still straighten! Also my hair still dries quite frizzy after blow drying (even with a brush!) so I would hate to go without my straightener. This one looks beautiful, my current one is getting old and I would love to trial the Remington!

2nd November, 2018

Definitely a straightener as I don't have one and I really need one! Still looking for the one but maybe this will be it!? I have thick hair that likes to fly-away so would love to try this!

2nd November, 2018

If I had to choose one it would definitely be a hair straightener!! I also often go to bed with damp hair.. I find a hair straighenter so much easier to style with and gives me better results! I would absolutely love to review the Remington Infinite Hair Straightener!! Ahh that definitely be Christmas coming early and a dream come true!!

2nd November, 2018

Hair dryer! I have very short hair which needs drying and product every day. I'm a bit heavy handed with the air and have to be careful not to dry out the ends.

2nd November, 2018

Wow Shea oil and up filters!! Now that’s a tool a need in my life for my hair!! I’m definitely a straightener person, cannot go without it. I have long, fine wavey/frizzy hair and my trusty Remington straightener helps me morph my unruly tresses into beautiful manageable waves or sleek and straight hair. Really keen to trial the straightener.

2nd November, 2018

With my thick hair I must have a proper hair dryer - mine sadly is on its way out after serving me for 8 years!! Because of my hairs Thinkness it easily blow dries straight and straighteners just add extra slickness to it.

2nd November, 2018

It would have to be the straighteners, when I dry my hair with a hair dryer it goes crazy. My hair is very hard to straighten and often doesn't tend to stay straight for very long so new technology is always great

2nd November, 2018

Because my hair is so fine, I need to blow dry it in order to get some height and the illusion of thickness.

2nd November, 2018

I don't own either tool so have zero idea what I'm missing out on

2nd November, 2018

Wow the votes are 50/50 so far! I would love to put my hand up for the Hair dryer, I done away with Hair Dryer's because of how damaged and over dry it made my hair, they never had a Sensor though, so after reading this I wonder if that is what I need. I have long, thick hair, and it is a nightmare to get dry. I love that this has an intelligent Sensor, I have never had this in a Dryer before, so I would love to finally be able to dry my hair properly!

2nd November, 2018

My choice would be the dryer as I already have straight hair and as it is really thick I always use a dryer rather than sitting around with wet hair for ever.They both look like a nice set though.

2nd November, 2018

Definitely be straightener. I too pretty much go to bed with dampish hair. Straightener will be so handy in taming my poofy frizz and not having to have the mum bun all the time . Would love to trial this awesome straightener. Thank you x

2nd November, 2018

My choice would be the hair dryer, because I use it on a daily basis compared to a hair straightener. I can't stand sitting around and going on with life with wet hair, so I prefer to dry it straight away. I would love to give this hair dryer a go.

2nd November, 2018

Sorry *UV filters not up filters..... :o not sure how good they will work ;)



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