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The Top 4 Lash Serum MYTHS.

2 May, 2020 - 05:43pm by - First Lady | 19 Comments

By BR Amelia

Lash Serums work like magical elixirs and with their mystique comes a lot of mis-information.  We bust 4 Lash Serum myths.

1.  Eyelash Serums use Hormones:


This is not the case, normally this is simply a case of mistaken identity. Hormones are confused with Prostaglandins. They are very different. 

Hormones, which are secreted by glands, are transported by the blood stream throughout the body and act on distant cells. 

Prostaglandins have a short half-life and act only locally before being inactivated and excreted. Prostaglandins are a group of lipid compounds that are naturally present in practically all tissues in the body. 

The Prostaglandins used in active eyelash serums communicate with cell receptors in the hair follicle and encourage it to stay in its natural growing phase for a longer period of time. This is why Lash Serums that contain Prostaglandins create such noticeable length. These type are also the best rated ones on Beauty Review. 

 2.  Some Eyelash Serums have been Banned in Australia and are therefore Not Safe:


Untrue. There is simply a difference between the product classification regulations in Australian and New Zealand. In New Zealand Eyelash Serums that contain a Prostaglandin ingredient are classified as a cosmetic as long as its only included in a very low concentration. In Australia any product containing this type of ingredient (regardless of concentration) requires a prescription. Some brands have been remove from sale as a result of this difference in regulation, not because of safety. 

3.  Eyelash Serums can Change your Eye Colour:


This is incorrect. The only lash serum that had this as a potential side effect is Latisse which requires a prescription. Latisse was the first Lash enhancer to use a prostaglandin (Bimatoprost) and was derived from glaucoma medicine, when one of the side effects noticed from the medicine was longer lashes. Eye colour change was only associated as a side effect to the higher concentration of the ingredient Bimatoprost when applied as an eyedrop. But as it was a side effect of the medicine Latisse had to include it as a potential side effect to the Lash enhancer. 

Most Active Lash Serums now use different prostaglandins that are in lower concentrations and are safe to use with no risk of eye colour change. 

4.  You Can’t use Lash Serums with Lash Extensions and Cosmetic Tattooing:


You absolutely can, as long as you do not try to apply the Serum while they are conducting the treatment you should be fine. The lash serum will help create stronger and healthier lashes and this will give more for the extensions to bind to. Again, as long as the tattooing has healed properly then you could use a brow serum to enhance the hairs that are on top. 

So there you have it! Lash serum myths debunked! Truths told! So, do tell... Are you a fan of lash serums? Which is your favourite? Are you keen to give them a try? Chat away!


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4th May, 2020

I was on the L’oreal trial and I saw a slight difference . I’d love to try more out .

3rd May, 2020

I love the Loreal Clinically Proven Lash Serum. I was lucky to be on the trial for this and had great results. I was also lucky enough to get another one in a BRBB which was amazing. I have long eyelashes already so to still get results that just shows you how good the product is.

3rd May, 2020

I’ve used Revitalash and LiLash on and off for years and had a lot of success with both - they definitely work, and no side effects. I have found that the eyebrown serums not nearly as effective however.

2nd May, 2020

I have been using FLash. I just need to remember to actually put it on each night. When I was I would definitely notice a difference. Otherwise I have very short lashes. I need these serum so much! I would really love to try some different ones. I think it's going to need to be something that I am going to have to keep up!

4th May, 2020

I’ll admit to thinking you couldn’t use it with lash extensions lol

4th May, 2020

Me too. But then lash extensions are a mystery to me!



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