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Beat S.A.D - Ten Ways To Fall In Love With Winter

27 June, 2017 - 10:24pm by - Head Pixie | 18 Comments

Ten Ways To Fall In Love With Winter 

By BR Kellie

It’s Kellie Confession time… and it’s a confession that tends to divide people. I hate cold weather. Abhor it. If I had a million bazillion dollars I would spend every single dollar of it chasing heat and sunshine, as well as places that throw hot and humid thunderstorms into the weather mix. Would I visit a cold spot, even to remind myself why I prefer the heat? Nope. Nup. Nah-ah. It's crazy really, since I was born in the deep South and raised in Canterbury, where the cold seeps up from the ground and infuses your toes, rendering them numb, even if you’ve three pairs of woollen socks on and a chunky pair of boots, two pairs of pants on, a pair of tights and merino and woollen layers up the wazoo. 

However, being a believer in silver linings and currently lacking funds to chase the sun, there are things that please me about winter, and make it bearable... just. 

via Pinterest

Snoods. I don’t care for scarves, they leave me gagging as if I’m being choked, but I adore the looseness and the often opulent textures and designs of a good snood. They keep the back of your neck warm, some do your head too, all while doubling as a fashion accessory, making them a win/win in my winter fashion handbook.

Nat's winter boots

Boots. Knee-high leather boots. Cosy UGG boots to kick around home in. Gumboots in which I can splash about in puddles. Boots are possibly one of the things I love best about winter. Cosy, versatile, practical. They tick all the boxes.

Jaclyn Hill - Youtube

Smokey eye makeup. In winter you can really play up those peepers with a smokey eye (well, you can do that anytime, but I tend to stick to lighter shades in summer and darken up as the days grow shorter). My favourite thing though is to throw a dash of cranberry-coloured eyeshadow into the mix - a little suprising, a lot sophisticated. 

Long hot baths. Okay, we know we're not meant to have hot baths or showers for the sake of our skin, but in winter I throw that particular piece of beauty advice out the window. If I can't feel my extremities the hotter the bath the better. And it lasts longer too with more hot water, so you've more time to sip a glass of something yum while catching up on all the beauty news on your phone or tablet. (Probably not meant to take electrical devices into baths either... but I like to live dangerously.)

Candles are great in summer (especially citronella candles because they fend off those Kellie-munching mozzies), they're great all the time really, but in winter they're so much more luminous, lighting up those long hours of night. My pick for this winter? The Ecoya Christmas Candle in 'Fresh Pine'. Lovely during the Christmas period, but utterly divine in the dark depths of winter.

Walks on a frosty morning that leave your cheeks pink and pretty. We don't get many frost mornings here in Auckland, but when I Iived in Rotorua, and previously to that in Christchurch, I used to love crunching my way across icy grass. And if I found an ice-covered puddle... well, sorry school kids... but as far as I'm concerned finders keepers icy splashers.

Hairdryers. Damp hair in winter sucks. It just makes everything colder. But a warm (okay, I also be naughty during winter and turn the warm setting up to hot) blowdry takes the edge off, and a quick blast on chilly hands is a bit lovely too.

Soups and stews. See ya salads. Byebye barbeques. Winter is my favourite foodie time. Meat slowcooked until it's falling off the bone. Cloudy-esque peaks of fluffy mashed potatoes. Thick soups chock-full of the goodstuffs, with a good buttery garlic bread to dip in... I'm drooling already.

Hot chocolates – with all the marshmallows. So sweet. So delicious. So warming. Especially when sipped upon in a cosy cafe or enjoyed at night, rugged up, while spotting stars and planets. Using your star/planet app on your tablet, because apart from 'the pot', the southern cross and Mars and Venus, I know nothing.

Dark red lippies. From the richest violets, to the rubiest of reds, to the deepest of browns - winter was made for shades that walk on the luxurious side of the tracks. This winter I'm all about Mellow's Creamy Matte Lipstick in New York. 

So there we have it, ten things that convince Pixie that winter's not as horrible as she likes to make out. And why am I talking in third person? Ha. So, do tell... are you a winter person? Are you already jonesing for summer? And what gets you through the coolest months? Get chatting!


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2nd July, 2017

I'm definitely not a winter person and I hate being out in winter, except those winter sunny days. I used to hate layering up in winter, but I don't mind that now because it feels like hugs. I do love a hot baths, hearty meals and hot chocolate to feel all warm and cosy indoors.

30th June, 2017

wish we had a bath here where we rent! showers all the time do not cut the mustard

30th June, 2017

I am not such a fan of being out in the rain, but I love it when it is raining and it is my day off and I can open the curtain and watch the rain from my warm snuggly bed. Another great thing about winter, snuggles with my fiance. Nothing is better then just being close for comfort and warmth. Hot showers are amazing, love all the darker colour of lipsticks and hot chocolates. There is so much to be happy about in winter!

29th June, 2017

Snow. I love the snow. Hot pudding on a cold night. And the guilty pleasure of watching daytime telly without feeling guilty about not being outside.

29th June, 2017

Definitely enjoy the heat more. but winter's not too bad. Love the comfort food (makes me gain a few kilos every year though) and hot choccies/coffee. It also feels great to cosy up with scarves, beanies and gloves - I've just picked up knitting so it's the perfect season!

28th June, 2017

I, too, grew up Canterbury. Negative 0 degree frosts are so cold! I like spring and summer the best, but I do like wearing burgundy lipstick in winter. I really wish I had a bath in my flat. Hot baths are the best!

28th June, 2017

Yay long hot baths and candles and hot chocolate!! I really hate the cold too, Kellie. I really really really hate it....

28th June, 2017

Thats a good way of looking at it. I love these, I dont leave the house without my scarf (snood?) I am so used to having it on, otherwise its so cold. I have had the fireplace going nonstop for a week. Frosty mornings here in the Waikato.

28th June, 2017

I love hot chocolate. It's my thing I have for when I treat myself. I gave up coffee when I quit smoking. Winter is my favourite season.

28th June, 2017

Winter is looking much more cheerful... its still cold and blugh but I guess not everything about it is bad... there's less insects, pretty snowfalls (if were lucky enough) and almost everything feels better with a good hot chocolate <3

28th June, 2017

spiked hot chocolates are the best :D

28th June, 2017

One thing I like about Autumn and Winter is the much deserved break from the seasonal allergies that plague me most of the year. I do also like the sound sleep I get at night, once my body heat has warmed the bed. Winter is pretty much TV series season, not that I need a season to watch TV series since I'll watch them year round. This year I'm putting in extra effort to workout every day so I can keep off that seasonal weight that comes with the cold weather munchies as fruits and vegetables get more expensive and carbs and sweets become more...... comforting.

28th June, 2017

I love winter! Cozy fires, delicious soups, love wearing boots and amazing jackets. Lazing around with a hot water bottle and watching movies. Yep definitely a winter chick.

28th June, 2017

I actually don't mind winter, love the hot baths, candles etc the only reason I don't like it much (esp in Dunedin) is that I have hip dysplasia (need new hips) and the cold really makes me sore :( Apart from that winter rocks!!! :)

28th June, 2017

I love all seasons because you have changes -Nothing is more boring than having one season all year -no change of clothing -food - Cold and wet can get depressing but a nice fire and a good book ,Soup and toast ,Boots and warm coats . frosty mornings and sunny days and loos forward to spring and away you go with thoughts of warm and beaches, I love change of seasons.

28th June, 2017

Oooh now ya talking ;)



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