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Spring Clean Your Makeup Bag in Seven Easy Steps!

31 August, 2015 - 08:58pm by - First Lady | 20 Comments

images: Tumblr

Article by BR Natalie

Spring has officially sprung which means it's time to get cleaning right?  Of course we're talking about your makeup stash, not the house! 

We can't help but notice some of you are getting quite the makeup stash, which is all very well and good.  Until you run out of storage of course!  Now when it comes to spring cleaning there are pretty much two types of people - hoarders and chuckers.  Chuckers will get rid of most unused or old things without a second thought.  Hoarders will cling to unused, old or broken things just in case

Well as always, we're here to help.  So here's out top tips for spring cleaning your makeup.

  1. Check the expiration dates.  Beauty Review's Zoe wrote this brilliant guide - Expiration Dates of Beauty Products.  Check it out and go through your stash.  When it comes to expiration dates, be ruthless and if it's out of date, chuck it out!  If it's one of your favourite products (which is unlikely if it's unused after it's expiration date) replace it and you'll notice the difference between your old product and one in date.  Trust us!
  2. If you haven't used it in the last three months, chances are you won't miss it if it's gone!  If you absolutely can't bear to throw things out, let us prove our point.  Put anything you haven't used in a box and stash the box in your wardrobe.  If you don't dig it out in another three months, you know what to do right?
  3. If you can't bear to throw things out, do a Project Pan.  Check out my article Project Pan and challenge yourself to use up x amount of products before buying any more!
  4. Wash your brushes and give your products a wipe.   When you think about it, makeup bags are breeding grounds for icky things.  If you've suffered from an eye infection, chuck out your mascara for sure.  Sharpen pencils and wipe with a disinfectant or rubbing alcohol.  Same for if you suffer from cold sores.  Slice the top off your lipsticks, sharpen pencils and wipe with a disinfectant.  Makeup brushes need to be washed weekly - don't forget your sponge applicators in your compacts and palettes!
  5. Wash your storage.  Especially your cloth makeup bags - imagine the places they've been and what they've been in contact with.  ICK.
  6. Opt for multi purpose products.  Lip/Cheek tints and all over pencils are great for streamlining your stash.  
  7. Let it go.  Don't be bogged down with guilt over throwing away products you've spent money on.  Take a deep breath and let them go. Decluttering is good for the soul - just learn from the financial hit!

Does your stash need a clean out?  Are you a hoarder or a chucker?  Do you dread spring cleaning or is it something you relish?  Share your thoughts below!


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3rd September, 2015

I'm spring cleaning the house rather than my makeup collection... I have clean windowsills (today), nice vacuumed floors and I even got rid of nasty candles that smelled awful. I even broke out the steam mop, and I'm going to buy a mop so I can get the roof >:D makeup wise I haven't thrown anything out because I use it all .. most of the time :-)

2nd September, 2015

I have a wee basket that sits in my bathroom with my products in. I don't have a large amount of products so for me its a pretty simple task :)

2nd September, 2015

I don't have enough makeup to justify a spring clean haha.

2nd September, 2015

YAY spring is here! My mother and me were discussing cleaning up and throwing out old makeup yesterday, this is such a great refresher, not just for makeup but for clothing too :)

1st September, 2015

I think I'm starting to hoard I do know though that I love to have the option maybe project pan will be coming up soon for me this season. I know I have options when coming to gift ideas for friends hehe a bit cheeky I spose. Love all the comments on this article :)

1st September, 2015

I've cleared out a few things and it's on my list of things to do once I'm on holiday, for sure.

1st September, 2015

Good advice -I'll get around to it :)

1st September, 2015

Guilty of 2 and 7. Really need to make those reality

1st September, 2015

I try to keep my stash on the smaller side rather than too much especially when it comes to palettes although this year I've increased my stash of lipsticks but that's okay because it's different colors and I do need to reapply them throughout the day.

1st September, 2015

I am definitely a makeup hoarder, and it's not just my makeup bag, my makeup drawer needs a cleanout as well.

1st September, 2015

I'm a Hoarder! Trying my hardest to get rid of things now by either chucking, selling or using up. It's hard being ruthless though. I just put an eyeshadow palette on trademe for a price I thought may have been a bit high but it has a bid and now I'm having second thoughts!

1st September, 2015

I've been trying so hard to do project pan. It's hard though if new goodies arrive ;-) but so good.

1st September, 2015

Project pan sounds interesting

1st September, 2015

This article inspired me to finally get my a into g and have another clear out of my makeup this morn. I just grabbed all the things that I've known for months need to go but I just keep hoping I can make em work. Have taken photos and will figure out who to offload/sell em to on my lunch break.

Will go back through when I have time and get rid of a bunch more less obvious stuff, but I feel better already! :)

1st September, 2015

I am a hoarder .I always intend to use again or I keep using my old but hoard the new. I love trying new products but hate letting go old ones.( IN Case !!!) Guilty as charged !

1st September, 2015

Me too :)