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Pome-what? The Food Your Face Needs Now!

26 January, 2016 - 08:41pm by - First Lady | 14 Comments

By BR Kellie

Growing up I belonged to a standard three veg and meat kind of family where veg meant potatoes, carrots, peas and beans, and fruit meant apples, bananas, oranges, pears, grapes, kiwifruit and strawberries. The usual suspects. The most exotic we got in the fruit and veg department was courgette (and seriously, my mother made the best stuffed courgettes in the world.) and banana passionfruit from Nanna’s vine (or stolen from the neighbour’s vine… shhhhh!). So when I grew up, moved out, moved to a bigger city and was suddenly faced with fruit and vege shops filled with fruits and veg in interesting shapes and colours, teamed with unpronounceable names… well, what a culinary adventure! 

The first time I ever tried a pomegranate it was a revelation. Who knew those little wee balls of redness hidden in those big round globes could be so darn amazing… and not just in your mouth it turns out. Yes, pomegranate is a friend to the skin – especially those whose skin is dry or ageing (or both…)

You know how we bang on about the benefits of antioxidants, well pomegranates happen to be chock full of the little wonders, which makes them one great skin saver as well as a superfood. Benefits of eating, drinking and applying include stimulation of collagen, sun protection, dehydration and even inflammation.

So what’s available on our shores for our skin? Natural beauty brand, Weleda, has a whole pomegranate range, where pomegranate seed oil from organically grown pomegranates features in everything from day, night, body, hand and eye creams to serums, body oils, and body washes. 

The Body Shop also features a pomegranate range, which they claim will ‘pump up the volume in four weeks for softer looking wrinkles, firmer feeling skin and healthy-looking glow’. 

Want to show your kissers some love? Check out apicare’s Manuka Honey Lip Butter with Pomegranate. 

Or pick up plantae’s Pomegranate Fruit Rich Day Cream and let the regenerative properties of pomegranate work its magic alongside Auvergne Pink Bark, Blackcurrant Leaf complex and Damask Rose Otto Oil. 

Yep, it’s safe to say that pomegranate now has to be one of my favourite ways of taking care of my skin. So tell me, are you down with the ‘granate? Did you know how good it was for your skin? Or were you like me and totally blown away to find out? Chat away….


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3rd April, 2016

I love pomegranates but aside from using them in salads or drinks I don't know why it didn't occur to me the antioxidants could be beneficial to my skin. Also my bank balance thanks you BR for adding more products to my wish list ;) heehee

30th January, 2016

I'm suprised so many people have not tried the fruit. It's delicious!! Don't think I have ever tried a beauty product with it in though.

28th January, 2016

Wow! So much pom! Who knew? Love Weleda so will have to keep an eye out.

28th January, 2016

Love Pomegranate! I have tried the Weleda stuff and it's great! Doesn't surprise me that it's great for your skin, actually a lot of fruit is! :)

28th January, 2016

I've tried a couple of these and I am finding the pomegranate is featuring in my life more and more.

27th January, 2016

I love to put pomegranate seeds in my summer salads, its a pain to get them out of the fruit, but so worth it. I have not tried it as a beauty product, would love to give it a try.

27th January, 2016

Pomegranate's are yum and all of these products sound amazing!

27th January, 2016

Pomegranate oil is pretty popular in facial oils and stuff. Not only that but it smells amazing.

27th January, 2016

I had no idea!! I love Weleda products so I am going to hunt for theirs!

27th January, 2016

That lip butter sounds divine.

27th January, 2016

I've never eaten it nor have I tried any beauty products with it in them. :)

27th January, 2016

Wow I was totally blown away -I new it was a super food to eat however to apply to your skin was something new to me .Good to know though

26th January, 2016

I have tried Pomegranate in a moisturising lotion by Olive. I thought it was really lovely. I wouldn't mind trying some of these other brands out. I've never tried a pomegranate fruit before. If I see one in the supermarket I will try one.

26th January, 2016

Sounds like it would be worth a try for sure. Do you think it looks like red caviar?

26th January, 2016

Oh I like the thought of it being red caviar! Except it tastes a heck of a lot nicer than actual caviar.

27th January, 2016

I haven't tried either .

27th January, 2016

I've seen Nigella and Jamie use them alot in their cooking.