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Can You Believe HOW many people have cut their own hair?

10 May, 2020 - 01:24pm by - First Lady | 173 Comments

LOCKDOWN Beauty and US.

by BR Tabatha

Last week in the search of the facts and to uncover the truth, we surveyed our Beauty Review readers to ask if lockdown has impacted the way we look, and the way we buy.

Have we turned into a nation of women cowering in the shadows not because we’re afraid of COVID-19, but  because our body hair is now so long it needs to be blow dried?  What DIY beauty treatments has the nation resorted to?  Have we become a nation in love with supermarket beauty products, or are we hanging out for salon treatments?

Let's find out!


So there you have it.  The Lockdown Beauty numbers crunched - any surprises?  We can't believe so many salon clients have reached for the scissors and colour!  Let's hope hairdressers don't decide to add a DIY Tax! 

WIN: Tell us more about any of your DIY successes or failures below and we might reward you with a spot prize from our awesome prize cupboard to boost your spirits.


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28th May, 2020

I always colour my own hair but I’ve managed not to cut it during lockdown. That’s just asking for trouble..

24th May, 2020

I am on my journey to going blonde again so i had to refrain from dying my hair - done it so many times in the past! I have been loving seeing what hairstyles everyone has been coming up with!

20th May, 2020

I am getting compliments on my box hair job so must be a success. My sister's first DIY cut was good. Her second she thinks is too short now.

20th May, 2020

My sister cut her hair over lock down....twice. it's significantly shorter now. I went light brown from light blonde

17th May, 2020

I'm already really into DIY beauty so I tint my own lashes and brows, I trim my hair between salon visits and use an epilator for hair removal (painful but worth it) so it hasn't been too bad for me during lockdown but I would never touch my hair with box colour or bleach so I can't wait to go back to the salon!

16th May, 2020

My teenage daughter wanted her hair cut and coloured ( blonde). We purchased an 8 blonde to pre-lighten her hair. It didn’t make much change to her existing colour which would be light/ medium brown. Then put a Nordic blonding 6-8 shades (should have brought the 8-10). It brought colour down but despite purple toner it was way too golden. Then purchased a 9 light blonde colour as a toner (supermarket still had those as they were selling out fast, must have been lots of us doing it). She is now sporting a warm medium blonde colour. During all of these colours I did a first cut of her hair. Then another one as she wanted just above her shoulders and I wasn’t brave enough to cut it that short just in case I ruined her hair. We got to the hairdresser yesterday, who told me I’d done a good job, it just needed layering and shaping at the bottom.

16th May, 2020

I ran out of my facial pack so I created my own with the mix of chick pea flour, turmeric, yogurt and tomato juice. I applied it for 15 minutes as it took that much time to dry. I revealed a glowing and very soft face but that was another story that my face turned yellow for couple of days.

15th May, 2020

I shaved my hair off RAISING $1500 for SHAVE FOR A CURE!!!! BONUS feature: all my outgrown hair colour is no longer a problem, I lost the brittle hair, the split ends and fuzz PLUS I spend a teeny tiny amount of time in the shower now just conditioning the hair regrowth (thus saving water in the Auckland drought), AND found out I'm the female equivalent of a Silver Fox. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! The hair that's regrowing is doing it in a different direction, which means I might finally have a straight foward fringe instead of having that stupid cowlick in the middle left of my forehead.

Also. I learned how to tint my own eye lashes without stinging eyes or saying Mutherducker a few hundred times.

15th May, 2020

I trimmed my hair using the unicorn method... Its not bad to be honest! I have also been mixing my own tint to keep the brassy tones at bay (conditioner and purple manic panic dye)

15th May, 2020

I've been enjoying wearing less makeup and spending less time getting ready in the morning! Purple shampoo has been a saviour.

15th May, 2020

I do most of my haircuts and hair removal at home seens quiting my job. I know how much it can cost to fix or cut my hair at the salon i just dont have an extra 100 to 250 in the bank to pamper yourself in that way.

15th May, 2020

I'm fortunate that my mom cuts my hair so that I don't have to go to a salon. My eyebrows on the other hand, they need a bit of a wax, lol. I do my own nails, as it's cheaper as they grow so fast so standard nail polish doesn't last, and neither does gel or SNS, which I found damaged my nails.

14th May, 2020

During lockdown I cut myself a fringe. I love it! I had dyed my hair the day before lockdown but i have at least 2cm of regrowth already. I do my own brows, nails , hair etc so it wasn't bad for me thank goodness

14th May, 2020

After six weeks I just had to buy hair dye and try to cover the grey in my hair that seemed to get worse every day. What a mess! I accidently dripped 3 spots on my bathroom floor that no amount of scrubbing will get out, ruined a t-shirt when I pulled it over my head so I could wash the dye out, AND I had bought a lighter shade of brown than I usually wear by mistake. It's difficult to know what the actual colour will turn out like based on the examples on the box. Actually the lighter colour looks quite good so I've kept the box to take to my hairdresser the next time I get a touch up. Talk about a whole new learning experience!

14th May, 2020

I had a serious accident in January this year, fortunately my hairdresser picked me up in my wheelchair and took me to her (nearby) salon for a wash and cut after I spent three weeks in lockdown, so I went into lockdown not needing a cut, but I hadn’t had a colour since December. Literally as Aunt Cindy was announcing lockdown, I was clicking furiously on my iPad to purchase some hair dye and it was delivered on our last day of level 3 in March. But I had two broken arms (amongst other injuries to contend with), so only just dyed my hair two weeks ago, having 2-3 inches of regrowth to bleach and dye. I haven’t held a mirror up to see how good a job I did on the top and back of my head - I’ve probably missed big patches. Lol

14th May, 2020

Sorry I wrote that incorrectly, my hairdresser picked me up after I spent three weeks in hospital, but prior to lockdown

14th May, 2020

Wow your hairdresser is awesome for doing that! I hope you're okay xo