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Have you tried sugaring before?

16 April, 2015 - 07:45pm by - First Lady | 122 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

When you think of hair removal you probably think of shaving or waxing.  Or maybe epliation, or something more permanent like electrolysis or IPL?

But have you heard of sugaring?  

The Neanderthals, Persians, Romans, Indians and Egyptians all removed parts or all their body hair - albeit by slightly more natural means

Sugar waxing is an ancient natural hair removal technique which originated in the Middle East.  It's similar to waxing, in that you apply the 'sugar wax' to the skin and remove with a waxing strip.  But here's where it's different:

  • Sugaring does not remove live skin so unlike waxing, sugaring does not hurt the skin.  
  • Sugar wax is made from natural ingredients which can be cleaned easily with water - so you're not going to be stuck (literally) trying to remove wax from your skin or surfaces.
  • Sugar wax only needs to be lukewarm to use - no risk of burning here!
  • Sugaring is less painful as hair is pulled in the same direction as the growth, unlike waxing.

We're putting Aio's Waxing Body Sugar to the test.  This kit contains the sugar wax, wax strips and spatulas - all you need for up to 8 weeks of fuzz free skin!  It's perfect for all body areas.

Aio's Waxing Sugar will only stick to the hair, so you won't be left with sore or red skin.  It's natural as with no artificial preservatives or petroleum by-products, making it great for those with sensitive skin.  And if it's used regularly you'll see a reduction in hair growth.

So is this a trial team you'd be interested in joining? Why? Have you tried sugaring before or is it something you've never heard of before?  Why do you think it would benefit your skin?

Get chatting below - we might just send you this lovely product to try and report back on!

Have you tried sugaring before?

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16th April, 2015

I'm sure I've had this treatment but I can recall exactly when. So I used no. I was introduced to waxing as a teen my mum took me to a beauty therapist as a teen to avoid any self torture/mutilation. It was her beautician who first did my eyebrows shaped and waxed at 14 and then I progressed to the legs and armpits. However I still ended up doing the over plucking. At least though my mum set me up. She always had the hook up for beauticians so somewhere along the way I'm certain one of.them did this method. A bit of a downfall now mum lives in Aussie. I wouldn't have to pay for waxing due to her hook ups. so in saying that I'm done for any type of hair removal system as my hair is coarse and razors don't cut it. Pick me... haha

16th April, 2015

Gosh, I have never heard of this before. I would love to try it tho. I have never had a wax either, so maybe I am a perfect candidate for this trial. I have plenty of hair growth with it being colder now and wearing long pants most of the time now

16th April, 2015

OMG I would be so honoured to trial this!!!! I have been to a salon 3 times now, and every time I have been (for a leg wax of course) my skin has actually been ripped off along with the hairs :( I have shared this info on here before with my fellow BR ladies. My latest incident was just before new years just gone. Both my legs were affected :( My right one had more damage done though. I had large patches of missing skin on both legs and they took roughly 10 weeks to heal. People keep asking why I always go back for waxing and the answer is simple, I have hairy legs lol. Thick, pitch black hairs covering my entire leg. The hairs grow back that quickly that I'm having to shave atleast once a day. And because I'm so pale and my hairs are so dark, even when I've shaved my legs are still covered in visible hairs/black dots. I would be so honoured to trial this product!

16th April, 2015

I know this might sound disgusting to some. But I was thinking of starting to grow my fuzz out seeing that winter is around the corner. Will defoz need that extra layer of warmth ;). However I am prepared to put that thought on hold to try out this sweet product. I've never heard of it or tried it before but I am always excited to try new products :D. I don't find waxing all that painful so my hand is up for this one :D

16th April, 2015

Love sugaring. It's a lot less painful compared to waxing. Yet it gives better smoother more consistent results. Really excited to trial this product. Fingers crossed xx

16th April, 2015

I have never heard of this before but would love to try it. I usually shave but hate the frequency you have to do it and it leaves my skin feeling pretty shoddy. This seems like a really great option and a lot nicer than traditional waxing which I am not a big fan of

16th April, 2015

I would be interested in trialing this as I find waxing often leaves me very red and tender, and this sounds like a more gentler approach to hair removal. I have never tried sugaring before and never heard of it until now! This would benefit my skin due to not being left with sore red skin as my skin is often sensitive.

16th April, 2015

I would be keen to try this. It sounds wonderful

16th April, 2015

I've never tried sugaring. Sounds great if it's not painful

16th April, 2015

OOooOooh this sounds so interesting!! I hate waxing, I am over shaving and the hair removal creams STINK something fierce. I'd be up for trying this, for sure!

16th April, 2015

I find this really great compared to normal wax and less painful, if you haven't tried it you definitely should although finding somewhere who uses sugaring can be difficult but worth it

16th April, 2015

Hmmmm wonder if it's good enough to eat lol, sugar addict here! Love to see how this works I'm sure it would still be painful.

16th April, 2015

Oh I love the idea that it only sticks to the hair! I always get really red bumpy painful skin from waxing so this seems great. I had no idea that you could get this as a product, I thought it was only a professional thing so that is pretty exciting.

16th April, 2015

im not sure I can do the waxing to myself lol

16th April, 2015

I'm never patient enough to let my hair grow out for any form of waxing, I get a little paranoid that I'll lift my arm and some unsuspecting person will get an eyeful. It'll be interesting to see what those that try it have to say though!

17th April, 2015

Oh I completely agree about the hair removal creams, they are so gross and I have an even worse reaction to those because of the long list of chemicals in them x



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