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Have you tried sugaring before?

16 April, 2015 - 07:45pm by - First Lady | 122 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

When you think of hair removal you probably think of shaving or waxing.  Or maybe epliation, or something more permanent like electrolysis or IPL?

But have you heard of sugaring?  

The Neanderthals, Persians, Romans, Indians and Egyptians all removed parts or all their body hair - albeit by slightly more natural means

Sugar waxing is an ancient natural hair removal technique which originated in the Middle East.  It's similar to waxing, in that you apply the 'sugar wax' to the skin and remove with a waxing strip.  But here's where it's different:

  • Sugaring does not remove live skin so unlike waxing, sugaring does not hurt the skin.  
  • Sugar wax is made from natural ingredients which can be cleaned easily with water - so you're not going to be stuck (literally) trying to remove wax from your skin or surfaces.
  • Sugar wax only needs to be lukewarm to use - no risk of burning here!
  • Sugaring is less painful as hair is pulled in the same direction as the growth, unlike waxing.

We're putting Aio's Waxing Body Sugar to the test.  This kit contains the sugar wax, wax strips and spatulas - all you need for up to 8 weeks of fuzz free skin!  It's perfect for all body areas.

Aio's Waxing Sugar will only stick to the hair, so you won't be left with sore or red skin.  It's natural as with no artificial preservatives or petroleum by-products, making it great for those with sensitive skin.  And if it's used regularly you'll see a reduction in hair growth.

So is this a trial team you'd be interested in joining? Why? Have you tried sugaring before or is it something you've never heard of before?  Why do you think it would benefit your skin?

Get chatting below - we might just send you this lovely product to try and report back on!

Have you tried sugaring before?

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20th April, 2015

Fasinating! I'd be very interested to try this, I wax all the time, whether at home or at the salon I always have a little bit of a breakout on my legs, it goes away after a day or so but I'd love to see whether sugar waxing would give me a better result.

20th April, 2015

I just tried waxing yesterday...that was awful. Maybe this would be better??

18th April, 2015

I've heard of it.. never tried it. I'm a big wuss when it comes to removing hair haha. Would love to step out of my comfort zone and give it a go!

18th April, 2015

I would love to try this... Waxing and me dont agree.. ermm maybe this would be less painful lol

17th April, 2015

I enjoyed watching the Diy video that is one of the articles, I havent tried it before but my sister in laws do this. Now that theyve moved to Dubai I cant ask them to help me make it, it would be easier getting an expert to help you :) I would like to put my hand up for a trial

17th April, 2015

This sounds amazing!!

17th April, 2015

I have had it done in salons before (akin to waxing) but don't know why I hadn't thought about it at home. It is not as irritating as wax that's for sure. I wonder how easy it is to use... the technicians always make things look easy.

17th April, 2015

This sounds interesting, would be very keen to try!

17th April, 2015

This has me intrigued. I'm always interested in good hair removal techniques so I'd be brave enough to give this a go.

17th April, 2015

I'd love to try it .

17th April, 2015

Hell to the yes I'd be interested!! WHY have I never heard of this before? It honestly sounds really good. I get shaving rash from shaving even with brand new razors - especially bikini area. I've tried nearly every brand to no avail. Have tried waxing but found it so messy and so bloody sore! I love that it's natural and you can clean it off with water - so ideal!

17th April, 2015

I'd definitely want to trial this, I've never heard of Sugaring but it sounds pretty pleasant. I hate the feeling of an epilator but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Honestly I have such sensitive skin that I break out in a rash if I'm not careful so I reckon trialing this is worth it.

17th April, 2015

Never heard of it before but I am keen! I've been getting my underarms waxed for some time now and would love to use my own to save some cash! It stings every time and leaves my skin looking all red, I would love to see how this leaves my skin looking and feeling!

17th April, 2015

I have used wax strips and I try to go for the least painful ones I can find. This sounds like something I would love to trial. I have some very sensitive areas that I like to have hair free and my skin should be used to it by now but unfortunately it still hates the hairs getting waxed or tweezed.

17th April, 2015

I know about it, but I'm kind of chicken. Although I am game to try it and see what it's like.



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