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Five Seconds To Fab! Ten Top Beauty Tips!

5 June, 2022 - 01:36pm by - Head Pixie | 15 Comments

by BR Tabatha

Maybe it's the darker mornings, maybe it's the darker evenings, maybe it's the 'joy' of experiencing a pandemic, but at the moment some days just seem glummer, gloomier than others. It's hard to inject spring into one's step. Happy thoughts take longer to come. Even going about one's daily business feels more chore-like than usual.

So what's a person to do when all they want to do is pull their duvet over their head, fire up the laptop and binge a show rather than throw back the duvet, leap out of bed and face the day with a smile on their face?

Fake it 'til you make it, of course! Duvet days are great, and should be taken but, alas, they can't happen all the time*. Some days we just have to face the world, and on those days when we have no choice but to do exactly that I'm all for a five second beauty fix that will give me a shot of joy whenever I glimpse myself, or see someone appreciating my effort.

So what can we do to cheer ourselves up, to put a little pep in our step, on the days when we'd rather make like a bear and hibernate? 

1. This tip is an oldie but a goodie - put on some lipstick. Bright lipstick is usually what's recommended when you want to look like you're making an effort - a ruby red or a fuschia pink, but even your favourite nude can make a difference to how you feel about yourself as you head out the door ready to face reality.

2. Mascara up. Mascara is everything. I can wake up looking like Mr Magoo and mascara will turn me into a bright-eyed, bushy tailed goddess who looks ready to take on the day, even if I feel like I'll be galumphing through it.

3. As tempting as it is to throw your hair back into a messy bun, or to simply brush it away from your face, a cute accessory will make all the difference when it comes to creating a look that will make you smile when you go to wash your hands and happen to glance up at the mirror. Think a stylish clip or an elegant headband and you're good to go!

Lady Jayne Metallic Swirly Slides

4. Nail stickers. Hear me out - the idea of nail stickers might seem a little... youthful. Something you might let a youngin play with rather than trusing them with your polish collection, but when you don't have time to pop on some nail polish and accessorise it with nail jewellery, something as simple as a nail sticker (silver shiny stars or pretty flowers for the win!) will give you something to smile about everytime you glance down at your fingertips flying across your keyboard, swiping at your phone, or even when you're pulling out your bank card in order to pay for the groceries.

5. Scent is such a glorious sense to have. It can lift a mood like nothing else and trigger memories of happier days. So if you're feeling a tad blue, grab your favourite fragrance and give yourself a spritz.

6. What I said above? Want feel-good bonus points? Grab a moisturiser with a stunning scent and work it into your hands. Not only will you be doing that area, which is exposed to all kinds of weather and conditions, a favour, you'll also be able to enjoy an aromatic boost simply by cupping your hands and bringing them up to your nose whenever you need it.

essano Hydrating Rosehop Nourishing Hand Créme

7. Got a candle hanging around gathering dust? Light it. Not only will the scent fill your space, bringing a little joy whenever you breathe in, you can even use the flicker of the flame as a simple, easy meditation technique, where you breathe in and out, clear your mind and enjoy a moment where it's just you and the flame and nothing else matters.

8. Add a bit of bling to your outfit! It's easy to slump out the door having put in minimal effort on the days when we're not feeling all that fab, but the addition of a statement piece of jewellery will not only elevate your look, but will give you a boost whenever you catch a glimpse of yourself throughout the day.

9. Hair looking lank? A quick spritz of dry shampoo is in need! Even better, you can work it into your hair with your hands which basically means giving yourself a head massage. Bliss!

10. Had a long day, or a big night, feel like you're skin's not as glowy as it could be? An overnight face mask is the gift that keeps on giving all the way through to the next day, and it takes seconds to apply. So pop one on, lie back, let it melt in, get a good sleep and wake up to the sight of beautifully hydrated skin.

Dr LeWinn's Ultra R4 Collagen Surge Overnight Sleep Mask

Like a smile directed at a stranger, or an unexpected compliment, a five second beauty fix can make a world of difference to your day!

So, my lovelies, do tell... What are your five second tips and tricks that immediately make you feel more fab? Sharing is caring, so get chatting below!

*If you do find yourself feeling down more than the odd day, please reach out to someone you trust for a chat, or talk to a health professional. While the odd off day is normal for anyone, it's important to recognise when it's not and to take steps to care for your mental health.



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7th August, 2022

After a long day at work when I have the house to myself I will: Put on some relaxing music Run a nice hot bath Fragrance with a bath bomb or just some drops of your favourite essential oil Soak After drying yourself smother with a beautiful bodylotion Cuddle up with a nice herbal tea something stronger Make sure you have everything on hand so when you need it you dont have to search to far. Dont forget to light a candle. It really helps with relaxation.

16th June, 2022

I love the scent of Roses so will try the Essano hand cream. I do give my hair a quick spritz of dry shampoo which lifts my hair and my mood. Lipstick brightens up my face and mood as well.

12th June, 2022

As much as I love a great lippy I haven't bothered wearing this anyway while we are still all wearing masks,not much point really.Mascara is definitely a must for me to give me that wide awake look and ready to take on my day.Foundation I hardly wear much anymore either and instead opting for a bb cream except at night times when going out for an occasion I will go for a full foundation look.Love love burning scented candles and candle melts,always lifts my mood.

12th June, 2022

Love these!

10th June, 2022

Good tips! I find that I put on something bright, clothing wise - always makes me feel better and people usually comment too :)

9th June, 2022

Bright/funky earrings (I usually wear some that look like big orange slices) and a tinted plumping lip gloss. Makes all the difference!

8th June, 2022

A different pair of earrings and a colourful lippy boosts my mood.

8th June, 2022

Bronzer on the eyes. It takes literally a few seconds and yet makes me look awake. I love the look of the clips up above.

8th June, 2022

Bronzer on the eyes. It takes literally a few seconds and yet makes me look awake. I love the look of the clips up above.

8th June, 2022

Make up has gone from my face since all of this mask wearing, it just comes off. A scented candle however, is a pick me up that works for everyone in the house! I also ensure I moisturise my body with a luscious lotion, butter or oil and top off with a squirt of perfume.

7th June, 2022


7th June, 2022

Love all those suggestions! Plus scented oil added to my heated wheatbag. So comforting and soothing.

7th June, 2022

Oh love a nice bath with epsom salts when l am feeling a bit tired , a hot water bottle , snuggle up on couch , maybe with a refreshing face mask . My son bought me a leg massage Machine, so that and a good movie and some hot chocolate helps

7th June, 2022

All great options. No candles atm :( trying to use up my wax melts. Love a bright lip, Mascara and spritz of perfume. Weekly home foot spa is nice too. I'm gonna add a hearty meal. A lovely meal really lifts my spirits.

6th June, 2022

Definitely lighting a candle or spritzing on my favourite scent. Indulging in a choccy biscuit or 3 lol painting my nails, foot spa. I've not had a duvet day in a long time but am looking forward to the day bubs and I can watch a movie in bed :-)

12th June, 2022

Oops typo*anymore