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When You're Short on Time to be Somewhere What's the First Thing You Cut From Your Routine?

23 posts, 19 members
3392 posts
   What's the first thing you cut from your routine when you're short on time, slept in late or you get a call from someone to meet them somewhere and you don't have much time to get out the door? For me it's makeup. I do like to wear it when I leave the house but if I'm running late or short of time I just make sure I have a clean and neat appearance - tidy, warm clothes, hair is made, teeth brushed and skincare routine was done. If I have a bit of time I'll try to do my eyeliner, brows and a neutral or nude lippy and some perfume. If I have a bit more time I'll do my foundation and go for a lippy color that stands out more. 
    But usually the first thing that gets shortened in the morning when I'm rushing out the door is breakfast. I like having a big breakfast and so I end up eating a smaller one. I don't eat out much so maybe if I'm meeting with friends we can stop and grab some treat from the bakery or supermarket since eating with friends is a thing. So what's the first thing to get the chop in the morning or evening? Is it whole skincare, makeup or hair routines or just a few steps?
5351 posts
Hey tannygirl, 

These days I am short on time. Mornings always start with coffee. I've been cutting out make up some days breakfast . So all I have time for is shower, Hair product, Moisturiser, deodorant and perfume.

Hopefully when I move I can get back into make up. Been gathering pieces for my make up station. 
130 posts
Such an interesting question! For me it's usually breakfast - there's no way I can leave the house without makeup done. Although a lot of the time I will just apply the minimum (foundation, brows, mascara) if I'm in a real rush! 
I can do everything else rather quickly so mascara, blush and bronzer are left out when I rush.
If it's in the morning, I just shorten my shower time and get everything else done in 'double time'  :-)  Then food/coffee on the run. x
8375 posts
I'm pretty quick at getting ready but if I'm really running short on time I put my wet hair into a bun with a cute plait and I don't eat breakfast.
2056 posts
Make up or breakfast probably. 
2999 posts
I'd rather be late than skip breakfast. It's in the interest of public safety too lol. 
3392 posts
Oh and when it comes to evening I don't cut any steps out of my routine. Although I may move my hair wash to following day if I can and I'll move the plans to use my body scrub and clay or wash off mask to the following night. But I can't for the life of me crawl into bed without a shower, body moisturizer, teeth brushed, face double cleansed and a bunch of skincare layered on. 2am can creep up on me and it can be the middle of winter and I'll still shower and do my full routine before crawling exhausted into bed at 3am! 
1547 posts
when I'm in a rush I'll take my breakfast with me (e.g peanut butter sandwich), and I'll cut down on makeup and hair. I'll usually just out my hair in a quick side plaite or leave it down.
444 posts
Foundation and eyeshadow get the chop :-)
567 posts
I cut out eyeshadow cause it's not a necessity.  As long as I have mascara my eyes stand out enough.
1155 posts
Makeup wise if I only have a quick minute to spare I will chuck on mascara and nothing else, my hair gets the quick Mum bun job as well lol. COFFEE before everything for me lol
8375 posts
that's how i am about coffee soozie :D
2999 posts
Trudi, coffee's included in that breakfast lol. 
8375 posts
Coffee IS breakfast ;)
19 posts
I generally cut out hair styling and just chuck it up into a bun! Makeup-wise I will cut out lipstick (apply a lip balm in the car), eyeshadow, blush/bronzer and setting spray as they are not necessary. I always make time for foundation, concealor, setting powder, brows and mascara when I'm doing my makeup!!
1422 posts
I cut out shaving my legs!  I will wear pants :]
1289 posts
I drop eyeliner and mascara normally and sometimes conditioning if really short
825 posts
Definitely breakfast gets dropped - must have coffee though. Sometimes I just condition my hair and not wash it if it's not too bad and pressed for time. I give eyeliner and shadow a miss when time pressed, and I a big fan of the messy bun!
1280 posts
I skip eye shadow, blush and lipstick and instead of foundation, I'll use BB cream as it's quicker to blend. 
1185 posts
I get up early to not miss anything out in sayig that t I don't do eyeshadow everyday but I've also adopted outting bronzer on my crease and blush on my lid & yeah I'd probably miss breakfast but make sure to have my coffee
1243 posts
Breakfast. I will eat it though, just at work instead.



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