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17 posts, 15 members
Just wondering if anyone has any advice. 
I injured my back a while ago so I'm always in a lot of pain which has meant I'm unable to do much at the moment including even walking to far.  I'm the heaviest I have been and it's really starting to get me down. I'm worried if I do to much it's going to hurt my back. The doctors just give me pain killers that don't work and just make me feel sick :( 
1289 posts
I can suggest walking while in the pool. It's a little bit colder now but if you can get to your local council pools or private pools run by Ymca and the like. Once finished you could spa or just float in the pool.
The water would take some of your weight and provides some resistance. The other option is i you are a gym member already to book some time with an instructor to assist on appropriate exercises, they may not work the area your wanting but any exercise helps.
1280 posts
I sympathise with you.  I hurt my back last year and often wake up with lower back pain in the mornings.  My chiropractor suggested short walks every day, even if it's only a few meters down the road and back, just to ease up the tight muscles and get the blood flowing.  Walking is supposed to be really good for back pain.  I never thought of walking in the pool - that's a great idea, ragingfrog! 

I find having a massage once a month helps too, plus it's an excuse for some "me" time!  Yoga stretches like Cat & Calf also help to ease my pain (I think that's what it's called - when you're on your knees and and you suck in your tummy before arching and flexing your back, holding each 'pose' for a 30 seconds in between each rep).   I tend to do those before getting into bed and find the pain isn't as bad in the mornings.  
5248 posts
Yes I agree, light stretchy yoga followed by a hot bath or shower helps me. You have my sympathy, I've been in your shoes several times and its terrible.
5351 posts
You might be able to talk to your doctor about your pain and get a refferral for some physio. I had a refferral a while ago. I also looked into a naturopath and alternative healing clinics for massage and counselling. It helped me along the way. I wish you luck with your choices. I hope you feel better soon.
611 posts
Gah can't really see your post thanks to the lovely spammers with their fake watches! Seriously who would want a fake watch?! 

Anyway ive been getting physio on my back the last few weeks and the physiotherapist gave me some stretches to do and use a wheat bag while sitting. I love the wheat bag it's great and yes she also told me to keep active. I'm trying to stay off tramadol and naproxen as it makes me feel icky and doesn't really solve the problem just masks it. 
1185 posts
I empathize with you with back pain I've had back pain since I was 10 due to an accident & there's been no quick cure I know excervise does help & when I'm weighing in heavy that just adds to the pain. I've found stretching on a resistance ball helps heaps & as Maree suggested such work in the pool does work with it relieving the body of weight & gives the stretch & resistance required a warm pool is even better spa etc. A bath can help aswell in some epsom salts it all depends if it's muscular or spinal in most cases it's muscular which can be equal as painful so I hope somewhere in this thread you find some encouragement with pain relief. Take care
Thanks for all your advise ladies, it's giving me a bit more motivation :) 
5248 posts
I used to go the local pool and do some water jogging then sit in the spa with my back directly against a jet - oh the relief! I did learn to take a drink with sugar in it though, otherwise I'd be almost passing out from dehydration and low blood sugar by the time I crawled out of the spa  1 - 2 hours later!

Oh! and anything peppermint can relax your muscles which helps your back. Burn it in your burner, put it on cotton balls around the house, soak in it, and drink it. Strangely enough, it really helps.

I hope you get some relief soon, that level of pain can really get you down if it goes on for long. Good luck xx
8375 posts
I have a spinal injury complicated by hypermobility of the spine which means my vertebrae subluxate (partially dislocate) at will. Usually I just relocate them myself but occasionally they get stuck, meaning pain, medical intervention and tests (X-rays, MRI scans) etc.  The best painkiller out for it is Naproxen Sodium, available over the counter as Naprosan or Ponstan. I get it prescribed and it's gold. Heat is magic as well - hot showers, heat packs, spa baths, electric blankets.  I'm a big fan of massage chairs/pads (or actual massage if you can handle being touched when you're in pain, I can't always cope with that). Gentle stretches when it's not too painful can help to keep some flex on the muscles. Make sure your pillows keep your back aligned nicely, and don't slouch.

i feel your pain - mine will always be part of my life so it just comes down to managing it
1547 posts
ouch that sounds painful. Can you do something in the water, like light Aqua jogging?
2056 posts
Have you tried an osteopath? Also gentle stretches is a good way to go as they help you rebuild strength and flexibility.
1419 posts
I am going to suggest you look at another GP. I feel if you have a good doctor, you have won half the battle. It sounds like you one is only interested in pushing pills ( I am not against pills at all) but they maybe need to look at the bigger picture for you. There have been some awesome suggestions from our ladies here.
I wish you good luck in finding a workable soultion.
1155 posts
That sounds sooooo awful :( I'm with Kim. I suggest seeing another GP. Don't let them fob you off and just give you more pain killers. To be that sore and unable to do alot, there surely has to be something more a doctor can do for you xx
8 posts
I am very sorry for your predicament right now. I feel you. The hardest time to lose excercise and lose weight is when you are coming from an injury. How about just walking in a pool or get a therapist? I have been on the same boat and I had to go on the diet first to be able to excercise again.
915 posts
My partner has ongoing back problems and I bought a electric heated pad which he wraps around like a belt and it helps him a lot . I often rub in voltarin cream first and the heat seems to penetrate to the bone and eases the pain.
5 posts
I completely understand where you're coming from. I've had Scoliosis since I was 15 and there were times that you get hurt so bad that you can't move at all. What I would recommend for you to do is visit an Orthopedist. They could give you a lowdown on the workout/exercises you can do that will be good for you, specifically. Unfortunately, you can't just do whatever kind of "light exercise" because it may still not be suitable for the injured part of your back. 

Hope you have a full recovery really soon!



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