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What was your first beauty purchase of the New Year?

48 posts, 27 members
8375 posts
Even with the best of intentions most of us will have caved by now and bought SOMETHING :p

My first beauty purchase of 2016 was Skinfood's Tanning Moisturiser - my sister in law gave me a few samples to try and it's excellent, so I was delighted to find some in store!
444 posts
Happy New Year Trudi!!! I've managed to resist :-)
8375 posts
Retail therapy is the go for me Koni, lol. I've bought three dresses in as many days. So far the beauty has been restricted to the tanning moisturiser, a body scrub and a night cream, but mainly because i'm so well stocked at the moment haha
825 posts
I didn't realize I had such a bad problem until yesterday when I had to go into town to get anti-flamm, I kept getting delayed from leaving the house by the kids, my husband, then they were hungry (and helpless) I was getting so so grumpy and then I snapped and just had to leave for the shops- the minute I was riding down that escalator all tension was released! I just wandered for a good two hours - only got a couple of random little things - spent less than $50, but gee I felt good- hadn't been to the shops since my Boxing Day very quick shop, I was in withdrawal!
1732 posts
I haven't bought anything yet! I'm planning on getting some skincare next week though so hopefully that will fill the need for a while. I think once I get home my first plan is to get all my makeup and skincare in one place and take stock of what I really have before I purchase anything else. 
1155 posts
I haven't purchased anything beauty related....yet lol I'm currently looking at brushes, a setting spray, a setting powder and a eyeshadow palette. However they are wants not needs, and a little voice is telling me to save my money :)
2052 posts
Nothing absolutely nothing! And I'm not planning on buying any makeup for lots and lots of months. Concentrating on keeping down sizing. I also like seeing the money going into the account instead of out ;)
5252 posts
Nothing for me, but I bought an elderly aunt a set of three hand creams for her birthday a couple of days ago.
703 posts
Mine was my Australis Fresh & Flawless powder at 10am New Years Day from Farmers! I was out of town and lost it from my friends bag the night before. I had 3 back ups at home but it is so affordable anyway and I even had a Farmers voucher with me. 
8375 posts
chelsea thats actually on my list to try after i finish up my maybelline and nude by nature ones
1289 posts
Nothing yet but waiting on things to be delivered from the sales. I have plenty at present and until I have posted a number of reviews I can't see me buying anything other than powder which I have vouchers for.
1031 posts
Absolutely nothing, surprisingly! I'm going to be a bit more controlled with my spending this year as I'll shortly have much higher living expenses, which is good because I certainly don't need any more beauty products! Will finally be picking up my wee mini Becca Opal liquid and powder highlight set from Beauty Bliss tomorrow though! (bought before Xmas) Soo excited!
5112 posts
Absolutley nothing! Because I figure using Fiance's card doesn't count. ;-) And I bought all my stuff before the new year. Bwahahahaha. But I have parcels turning up - JS Masochist and a box of worms for my farm. Much excite!!
1732 posts
Oh Sarah that sounds far too exciting! 

Im tempted to make a Beautylish order as I want some It Cosmetics goodies but I think I have a wee bit more panning to do first so I might wait till March and do a birthday order, easier to justify that way. 
2056 posts
I brought a beauty blender on the 2nd. Most of my spending was in the boxing day sales where I got a tanning mousse, a nail polish, a chanel lipstick and lots of lush goodies. Did refrain from spending more money on lush when I stoppedby after the 1st.
5351 posts
Lush Lord of Misrule and a Christmas lush box. I also got some new geometric jar, Marble jar and light pink jar. I wanna change my home decor away from Shabby chic to modern comteporary. I have a few wrought iron pieces I need to replace with this new theme. 
8375 posts
Lush LOM is sooo greeeeen!
5112 posts
It is green! It almost stains my bloody shower. The Comforter is the same, so much pigment D: 
8375 posts
Ooh i have a wee Comforter to try. Currently have honey i washed the kids, snow fairy and body shop raspberry on the go
8375 posts
Btw beautiful pix koni and shaz xx
611 posts
Nothing beauty related but about 6 bras and 4 dresses. Not really in need of much right now

Sarah- that set is totally amazing!! I'm very excite for you!! My gorgeous secret Santa Marleen spoilt me with this set!!! I love it so much. 
5112 posts
Haha thanks Trudi, you ain't so bad yo self ;-) and lol I have about the same! I bought a lime shower gel (I can't remember what the brand is derp) and I have Lush Snowman Jelly and then also Snow Fairy and LOM. Everything else is hiding in the cupboard awaiting the day the light shall grace it hahahaha. I'm also pretty excited to find out who the winners are of these competitions, I want them to be drawn nooowwwwww >:D
8375 posts
Good point Shaz! Wonder if the delay has baby related causes?
5112 posts
I hope so! Come onnnn Milky2! >:D
423 posts
Revlon foundation on sale at Farmers. Am about to run out so got some while cheapish. Does airfares to the USA count as a beauty purchase? Sephora, I am coming for you! This no buy and no looking at makeup videos and being generally very busy has been great for my bank account!
1547 posts
Nothing! My last purchases were on Boxing Day :)
1768 posts
This thread is making me feel good because I can say I haven't brought any beauty products this year! Yay! Wonder how long this will last haha
First Lady
957 posts
Haha Shaz and Trudi you're sort of on the money.

It looked like things were a-go, but here I sit picking up drawing comps again!

Day 12 over and counting!

5112 posts
Hahahahaha!! Oh dear. Perhaps Milky2 wants you to draw the winners and then will make a grand entrance! Cheeky lil thing, isn't even born yet! Hahaha ;-)
8375 posts
the winners are on FB Shaz

Fingers x'd that todays the day Nat
2999 posts
No beauty purchases for me so far this year either! Lol, it's only the 5th! I didn't get to open my huge lush haul until the 2nd though. Between that, my L'occitane advent calendar and the haul I bought back from Korea, I really don't need to buy anything for a long,long time. BRBB excluded (that goes without saying, the FOMO is strong in this one). The new Lush products and LEs throughout the year will be hard to resist though. 

My friend asked me yesterday if I want to go to Cuba next dec/Jan so that is going to be my motivation to shop my stash until its gone. 
5112 posts
There's still 3 more to go! >:D that was a long list though, it's awesome to see that many winners!
8375 posts
lol i lost track! the last three xmases in a row i won competitions I forgot I entered; it's not uncommon haha.
249 posts
Nothing at this stage. Although I am in need of a new toner and my Bossy cleanser is nearly out. 
5112 posts
Hhaahaha nah I checked the competition page and theres still 3 up ;-) 
1964 posts
I was thinking I had been good but nope! I bought a natio giftpack from farmers, it was halfprice so I couldn't resist.  Then from avon I got the big & false mascara and a foot cream.I've put myself on a total eyeshadow ban this year. I've decided to try and pan my naked palette and if I don't buy any eyeshadow I'm going to treat myself to a viseart palette next January. 
370 posts
I haven't bought anything yet! My first purchase of the year will be tomorrow when my suppliers open up again so I can get the tinting supplies I need to take on appointments again.
I still have my rovie/banshee orders coming, so that's been helping ward off temptation!
5252 posts
Oh oh oh  - I just got my email to say my Lush order has been dispatched - yahoo!!! I can't wait!!!
8375 posts
does exercise equipment count as beauty related?
8375 posts
annnd Banshee now do testers, so I've ordered a few to try hehe
1155 posts
I haven't purchased anything beauty related but I have orders coming from 1-day, snapfish (photos), redcurrent and my Lush order but I ordered that before the new year :)
150 posts
I haven't purchased anything beauty related in the new year! I am trying to be better with money this year so I am setting up some savings, including a money tin that I can crack open for makeup ;) but with beauty this year I'm aiming to only buy things I really want or need, I'm past the stage of wanting a big collection just because, I'd much rather have less and get more use (:

I did manage to get in a couple of beauty buys before 2015 finished! I picked up 3 nail polishes - a Maybelline one and 2 Sinful Colour ones.
Then Postie was having 25% off so I grabbed 2 body mists, 2 BYS eyeliners and a La Colours eye set that included an electric blue eyeliner and an electric blue mascara.
1422 posts
I have purchased a dress, a top and a pair of trousers.  I have refrained from anything beauty related (so far).
3392 posts
I didn't do any of the Boxing Day sales but on the last day of last year I did stock up on Oasis Apple a Day because there was a buy 2 get 1 free and it's a product I can't do without so not going to be wasted. So far since the year started my first beauty purchase was a bossy's Tutti Fruti body scrub at a bargain off a friend but since I only have one body scrub in my personal stock at the moment I did the right thing. Since then I bought a bottle of rosehip oil for my sister since she needed one and I had a Life Pharmacy reward voucher about to expire.
1243 posts
Nothing! I am determined to not buy anything unless I need a replacement.
1072 posts
Nothing so far for me either but I have carts loaded and a Lush order I am trying hard to not make until the end of the week lol.
Still waiting on a couple of items ordered over the holiday period so that might hold me over long enough :)
1768 posts
I was so good, untill I saw the Lush sale had been updated so now I have brought two soaps for myself this year. 
2052 posts
I just did a l'occitane order. Is that beauty or essential items? Shower oil. Shampoo. Lip balm. Hand moisturiser. Im putting it in the essential cause who wants a smelly farmers wife? Gotta be clean right? And there was a item added in there cause I just don't wanna pay for delivery! I HATE paying for delivery



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