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NBR - Easter Plans?

41 posts, 20 members
569 posts
I actually have a long weekend!!! 

Going to Twizel to paint the In-laws Bach however the weather is not meant to be great for painting the exterior so it might just be a chilled weekend of doing not very much! 

What's everyone else's plans?
8375 posts
sleep, wine, Waihi Beach, sleep, wine, sleep, going for a walk, sleep and chocolate :p
569 posts
hmmmm sleep & wine sound good!!! 

I'm a bit gutted the weather down there is meant to be a bit poor as I love the idea of a couple of days on the lake...

If the painting gets cancelled I might suggest we head up North where the weather is bound to be nicer - the beach would be wonderful! It's actually something I didn't do this Summer :(
8375 posts
I've been away the last 3 weekends in a row, and next month I already have two, possibly three trips booked in :S sleep is good.
5112 posts
Friday we're having an Easter hunt with my brother in law, hes 19ish but that doesn't stop me, I mean, I'm hunting for chocolate... ;-). Saturday we have another hunt at my mums for my 3yo niece, as well as dinner! Sunday is date day with my frand and I dunno what we will be doing, but I know her sister is down so there could be a third hunt, but if not I know chocolate will be involved cos she loves the stuff ;-) 

So all in all, a very unhealthy, but very happy weekend planned! 
569 posts
Aww sounds great Shaz!!! 

567 posts
Oh maaaaaan I wanna come to one of your easter egg hunts Shaz lol.  I hope you get your sleep Trudi.  For me I am making the most of the last couple with my son until I fly to Auckland Sunday to go on my cruise Monday.  I have a bbq planned but because I don't eat meat on a good friday I have to make it saturday lunch so no alcohol unfortunately because of an early morning the next day :(
1768 posts
I am so excited for this long weekend, Im in Perth so hoping to do a bit of shopping and hang with the family! 
8375 posts
easter chocolate, hot cross buns etc have no calories between 12am Good Friday and 11.59 pm Easter Monday. It's just SCIENCE
1732 posts
I am super keen for the Easter Buns and chocolate! Unfortunately for my partner he is getting his wisdom teeth out this Thursday so I imagine his weekend isn't going to be so nice. I'm thinking I'll be playing nurse for a bit (not in a fun way). Might go rent some new movies or something so we have something to watch.
5254 posts
Can't wait - sleep-ins and chocolate - yay!!!
1964 posts
my partner works weekends usually so it will be nice for him to have sunday off. I don't think we'll get up to much, I have some bits for the kids from the easter bunny and a hunt planned too.
I've just come down with a head cold so I'm hoping I'll feel better for the weekend anyway,  school has 5 days off so I'll need lots of energy for that!
5351 posts
Ill be away in auckland. Kids will be at grandparents. I can hear a Lush store calling me lol
1422 posts
We are going to stay with friends in Papamoa thursday and friday and then going to Pauanui where we have a little house. We both have time off, I dont go back to work until next friday!! Woohoo. In Papamoa there will be a huge amount of wine consumed. Probably a lot of nana naps taken as well.

Tomorrow I have a day L'Oréal training day which I am so looking forward to. 
569 posts
Your school observes Easter Tuesday too Reeze?
So does mine...
I've never heard of it before! It seems silly to me
8375 posts
All schools will have Tuesday off. Often easter is in the hols so noone notices but the Easter Tuesday has been a thing for a while
1422 posts
Have an amazing time in Lush heaven Macs! I was there on the weekend, was great!
2999 posts
Haha Macs, as soon as I read Auckland, I thought 'I know where she's going' lol. 

I'm grateful for Easter Tuesday off school because I have at least a days worth of marking to do. 
1155 posts
Our long weekend will be easter themed for the kids :) Egg hunt over the weekend and visit the fam bam and have a BBQ depending on the weather. My daughter asked me today if she could have easter shows, easter dress and easter ears for the egg hunt lol soooo I need to get my creativity hat on I think. Hope everyone has an awesome Easter x
1964 posts
I didn't know about Easter Tuesday. This is my first time as a mum experiencing a non term break easter. My son's kindy is open on Tuesday though so I'll just have a big kid day on the Tuesday!
3392 posts
We're going to be moving houses soon so the plan is for my family to go and see the new house and everyone see their rooms and then downsize their stuff accordingly. I have most of my stuff stored in boxes but I will probably have to get rid of some clothes that are too small or old.
5351 posts
You know me too well soozie. Oh my aunty wants me to go away with them to Mangatautari Im having difficulty saying no lol going to crash my lush ideas . Might be a good thing.
3402 posts
Have nothing plan except my UK easter egg...Mmmm it will be worth the diet pause.  This year I got sent a Lion Bar Easter Egg.  I can not begin to tell you how excited I am about it, unless you are an ex-brit then you know!!! A Lion Bar Easter Egg!!! Ahhh lol.

Going to kick back and chill, aside from the normal playing around in the makeup room, photos and blog writing which is really playtime =)  Last weekend for Otago anniversary we got slammed by a heatwave and the forecast for this weekend is bleak, cold and windy so it'll be gamng and movie watching probably.   Might head off to the cinema with the hubby as the new Batman V Superman comes out tomorrow so that will be great to go see in 3D over the weekend.  
569 posts
I had never heard of Easter Tuesday before this year - not all schools do it. I'm the only one at work that has it - there's about 5 different schools between us here..... 

I get that it's probably great for Teachers & I know the Kids certainly love it but it's a nightmare for me if I have to take an extra day off work - thankfully I don't this year as the Boys Father is taking them away. 
8375 posts
that's unusual... this is straight from the Ministry of Education site:

Easter Tuesday school holiday 2016
Easter Tuesday is a school holiday by law for state and state integrated schools. This means they must close on Easter Tuesday.

If your colleagues have kids in ECE, private or partnership schools they're not affected; the vast majority of NZ schools are required by law to be closed on Easter Tuesday

more info

not one to get at teachers over; they didn't decide this, the government did, a long time ago :)
2718 posts
Omg chikoboo, a Lion Bar easter egg, I am so jellie he he he.  Enjoy it hun, you deserve it and are looking fabulous, so treat yourself xx
423 posts
Trudi - Some accountants also have Easter Tuesday. I would, but I have clients that can't possibly cope without me, so will have a late start and then go and see them and then go home again, so working a half day. Yay!

My easter weekend will involve gym, sleep and writing an assignment due on the 1st April that I haven't started yet. To be fair, I've had far too much on my plate with motorsport, triathlon and sleeping post-triathlon. I was going to sand down and paint the benches built into my patio, but I can't be bothered and car repairs means I can't afford the paint.
1243 posts
I'll be working over Easter. Unfortunately I have too much to do to justify much time away, though I will only go in when I need too. Sleep, wine and chocolate when I can!
569 posts
Wasn't getting at Teachers at all 
2718 posts
Oh wow, this is a first I didn't know about this, usually its just Good Friday and Easter Monday, didn't realise Tuesday was a no school day too.  Glad I read this, just re-checked our school newsletter and saw that in fact School is closed. To be honest I think its a bit silly to have that amount of time off just because its easter, they are having school break soon anyway, makes it harder for those that work to get care for the kids.  Luckily I'm no longer studying and I can work my own hours.
8375 posts
mallomiss that's good, just about everything i've read is people going on about teachers being lazy for taking the day off that is legally decreed that they have to.... so much teacher bashing goes on in NZ that we're all (even we former teachers) pretty defensive.

I don't know what the reasoning behind it is and I understand why it's such a headache for parents, but it's the government's fault, like most things in this country that make no sense ;)
2718 posts
Oh most definitely, I agree nothing to do with Teachers, they have an extremely hard and stressful job to do and totally deserve to have another day off.  I know what its like looking after my 3 let alone a whole class full lol.  My Sister in Law has just graduated with her Teaching Degree and she's awesome with the kids and an instant babysitter to my kids ha ha ha
1964 posts
I have such an incredible amount of appreciation for teachers and ece teachers too.My four are hard work and they have so many more than that to look after and educate every day. They totally deserve breaks!
5254 posts
Hmmn Kirsty, I'd love to know what  a Lion Bar easter egg is...
1155 posts
Chikoboo enjoy the movie if you do go and see it! I'm dying to see it :D
5254 posts
Oh! I looked on the internet - a lion bar and lion bar easter egg... they look scrummy :)
1072 posts
Getting ready for an epic Easter weekend as my daughters birthday falls during it this year.
She also has the whole week off (finishes on thursday and goes back next thursday) due to having a teacher only day on the wednesday... it will be nice to have some extra time with her at home and she will be tired after her party too.
I think we are both looking forward to having our faces painted by a very talented local fairy :)

Just want to add a reminder to be safe on the roads over Easter
3402 posts
Maree they really are yummy, the best chocolate bar in my opinion but then that might just be because they remind me of home and growing up.  Occassionally they have them in at New World on South Hill if you ever notice one to try out =)
311 posts
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend! Planning a quiet one, 4 days at home with husband and son, lots of movies and chocolate, hopefully finish the extra puzzles in last weeks Lucky Break (there are way tooo many, haha, havent even bothered buying this weeks one because I'm so behind). Hoping to find a few moments to paint and do arty things. My IG is having issues so I'll probably be quiet on there over the weekend while I try sorting it out.
1547 posts
sounds like you all have great plans. I've been sick this past week so my weekend will be recovering and resting! Alikat I ow there used to be "accountants day" on Easter Tuesday as a public holiday but they no longer have that anymore.
8375 posts
Woohoo my Easter is finally underway.... Had a late finish to work delivering a webinar then went and picked up groceries now finally sitting down to telly and a glass of wine



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