
Max value reached

Adding this item would put you over your total vault limit of $250. please review your cart to stay under the limit.

95 posts, 67 members
6 posts
Hi there,

I'm new to Beauty Review and have never participated in the Beauty Vault before.  What is it like and how many points would you need on average to purchase a product from the vault.

Does anyone know how much points the products range from - I.E Foundation = 100points.

Thank you
506 posts
Hi Janaya welcome to BR

you can find out all the info about the vault HERE

If you search "Beauty Vault" in the search bar top right, you can find other threads on the Topic too


6 posts
Cool thank you for that :)
3402 posts
The point prize of items in the vault are as RRP so if an item is $50 RRP it would be 500 points.   

Links don't appear to be working this afternoon but there is a beauty vault section if you go to the footer of every page you'll find it.

No doubt we have some gremlins on the site playing around. Hocking themselves up on skittles and coke ready to try and cause chaos over the lead up to the vault, as they do =)

10 days countdown starts today!! for all eligible to enter this vault xx
First Lady
957 posts
Hey Lovlies,

We'll be releasing all the information you need for the Beauty Vault over the next 10 days, it's my homework.  So don't stress, we'll ensure everyone has all the information they need!
I don't want to ruin any surprises (and the Queen would be all 'off with her head' if I did...) but this vault is looking amazing, we have some seriously fantastic products, we can't wait for you guys to see it!

Generally the BR conversion rate is 10 Beauty Points to $1 of the RRP.  There may be a few items where this is different, but that's all I can say at the moment...

Don't be worrying about any Gremlin activity, the Beauty Boffins have been working through the issues, and the load capacity has been super-duper-ooper sized. 

Stay tuned, it's about to get very exciting here at BR, the Vault, Status Reviews, New Superheroes, oh and a few weeks after the vault, it's our birthday.  And we're going to party's everyone's birthday!

Love Nat xx

P.S.  You can always drop us a line at [email protected] with any concerns or queries - the crew is always happy to help!

394 posts
Ooooh the excitement Nat :-) oh I do hope I can make it to the vault before work but if not...then I'll have more excitement for the next ;-)
A huge thank you to you all for making this the coolest site to belong too!! Xxx
3402 posts
Oooo that's exciting!!!! I generally think I'm going to burst *shakes a bag of skittles* will have these just in case the odd gremlin gets out, I'll skittle it to death...bwahahahaha
488 posts
I was just thinking vaulty thoughts this morning and wondering about the excitement to come.

Am I the only one that mentally adds seven every time they hear an election count down? I'm a big politics nerd but I'm more excited about the vault. Oh and somewhere any second a baby which is even more exciting than the vault... I guess hehe. Now you add in everything else and I don't think my poor heart can take it.
2052 posts
Naaaaaat! I am trying to learn how to sleep. With you adding excitement, how can I calm my we brain down? You ladies are AMAZEBALLS
I am sooooooooo EXCITED!!!  :-)
3392 posts
Oooh exciting. Thanks BR team for working sooo hard to make this vault the best and keep the gremlins at bay. We can't thank you BR admins and team enough. xox
762 posts
Omg how exciting! So many good things happen on BR.
570 posts
Holy moly mackerfrickinroly!!  BR - you seriously rock!  I haven't been this excited about The Vault since ... well .... the last one!  How will my nerves cope?  
615 posts
Exciting stuff:) 
5 posts
I am so excited to visit the vault. First timer here and so can not wait.
1768 posts
I dont know if I qualify for this beauty vault, but either way im getting excitied! Love to see whats in there and what everyone else gets!! 
94 posts
Welcome to BR, i wont be able to participate till im 18! :'( but i hope you lovelies have a ton of fun. :D <3
86 posts
I don't think I qualify for this one, but it sure is exciting! Can't wait to see what is available :)
375 posts
Ooooh, exciting! Can't wait to see what everyone gets! And I will definitely be joining in the fun even though I wont be able to participate :)

Next vault lol... Either for Christmas or my birthday!
5351 posts
Hey there. Ive never experienced beauty vault either. Im a bit of a newbie like yourself. I just typed in the search bar on this site and typed in beauty vault. Goodluck to the ladies who get a chance at it xxxo
149 posts
Oooh, I'm so excited now! Just found out that I will be free after all on the morning, so  I'll be able to join in on all the Vault fun after all, as long as I qualify for it. Exciting times... I don't think I'm going to sleep much between now and then hehe :)
424 posts
Not sure if I'll qualify for this vault but super-dooper excited to hear what everyone gets and it sounds like it's going to be fabulous!!
845 posts
I am so excited and honestly can't wait :) just need to put my alarm on next Friday night so I can get up in time. I can't wait to see a sneak peek also and if it is running differently than the last one.
Exciting, I can't wait to see what everyone gets. Sounds like a lot of fun
301 posts
I'm so excited :) I love vault time I just hope I've been good enough to get a vault pass!
1209 posts
I'm going to have to find a way to sneak out of my fubdraiser to get on the bait so exciting :)
75 posts
So excited!!!!! The suspense
BR you are awesome! !
5250 posts
I can't wait until I've been around long enough to participate :).
419 posts
exciting! I will be stepping aside this vault :) I got some lovely goodies last time round :)
1139 posts
If I qualify for this vault then I seriously need to be in and out in minutes because I have to work next Saturday morning - fingers crossed all goes well for me as I have a tonne of points desperate to be used ;)
17 posts
so exciting, cannot wait.... I'm going to feel like a kid in the lollie shop (well I still feel like that in the lollie shop haha)... 
17 posts
so exciting, cannot wait.... I'm going to feel like a kid in the lollie shop (well I still feel like that in the lollie shop haha)... 
16 posts
This all sounds so exciting :) I have marked it on my calendar haha sounds like a big event x
745 posts
Yay Vault Authenticated! One week to go :)
569 posts
YAAAAYYY! I'm so excited!!
551 posts
Yay! What a great message to get to start off the weekend - vault authenticated :-)
86 posts
yay so excited now.. Thanks B.R.. Can't wait for my first vault :) 
33 posts
Authenticated. Thank you. My first vault. Just a tad excited!!!
149 posts
Yay, authenticated! Thank you BR, so excited now!! (and I must confess, my first thoughts this morning were of vault authentication, not voting :P Oops...) :)
169 posts
Authenticated and rather excited, the last 2 have been great and I'm sure this one will be too :)
1209 posts
So exciting to jump on here and see your inbox has one new message !! not long now :) excited....
2718 posts
Yay, authenticated too, thanks so much BR xx And your birthday, OMG so exciting, in celebtration we should all get BR t-shirts and wear them to celebrate it he he he.  
Yay! Was nice to find the email this morning for the vault. Now I hope while traveling next Saturday morning my ph does as its told so I can log on and see what goodies there are hehe
238 posts
Yay! Authentication received - I was very worried as I haven't been able to review as much lately because I'm completely overrun with uni work. So looking forward to my first vault as a hero and a big thank you to all the BR ladies for all your hard work!
1176 posts
Thanks so much BR! I wasn't expecting to be eligible as I haven't been super active on here. 
484 posts
I am excited too, mind you, I was excited at the last beauty vault as well.:D Sadly I couldn't access that, but the beauties here said they fixed everything for this time around, yayyy.:)
97 posts
So exciting to see what qualified reviewers will get in this vault :) yay I will qualify for the next one. 
150 posts
Just a tad jealous! Haven't been around long enough to be authenticiated! I guess that means I can save all my points and go crazy next time :D
3402 posts
Woot!! thanks BR babes, great start to a wonderful weekend to get a message saying I'm authenticated for the vault =)
253 posts
Authenticated yay!!! Cant wait.



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