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The Unexpected Reason You're Breaking Out

30 January, 2022 - 12:25pm by - Head Pixie | 12 Comments

by BR Amelia

Let's be honest, when it comes to zits, there are some things we know we ought not to do but DO do, so when we have a breakout we know we've only got ourselves to blame. For example, I know if I squeeze my pimples, I'm only going to get more. I also know that if I eat too much junk food or drink too much wine I can experience some small pimples to appear on my cheeks (keep in mind, these are my foodie pimple triggers, some people might experience this with other foods, some might now at all). So when I do either of those things and see an increase in zits I know what direction to point my finger in. 

However, while there are some things we know are sure to give us a case of the whiteheads, blackheads or acne, there are some breakout triggers that can easily slip under our radar and leaving us scratching our heads when we wake up, look in the mirror and are faced with a scattering of bumps and lumps. Triggers such as these...

Wrong Skincare

It goes without saying that not all skincare is created the same, and that finding what works for you can involve trial and error, which can unfortunately lead to a zit-tastic flare up. It could be that you are using skincare designed for oily skin when your skin is dry. Or the dry skin you think you have is actually dehydrated oily skin. Basically, you need to be using skincare that works with your skin type, and the easiest way to do this, if you can, is to visit a trained professional who can help you work out your skin type and design a skincare solution tailored just for you. If seeing a professional isn't possible, one way to help you find out your skin type is to cleanse your skin with a gentle cleanser, pat dry, then wait thirty minutes. After that time has passed take a look in the mirror. If your skin appears shiny, you've oily skin. If it feels tight, chances are you have dry skin. Shiny in some areas but not others? That'll be combination skin. And if you hit the Goldilocks "everything feels just right" jackpot, you've "normal" skin. While that test is not a perfect science, it can go some way to helping you select better skincare and avoid breakouts.

Another skincare cause of a breakout is using too many products with active ingredients, such as retinol and acids. These can upset the skin's barrier, which can lead to the likes of inflammation and, you guessed it, breakouts.

Products containing comedogenic ingredients, such as coconut oil and sodium lauryl sulfate can block pores, which can also lead to outbreaks. If you want to learn more about comedogenic ingredients in order to avoid them in your skincare, a great place to start is to Google 'comedogenic ratings', which will give you lists of common skin and haircare ingredients, along with a rating of how cloggy (that's the scientific term) they are to pores. 

Lastly, if you try a new product and find yourself having an eruption, back away from the product and let your skin heal. (This is why we recommend patch testing first.) If you're brave enough to try the product again and the same result happens, it's time to move it on.


I was guilty of this as a teenager. All I wanted was a pimple-free face. So I bought the harshest skincare known to human kind (the kind advertised on television and in mags as perfect for pimply teens), and I cleansed and cleansed and cleansed. Sure, my skin was squeaky clean for a brief moment in time, but then the oil production went into overdrive, my pores became even more clogged and my breakouts became worse. If only I knew then what I know now my teenage years would've involved a lot less pancake makeup face.

In an nutshell, when it comes to cleansing you need a cleanser that suits your skin type. If you've oily skin, a gel or foaming cleanser can work for you. Dry skin? Try a gentle cream cleanser. Once you've got your cleanser sorted, don't go crazy with it. A cleanse in the morning is good, followed by a cleanse during the day if you do a sweaty workout, then another cleanse in the evening if you've been going makeup free, or a double cleanse using micellar or a cleansing balm first before your regular cleanser if you've been wearing makeup during the day. 

If over-cleansing is a no-no, the same can be said for exfoliating, whether it be of the chemical or physical kind. As nice as it is to experience smooth skin, over-exfoliation can increase oil production, and even compromise the skin barrier, both of which can lead to a breakout.

Getting Handsy

It wasn't until we had to wear masks and were told not to touch them that I discovered how often I touch my face. I'm completely handsy with myself. Every few minutes I'm stroking my chin, or rubbing my forehead, or scratching at a tiny bump on some part of my noggin. The thing is, those fingertips of ours carry oil and dirt, making them the perfect pimple-making instrument of ick. 

The one good think about all this mask wearing (apart from keeping ourselves and others that bit safer) is that now I'm aware of how handsy I am, I've trained myself to keep my hands to my, er, self, which has made a visible difference to my skin, with far less bumps and lumps popping up to say hello.

Your Pillowcase

Not to washing shame anyone... but how often are you changing your pillowcase? Just think about... if your face is on that piece of material eight odd hours a day, and it's only being changed once every fortnight or so, that's a big build up of bacteria from skin cells, hair product and the last vestiges of makeup that refused to be removed, being smooshed into your skin every time you take a nap or hit the hay for the night. 

That doesn't mean you need to go OTT when it comes to changing your pillowcase, but doing it at least once a week is a good idea, twice being ideal.


Fun fact: when you're feeling stressed your body releases cortisol, which then causes the oil glands to get busy, and, at this point in the article, I'm sure we all know what happens when our face's oil glands decide to start pumping out more oil than we need...

So, while it's all well and good to say 'don't get stressed' if you don't want to increase the risk of blemishes then you'll need to find a way to minimise your stress (which has the added and bigger bonus of increasing your overall wellbeing). To do this, it may pay to look at ways you can take a moment to yourself to recalibrate throughout the day, whether that's by taking micro-breaks for a spot of exercise or a quick meditation, by learning and practicing mindfulness, or even by using breathing techniques designed to calm and focus you in those moments when life goes haywire. 

While there's no magic potion that can instantly rid us of those lumps and bumps that pop up every now and then, or on the regular, at least by knowing the sneaky triggers, we can work to minimise their appearance.

So, do you think any of the reasons above might be contributing to your breakouts? And will you be changing any of your habits due to this? Also, what tips and tricks do you have to fend off a case of the unexpected pimples? Chat below!


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6th April, 2022

I think my downfall is stress which causes me to breakout!!

17th March, 2022

It's mainly wearing a mask at work, plus warm weather that is breaking me out. I have combination skin, and would usually only get the occasional pimple, but over the summer I have been getting more than I have in years! Fortunately, I have been using some really great products that have helped a lot, plus the weather is cooling down, so my skin is much better than it was at the beginning of the year.

Other things that are helping is changing my pillowcase more regularly than I was before (every few days), and washing my foundation brush daily, other face brushes (blush, highlight etc) every two to three days, and eye brushes weekly.

11th February, 2022

Have some l think from hormones, and having to wear a mask , l have a broken nose and find it hard to breathe, so keep touching my face when wearing my mask to let the air in , Thanks for interesting article Gabrielle

9th February, 2022

I started getting lots of breakouts when I went off the pill in my late thirties. I had never had problems before, and it turned out that I've got polycystic ovaries. Funny how many things about your health show on your skin.

8th February, 2022

Stress and the heat causes the odd zit with me, I had acne in my twenties and thirties, now in my sixties still get the odd one.

3rd February, 2022

Stress definitely for me

3rd February, 2022

I definitely break out with stress. And to avoid touching a breakout (and help treat it at the same time), I’ll sometimes cover it with a pimple patch.

2nd February, 2022

I get acne at 38 . It sure why me lol

2nd February, 2022

I don't get acne any more but my skin will still react negatively to bad diet and stress.

1st February, 2022

Stress for me!!!!!! Oh hormones probably have something to do with it too bahahaha

1st February, 2022

Possibly all of the above! The heat definitely made my skin oily and I was really putting it all over my arms and shoulders & neck because I felt burnt all the time. Then, I put some on my face. It probably was too oily or causing blocked pores. I used less rich anti aging because my skin went oily but then my wrinkles came back hard and fast. Sunscreen I think caused me to break out too & hormones.

1st February, 2022

Mine is definitely if I use the wrong skincare....particularly moisturizer. If it's too heavy it is zits galore.