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The Release of 2018!! Wayne Goss Cosmetics Is Coming!

28 June, 2018 - 07:28pm by - Head Pixie | 22 Comments

By BR Kellie

Recently at BRHQ there was talk of kidnapping Wayne Goss and keeping him as our office pet. I'm not even joking. We'd treat him well. Better than well. He'd be fed. Loved. Cuddled. He could come home with us at night. We'd even give him his own bed because we understand sleeping with us would be uncomfortable for all concerned. While we wouldn't really kidnap him, mostly, probably - maybe... - we do adore him. His makeup tutorials on YouTube offer insights into applying makeup that no others do. He's not interested in glowing tips of noses, in Instagrammable looks, he wants people to look their most beautiful without hiding who they are. We love that.

We also love that he's worked his buttocks off to get where he is. He started his own line of brushes using his own savings and a loan. He could have teamed up with a company but he wanted everything to be perfect, so he went his own way, which means his brushes are created in Japan by artisans. Each brush is touched by 21 sets of hands. His investment into himself, into his perfectionism, has paid off, as his brushes are well loved (I have four and can confirm that they are amazing) and have now enabled him to release... wait for it...

Wayne Goss Cosmetics.

I know. We're dying. We are freaking out. This isn't a collab with a company. This is pure Wayne Goss. 100% total control, perfectionism, nothing but the best will do, and no one can tell him what to do. Because it's all him. And it's giving us all the good feels in our waters.

Not only are our waters giving us the good feels about the quality of what's to come - Wayne is too. He's begun to take his followers on the journey, showing us what is making the cut and what is not making the cut. Look at this eyeshadow compact...

To me it looks like a really nice compact. To Wayne? Not so much. The pan size is too small. He wants square pans so there's more product. The mirror isn't quite right. It needs an outline. 

Details. Details. Details. They say the devil is in the details - well if I were the devil I'd be scared, because Wayne is hunting him down and is ready to deal to him. 

And would you look at that shade of eyeshadow. Why do we feel that this is the kind of eyeshadow that won't just swatch nicely on your hand, but will apply every bit as richly to your lid? 

At this stage Wayne says he's a good six months off releasing his first wave of cosmetics, and then he'll roll out more at as he can afford them, and - we imagine - as they are perfected. So what else can we expect? There's been talk of a powder that reflects light without having any shimmer in it. As for foundation? That's on the list too! ... but it's a good year away and it won't be released until he's completely happy with the offering. Worth waiting for, we think. Worth waiting for indeed!

Want to learn more about Wayne Goss' plans for his cosmetics line? You can watch his video on it below:

So are you excited to see Wayne Goss Cosmetics? Will you be flashing the cash come release time? Or are you hanging out for another makeup artist to release their own collection of cosmetics? Get chatting!

Images: Instagram/gossmakeupartist


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29th June, 2018


29th June, 2018

I love his You Tube channel - can't wait to see what his foundation is like, as he often mixes 2 foundations together rather than just using one! His 2017 favourite foundations is a good watch!

28th June, 2018

I can't wait to see what comes out.

28th June, 2018

Yep, I’m excited! Bring it on!!

28th June, 2018

I'm fascinated to see what these will be like especially since Mr Goss is a perfectionist.

28th June, 2018

Definately excited -awesome news .

28th June, 2018

Wowee! Sounding like some high quality stuff.



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