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Should You Be Slugging!?

9 August, 2021 - 05:57am by - Head Pixie | 15 Comments

by BR Amelia

It's the newfangled skincare craze that all the Tik Tok and Reddit kids are talking about... and a skin care treatment that dermatologist's have know about since forever. It has a gross sounding name, but promises to give your skin a hydration boost. Welcome to the world of Slugging. 

So what is 'slugging'? What does it entail? What are the pros? What are the cons? Read on...

Slugging 101

Slugging is the act of finishing off your nightime skin care routine of cleansing and moisturising (toning/serums are up to you!) by applying a layer of an occlusive (think Vaseline or Aquaphor - generally something patroleum based) on top of your face. How much to use? A pea sized amount is generally recommended for the whole face.

And the point of slugging is?

Slugging works to lock moisture in, so that you wake up with beautifully hydrated skin. It also works to repair and protect the skin barrier. Oh and it leaves your skin feeling lush the next day!

How the heck did the name come about?

This was my big question because... ew. Basically slugging became slugging because it looks like a slug has slipped all over your face leaving it looking slimy. Delightful.

Who is it good for?

Slugging is good for those with dry skin or for those whose skin barrier has been upset due to use or overuse of harsh products, damaged by sun and/or other environmental factors.

Who should avoid it?

If you've acne/pimple prone skin or super oily skin, we would avoid slugging as it can only make matters worse. Even those with dry skin might only like to partake every now and then as the likes of Vaseline is comedogenic and can contribute to breakouts.

Can you slug here and there if not everywhere?

Absolutely! If you've combination skin but still have areas prone to sensitivity/dryness, you can apply a thin layer of an occlusive to those spots and let it work its magic overnight.

And there you have it! Slugging in a nutshell! So will you be giving in a go? Have you been slugging since forever? Or is this one step in your skin care routine you'll be happy to skip?

Chat below!


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2nd September, 2021

Been doing this for a while! It’s doing wonders for my skin!!

23rd August, 2021

I have quite oily skin so I don't think thus one is for me! Quite interesting though. I would have thought putting Vaseline or something like it on your face would block all your pores and cause breakouts.

15th August, 2021

I seriously thought this article was going to be about slug slime, like the snail slime skincare that came out a few years ago. Haha. Glad to see it’s not.

15th August, 2021

I seriously thought this article was going to be about slug slime, like the snail slime skincare that came out a few years ago. Haha. Glad to see it’s not.

14th August, 2021

I guess I do a form of slugging? I do my usual night routine and then pop a layer of Weleda Skin Food over top for extra hydration. Works so well!

13th August, 2021

Probably be good to do it on my awfully dry heels I am prone to cracked feet. Elbows are another one. My face is prone to acne though so not there.

11th August, 2021

Slugging! Haha love it! I am going to give it a go!!

11th August, 2021

Not for me. I don't want a greasy pillowcase and that hot and heavy feeling plus I'd break out from applying vaseline all over my face. I did the vaseline on lashes as a teen to make them grow.

10th August, 2021

Imagine the state of your pillow case! Not for me

10th August, 2021

Don't like the sound of petrochemicals on my face. I do put plenty of moisturizer on before I go to bed and that helps.

9th August, 2021

Sounds logical for dry skinned people...

9th August, 2021

LOl slugging! For many ears I put vaseline on my skin (during the day) but then stopped when I realised it can contain toxic compounds. Aquaphors look a bit better than vaseline.

9th August, 2021

Bhahaha slugging! Hell no it sounds horrific lol I hate feeling things on my skin.

9th August, 2021

Sounds really unpleasant. I have oily skin so don't need this routine.

9th August, 2021

I’ve done this before, didn’t know it had a name! I used hemp balms as the last step in my skincare routine at night, it had beeswax and olive oil in it to seal all moisture in, plus hemp supposed to help with breakouts I think? It’s great in the winter to prevent dry areas appearing and I didn’t break out from it, but don’t do it every night either.



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