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Nail Savers You Need To Know

28 January, 2016 - 09:06pm by - First Lady | 16 Comments

By BR Kellie

One of my biggest first world problems is smushing my nail polish. It’s never the nail polish’s fault either, it’s always mine. I have a strange ability to decide to paint my nails whenever I have heaps of things to do. Let’s call that ability ‘procrastination’. Unfortunately it means that once my nails are done I am forced to realise there are still dishes to do, articles to write, washing to hang out. All things that require the use of my fingers. Whoops. So it got me thinking, are there ways to dry your nail polish faster? Turns out, yes there are. (Phew.)

The strangest sounding one and the one I am most keen to try is cooking spray. The great Google says that if you spray wet nails with cooking spray and then leave them to dry your nails will dry more quickly. Bonus – you also give your cuticles a bit of moisturisation. You know what’s going into the trolley during my next shop…

Not afraid of frostbite? It’s also suggested that popping your fingers into the freezer for a few minutes can hasten drying time. Another option is to fill a bowl with water and ice and dip your nails into that for a couple of minutes. Not a fan of freezing your fingers off? Put the fan in your hairdryer to use and give your paws a blow-dry on the coolest and gentlest setting. 

Another air method – other than waving your fingers round frantically whilst blowing on them – is to get hold of an air duster and let it do all the work. One thing to remember is that these dusters can pack a bit of a punch, so it’s worth starting the drying from further back to avoid causing ripples in your polish.

Another option? This one calls for some premeditation. Next time you’re in the beauty aisle or indulging in a little online shopping pick up a quick dry nail topcoat such as Mecca Cosmetica’s Ready Set Quick Dry Nail Mist. Just apply and within a minute you’re good to go! Now that’s my kind of nail drying solution!

So do tell, what are your top tips for finishing off your mani in a flash? Chat away….



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18th June, 2017

Yes I just sit and wait, then end up doing something small and smudge one

1st April, 2016

I usually just do the cold water trick but always up for faster methods... especially when everytime I paint my nails lately one of the kids pull a stunt... like nail poish on the carpet :/ hmmmm

3rd February, 2016

Gels gels gels! Its my me time and I do not have to wait for it to dry, no matter how much I prep myself for painitng my nails as soon as I am done, natural calls and I have to go to the bathroom or the phone rings or something that requires hands beckons. So much easier with gels and my nails are now so strong and healthy!

2nd February, 2016

Self confessed nail polish addict (puts hand up), I find when doing my nails, I have to make the time, usually when the daily jobs are done, and when the kidlets are in bed. I like the idea of a drying spray, as nails will take longer to dry in the summer than what they do in winter. I have tried many brands, and bought a bottle of O.P.I's Mod About You, but I was really underwhelmed with it, chips started happening the next day!! I like Revlon's Gel Envy, I have a bottle in Beginner's Luck that is nearly finished, so I am on the hunt for the next neutral shade in the range. And toes, do not forget about the toes people, I always alternate two complimentary colours on the toes, even in winter when no one sees them, my mantra is 'Never go Naked' (meaning one must always at least have colour on the toeseys). And yes, top coats are a must, they give nails that polished look (no pun intended). A good hand cream is a must, whats the point of having lovely nails on rough hands? Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour hand cream gets my vote. Just keep in mind all nail polishes/lacquers/gels are not created equally, but it is trial and error when it comes to finding a brand you love.

1st February, 2016

I rarely wear nail polish, I just can be bothered with the touch ups and then flaking off etc and having to re do it, I'm pretty lazy haha

30th January, 2016

I have had so many fails with nails that now I actually plan to do them. There is nothing else to do except my nails. My tablet is close and so is my phone, thats all I need. Currently I am using a few Revlon gels and I find they dry quite quickly.

29th January, 2016

I've tried the freezer trick and ice cod water method. It works well but I find it leaves addy hard layer on the surface of the polish but the polish deep underneath can still be wet.

29th January, 2016

I can so relate - just today I painted my nails, for the first time ever I felt organised - I thought about all the things that I could POSSIBLY want to do in the next hour that might damage my nails and did that first. I was so proud. Then I got an itch, forgot I'd painted my nails and... there's the dent. *sigh*

OPI RapiDry Top Coat is excellent (Hadn't gotten to the top coat before I got itchy)

29th January, 2016

I use drying drops. I've tried ice water and the hair dryer but not cooking spray! I always manage to smudge my nails when I'm doing them so now I usually just get gels done to save me the frustration!

29th January, 2016

I just sit & wait... Yet always still mess at least one up

29th January, 2016

My nails are always done when I have 3 jobs on the go so I really appreciate this artice-Cooking oil is going into my trolley too .

28th January, 2016

Buy nail wraps. My nails always take forever to dry. I have heard cold water also helps dry them quicker but I don't find it makes much difference for me.

28th January, 2016

I have Sally's Hansen Insta-Dry Drops which helps to set it quickly which is oil based, so there may be some hope for the cooking spray idea. Unfortunately it doesn't make it smudge or imprint proof. So far the best solution I have come across is paint them before going to bed early on in the evening and watch a movie while they dry and then wait awhile before turning in and the next morning fix those little imprints from the sheets with Orly's Smudge Fixer. That little nigh miracle in a bottle, fixes small imprints and makes your mani look new and dries really fast and hard so you don't have a long wait.

28th January, 2016

I tried the ice water one!! It worked amazingly well, but the polish was still soft underneath (it was an LA gel colors one). I went to bed that night and my nails were covered with sheet marks hahahaha. Still worked fairly well thought and I'll do it again!

28th January, 2016

I love having my nails done. Its like my beauty treat. I've run out of Nail polish remover. I was naughty once used methylated spirits :0 It worked lol I have tried using a hair dryer once on a low setting. I hate when you just paint them and you need to go toilet :0

28th January, 2016

Yeah I often go to bed with a full bladder on manicure nights. It sucks how it can feel dry to touch and still smudge and imprint.

28th January, 2016

I've smudged so many times thinking it was dry . The need to invent a quick fix for us .

29th January, 2016

I find all the quick dry methods to do just the top. Only dry enough for light housework- no sheet changing or anything like that!

29th January, 2016

I might look into getting some of those products, they sound rather handy.

29th January, 2016

I have something similar - the Sally Hansen Dry and Go drops. The dream is ones that prevent denting/wrinkling etc. I'm going to check out the Orly one, I didn't even know those kind of products existed!

28th January, 2016

I didnt find water making my nails dry faster either.