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Have You Used Rosehip Oil...On Your Hair?!

17 April, 2018 - 07:59pm by - First Lady | 184 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

So, Rosehip Oil.  You've probably tried it now?  Or at least heard of it?  No?  Here's the nitty-not-so-gritty (because it's bloomin' wonderful...)

Rosehips are actually the dark red fruits of roses - they've have been used since ancient times around the globe.  Mayans, Egyptians and Native-Americans discovered that besides the pleasant-smelling fragrance of the roses, these plants came with extra benefits.

What benefits?  Well..rosehip is FULL of antioxidants, vitamins and essential fatty acids.  It boasts a huge percentage of plant-derived vitamin A, the “skin vitamin” that helps promote collagen production.  It's also rich in Vitamin B-carotene and Vitamins E and C ( 50% more than oranges!).  It's bursting with Omega 3,6 and 9 acids and lycopene too! 

While revelling in the skin care benefits of this delightful ingredient, we seem to have missed that it's also really great for...our hair!

First up it's a 'dry oil' so it won't turn your hair into lank, greasy strands.  Those essential fatty acids it's full of?  They're brilliant for repairing the hair follicles.  The Beta Carotenes are ace at balancing oil production.  Rosehip Oil will soothe an irritated scalp and add shine to hair of all types.

The Schwarzkopf Extra Care Rosehip Oil Elixir provides incredible nourishment and protection, leaving the hair looking gorgeously soft, smooth and shine. Rose Hip Oil packs this oil full of regenerative properties and antioxidants and the ultimate win...leaves a non-greasy finish.

We're looking for 25 reviewers to put it to the test - if you fancy giving your hair a bit of a treat, tell us your hair oil experiences below.  Do you regularly use a hair oil?  And have you ever used a Rosehip oil on your hair?

Get chatting below...we might pick you!

Have You Used Rosehip Oil...On Your Hair?!

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18th April, 2018

I love using rosehip oil or some rosehip oil blend for my face but never really used it on my hair. Rosehip is probably my fave skincare oil though and I'd like to trial this.

18th April, 2018

Too old to be hip, unless we are talking hip replacements! I used Trilogy Rosehip oil on my face way before serums were a thing and loved it! Never thought to anoint my locks with it. I've tried olive oil - ah no... not a good result. I use a L'Oreal serum on my ends and really like that. Would be keen to try rosehips on my hair, after all, it goes with my username - rose - not hip!

18th April, 2018

I've used hair oils in the past but always give up on them...I think i'm sometimes too lazy and then put too much in! This is a spray bottle though which should be easier to apply and should apply more evenly so would be interesting to see the difference.

18th April, 2018

Wow I'm quite fascinated by this! I've never thought about using rose hip for my hair, but have used it on my face a lot. I'm interested about the soothing irritated scalp bit as I have a few issues with my scalp so would love to see how this goes with me. I'm also terrible with brushing my hair and throwing it up in a bun which often leaves my hair super dry and gross, so this could be a win for me on a couple of levels, would love to give it a whirl!

18th April, 2018

Wait....what?! Rosehips for your hair? I have used it on my face before (doesn't work as well for me as Sweet almond oil), but not my hair. Maybe because it usually comes in little bottles?). I'm intrigued.

18th April, 2018

I used to use a hair oil but as i read in a article on here a while ago i was obviously using it wrong as m hair just looked oily, ive quite thick curly hair so i figured i needed more. Not the case. Would love to see if this one gives me the shiny bounce i need :)

18th April, 2018

I have used Argan oil but not rosehip -Sounds worth a shot and I would love to trial.

18th April, 2018

I have used oil on my hair as it is frizzy and can be dry. I use hask mainly but have used argan and macadamia. I would love to trial this. I love the word elixir! It sounds magical.

18th April, 2018

I haven't used a hair oil in about a year, Ssshhh..... don't tell my hair that. I have use Rosehip Oil on my body but never my hair. I'd love to give my hair a hit of goodness with this product! Yes please to trying this =D

17th April, 2018

I have used oil on my hair before, but not rosehip oil. I have used argan oil. Last time I washed my hair I followed BR's tip for applying hair oil (which they posted last week) and it worked really well. Much better than the way I had been doing it. My hair is really dry, so keeping the ends moisturised is really important.

17th April, 2018

Yes pls I’ve hair oil. Gives my hair life.

17th April, 2018

Keen to try this

17th April, 2018

i've been extolling the benefit of putting rosehip oil in my hair for aaaaaaaaaaaages. This elixir looks next level though!

17th April, 2018

Have only tried one hair last year. It's good but not amazing. I did try putting some of the A'kin Rosehip Oil in my hair on the weekend just been, that was different.

17th April, 2018

I havent, only cos i was using trilogy and thats spendy lol

18th April, 2018

I've used Trilogy too, love it but yes it is spendy!

18th April, 2018

Yep that's the main reason why I haven't either. Those facial oils are pricey for the amount you get and whereas a hair serum is cheaper for the amount, so it almost seems a bit extravagant to use a facial oil on your hair when something more

18th April, 2018

affordable would work just as well.

18th April, 2018

Different in a good way?

18th April, 2018

Yes you could say that. Icertainly liked it more on my hair than my face though I am trying to give it a fair go. My hair looked healthier and shiny. If I don't continue using that A'kin oil for my face at least I'll have a new hair oil.

18th April, 2018

It does doesn't it.

18th April, 2018

I love the Hask mask products, they make my hair super soft and glossy!

18th April, 2018

I'd love to try some ask products.H

18th April, 2018

Oh yes, most products irritate my scalp too, especially dry hair shampoo. I'm your throw it in a bun friend, my answer to styling or rather not styling!



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