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It's Time to Spring Clean...Your Beauty Stash.

2 September, 2018 - 05:35pm by - Head Pixie | 33 Comments

By BR Kellie

There's nothing like the fresh bloom of a daffodil, the hint of warmth in the air, and leggy lambs gamboling around fields to inspire us to get spring cleaning!

These last few weeks the crew have been chatting about downsizing our collections, removing that which we don't need in our lives, and to do so we've employed three rules, which have seen our stashes seriously (well, sort kind of, better-than-they-were-before) streamlined.

So what are the three rules to dealing to your out-of-control makeup, skincare and haircare collection? Check these out...

The product is old enough to say 'back in my day'. If you've yet to read BR Natalie's excellent article on when to throw out products based on their expiry then now's the time to read it. If a mascara's been opened for more than four months? It's time to biff it. Have an old lip pencil that's been hanging around for a good five years or more? Toss. That blush you can't part with but have been using for more than two years? It's time to hold a beauty funeral and get grieving. Even those items that you bought and have left unopened may well need to go. The average shelf life of unopened products is three year. During that time the ingredients used can detoriate - this is especially true for natural products - which is why you need to use your noggin when it comes to choosing whether to keep or throw. Treat it like the 'best before' date on ham or yoghurt. Sniff it. Eye it. If it smells funny or looks funny get rid of it. And if you're not sure how old a product is then you can check the code at a batch checker website like Cosmetic Calculator.

You don't use it, and deep down you know you're not going to. Shall we talk about my old hair product 'station'. It had oils, mousse, dry shampoo, hair spray, balms, masks, smoothers... it wasn't a massive selection, nor was it tiny. How often did I reach for said products? The dry shampoo, oil and hair spray were used... the rest? Not so much. So what's a gal to do? Go through your products - nail polishes, skincare, makeup, haircare - and ask yourself: have I used this? Am I truly likely to? And if the answer is no, then donate it or gift it or dispose of the contents and recycle the packaging. Holding onto something you don't use is like holding onto a grudge - it'll weigh you down and irrirate you whenever you see it or think about it. Do an Elsa, let it go. 

It's not right for your type. If you have dry skin, then why would you keep a foaming cleanser designed for oily skin? If you have poker straight hair, why would you hold onto a hair lotion designed to tame curls? Be honest with yourself - keeping products just because your skin 'might' change or your hair 'might' reverse its genetic decision to be curly or straight, or you 'might' start curling or straightening on a regular basis for the first time in your life, is a waste of time and space. Move it on, then move on.

So there you have it - three simple methods we can all use to make our spaces more manageable! So, are you in the mood for a spring clean? Is your collection in need of one? Do you have any further tricks and tips you use to keep your beauty products (and life!) in order? Remember... sharing is caring!


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4th September, 2018

It’s way overdue for me to throw stuff out . Off to check on that calculator

3rd September, 2018

I did one couple of weeks ago and threw out all the products I've had for years and haven't used in years.

3rd September, 2018

I need to do a spring clean, without a doubt! I have unopened products and stuff that I probably could get rid of. I just need TIME! Or maybe that’s just an excuse! Lol

3rd September, 2018

I'm known for hanging on to stuff for ages but recently I had to toss a couple of lipsticks they smelt really old and were really sticky. As for powder products I just disinfect and keep around. I wash my brushes every week so I'm not too worried about it if I get hard pan I then I go over it with sticky tape and viola, ready to use. The only thing I'm a real stickler for tossing out on time is mascara.

3rd September, 2018

This would actually be the perfect time for me to go through all of the products I have that are on BR that I haven't reviewed yet!! And there's a bucket load haha xx

3rd September, 2018

Perfect timing this article. This is what i have been doing over the weekend. Except with clothes, shoes and everything else in between. Love spring cleaning. Even managed to get my husband to spring clear his stuff too. So satisfying.

2nd September, 2018

ahhh I have a hate/love with doing clean outs.. Its SO hard!! clothes are just as hard to part with!

2nd September, 2018

I’m on a bit of an empty jar crusade at the moment so looking pretty good! I do empty the vanity cupboard about 3 times a year though to really destash the expired and dying purchases I have parked out of sight when I’ve been disappointed with them

2nd September, 2018

Everytime i get a new item of makeup I get rid of 5 old ones :)

2nd September, 2018

I recently got a cosmetic organiser which was a perfect opportunity to go through my make-up. I often update my mascara and toss the old one out though I have ocd when it comes to tidying up ;-)

2nd September, 2018

I thankfully do throw out products, but in saying that I also keep some too. I clean all my makeup regularly, mostly after every use. It's a good habbit =)

2nd September, 2018

I have been doing this the last few months. My stash is looking good. I haven't been buying things just because they are on special or I want them. I am using everything up and keeping things simple. I have draw with a few back ups. Might go through again next weekend see if anything else needs to go.

2nd September, 2018

I need to do an overhaul. I've seen some plastics storage trays at Kmart I've been eyeing up to organise and keep all my makeup upright so might have to get a few of them for the bench and cupboards. A lot of my mascaras I know need to be gone through.. I do forget when I buy them though so no idea on dates oops.

2nd September, 2018

We are moving soon and so it is that time to have a clean out. It will be sad to see some things go, but I know it will be for the best.

2nd September, 2018

Can't believe it's spring already! I bought lots of lipsticks this past year, but I've only got two acrylic holders so if I want to open a new one I force myself to either use one up or chuck one out. Seems to help!

2nd September, 2018

This is such a good idea! Lipsticks take forever to get through. Well for me anyway

3rd September, 2018

Me too, but I have discovered I no longer really like matte formulas and am a bit gutted I will probably move on all of them. Really into creamy hydrating formulas atm.

3rd September, 2018

Ah the dream to find a creamy and hydrating matte lipstick! Looking right at you MAC with your dry as chalk mattes >:(

20th September, 2018

Good time for sort out -Have a happy shift

2nd September, 2018

Specials are so hard to pass up.. Seriously had 3 bottles of dry shampoo just because it was on sale.. bit over board haha

3rd September, 2018

Specials/ bargains I struggle with cause it is such a good price. I'm trying to reduce my shopping to just having one back's kind of working

2nd September, 2018

wow, that is amazing!!! Go you

3rd September, 2018

5 old ones? That's epic!

3rd September, 2018

When i say old ones i mean an old lipstick, eyeliner, mascara etc or if theres a palette i don't reach for I'll include that in the 5. If the palettes are barely used and not 'expired' i ask girlfriends if they want them or i bin them

3rd September, 2018

That's amazing! I struggle enough with the 1 in 1 out rule.

18th September, 2018

Ahhh yessss the vanity cupboard needs a good sorting must do that especially now the toddlers into everything.

3rd September, 2018

It's such a great feeling to declutter , you feel lighter!

3rd September, 2018

It do feel lighter and there is a lot more light and space there now.

19th September, 2018

Yes it is quite empowering - Good on you !!

19th September, 2018

Good idea -plan for next vault.