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Beat the Workout Breakout

20 June, 2015 - 02:06pm by - First Lady | 17 Comments

Article by BR Kellie

There are few things as invigorating as a morning jog, a lunchtime stint at the gym, or an evening bent in precarious positions in a 40-degree room.  Exercise, it’s good for your body, good for your mind, and good for your soul. There’s one problem with it, and that problem is sweat – more to the point, it’s the havoc that sweat can play on your skin. 

Sure, it’s winter and we can get away with covering up backne and chestne, but winter will pass, and at some point we may well have to force our toned arms and legs into smaller scraps of cloth, and while we’ll be revealing the hard work we’ve put in during the colder months, chances are we’ll also have to reveal the less that pretty parts of it too. 

So what’s a lass to do? Clean up her workout act, that’s what. But how?

First of all, take a look at what your gym gear is made out of. Ideally you want your active wear to be made from loose breathable natural fabrics, like cotton. In saying that, if you’re getting really sweaty there are moisture-wicking fabrics out there that although made of polyester do a great job of drawing sweat away from the skin while you workout.

Before you hit the ground or treadmill running remove your makeup and cleanse your face. I know, sometimes that’s the last thing you feel like doing, but your skin will love you for it – and when you’re not breaking out a few days down the track you’ll love yourself for it too.

While you’re giving it all you’ve got, don’t rub the sweat away with your workout towel, instead be sure to pat it gently, as rubbing your skin will irritate it, causing breakouts. Another no-no? Touching your face while you work out. Keep those mitts on the metal! Keep those paws pumping! Keep those fists from your face! (Imagine us shouting that in the same style as a really scary P.T.)

Finished your workout? Do try and hit the shower, cleanse your face, but also give your whole body a good clean with an anti-bacterial soap to help clear those clogged pimple-inducing pores. Can’t or don’t have time to hit the shower? Break out the facial cleansing wipes for a quick once over, then try and exfoliate at least three times a week to lift away dead skin cells.

Last but not least, wash your gym gear regularly, especially your sports bra. Can’t be bothered? Just stop and think about the build up of sweat and dirt and bacteria and … yeah, in the washing machine it goes.

It doesn’t take a lot of time or effort to help keep the zits at bay before, during and after a workout, and once summer hits and you’re slipping into t’s, shorts and frocks you’ll be glad you did.

Have you found other ways to beat the post-workout breakout? Sharing is caring!


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24th June, 2015

My sister used to break out on her body and then discovered that they could be lessened by showering soon afterwards. If I have face makeup on I try to clean it off before I start, if it's the end of the day when i do my workout.

24th June, 2015

I've always been surprised by the amount of girls who wear make-up to the gym, I always removed mine when Id hit the gym after work. Now that I workout in the mornings its no hassle I just spray some toner mist on my face, tie up hair and off I go-so much easier.

22nd June, 2015

Awesome tips!

22nd June, 2015

Interesting tip about the towelling!! I always make time for a quick body shower even just a quick rinse if necessary - can't stand sitting in my own sweat all day bleeuuugh

22nd June, 2015

Great tips! I need really need to get my lazy behind onto some exercise this winter! I am piling on the weight!

22nd June, 2015

There is definatly some awesome tips here! I'm lucky that I get the odd break out on my back but not very often at all. I'd still definatly try these tips to try and avoid and skin problems :)

22nd June, 2015

I always hit the shower after having a workout on my bike, haven't had any problems so far.

22nd June, 2015

I definitely hit the shower as soon as I get home from the gym and give myself a once over with a shower gel that contains something like tea tree oil to nuke the bacteria quickly. I do find that I get breakouts on my back though, and thats where bribing the husband to wash it with the Bossy Charcoal bar helps try and beat that.

21st June, 2015

Good article with lots of good tips -I just have tp get back into doing the workout.

21st June, 2015

Good advise about skin care after a workout. I am guilty of rubbing to hard with my hand towel, I will need to back off and pat not rub.

21st June, 2015

I don't really sweat on face , mostly my chest when we run/walk the 25 kilo american bulldog cross pup she's strong and gives me a good arm work and I have to switch arms .

I guess I'm lucky i just don't get those breakouts, I think maybe if I sweated a lot then I may break out , I just use a cleanser to clean up my face and chest designed for those breakouts.

21st June, 2015

I've sort of fallen off my fitness wagon. This article inspires me to get back into it.

20th June, 2015

I've just started to work out to get into shape for a special event and I haven't suffered from the workout breakout. Maybe I'm not working out hard enough.

20th June, 2015

These are such great reads Kellie!! A touch of beauty and everyday tasks, I LOVE IT! And these are great tips, when I start shedding this extra panda fur I will try the pat pat sweat technique.

20th June, 2015

My way to beat post-workout breakout.... not exercising :P Jokes aside I really need to get back into the exercise, so good for body and mind.

21st June, 2015

I need to get back into it too

21st June, 2015

Me too ladies but the motivation is lacking :)

22nd June, 2015

Me three!