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8 Ways to Use Your Brushes You Probably Haven't Thought Of!

22 February, 2018 - 08:40pm by - First Lady | 21 Comments

Article by BR Tabatha

Makeup brushes.  I don't know about you but I've got more than a few.   And I reckon over half of them never get used.  You know what I mean right?  The little brushes and applicators that come with palettes or cheapies you picked up in a 'these are cute!' shopping moment.

And if, like me, you're hanging on to brushes you don't use, it's probably because you don't want to waste them right?  Well here you go, 8 ways to put those beauty tools to good use.

  1. Clean your old mascara wands and use them as spooley brushes to tame your eyebrows.
  2. Re-use liquid eyeliner brushes for adding nail art detailing
  3. Use old mascara wands for cleaning hard to reach spots.
  4. Some say the brush makes the mascara, so clean your favourite brush and use it to use up other mascaras in your stash
  5. Use the sponge applicators that come with palettes and eyeshadows for arts and craft.  They're great for applying glitter and sequins to small spaces.
  6. Use a clean mascara brush to clean under your nails when giving yourself a manicure.
  7. Sponge applicators can be used to get ombre nails - paint the polish on to the sponge in stripes and press to the centre of your nail and roll to the sides.
  8. Use makeup brushes to dust your keyboard.

What do you reckon?  Do you have any more tips to share?  Get chatting below!


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1st March, 2018

I love the idea of using old eye liner brushes for nail art! Sooooo doing this!

27th February, 2018

i already use a good brush to replace dumb mascara brushes, it kind of works? but not to the effect i like, sadly. i probably wouldn't use a mascara brush under my nails for a mani, personally. i'd go with an old liner brush dipped in nail polish remover but my favorite out of this entire list - liquid liner brushes as nail art!?!?!?!?! it's so brilliant, i can't believe i've never thought of it. GENIUS!!!!!! i so happen to have a few lying around too. so thank you, i tip my hat to you. if i had one.

27th February, 2018

Well I now have so many good ideas thanks. I have soooo many brushes and sponge applicators that I don't use. I don't have any new ideas but you have certainly given me some.

25th February, 2018

These are awesome tips, I didn't realise mascara wands could have many purposes to reuse as.

25th February, 2018

I like the tip for brushing the keyboard! Mine always gets dusty and hard to clean

24th February, 2018

I’ve used old mascara wands for cleaning in hard to reach corners .

24th February, 2018

Liquid eyeliner brushes are so good for nail art!

24th February, 2018

Good tips some of those I had not thought off. Though I never keep why I don't need I just pass it on to others that will have use for it.

23rd February, 2018

I hate those silly little sponge applicators that come in some eye shadow palettes. Even expensive high-end eye shadows such as Chanel and Lancome use them - ridiculous!

23rd February, 2018

Keyboard here I come :P

23rd February, 2018

I don't understand why palettes come with those useless sponge applicators! also- who buys the packs of them. The only use I can think of would be to apply highlighter in the inner 'v' of your eyes (make them 'pop').

23rd February, 2018

Use small stiff eyeshadow brushes to clean off nail polish from around your nails and cuticles after a manicure.

23rd February, 2018

I feel like the mascara brush might be a bit too rough though! The flesh under there is quite delicate I wouldn't want to irritate it or damage it.

23rd February, 2018

Who would have thought. I do how ever save my mascara brush I have a favourite one that makes applying so much better and hate when I get one that hAs a hopeless brush if I’m trying a new one.

23rd February, 2018

Fantastic tips, I like and use number 8, using a makeup brush to dust my keyboard, I normally give the brushes I dont use to family and friends but will try these in the future :)

27th February, 2018