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What do you do when you're sick?

17 posts, 13 members
5112 posts
As in crook stomach, and you feel like something is going to come out both ends, which isn't a pleasant thought! A lovely old lady I know swears by flat Sprite, and my mum tells me to drink gingerbeer - What do you ladies do?
8375 posts
coke. Proper red full sugar coke. I'm allergic as heck to seafood, and throw up for like a week afterwards, and Coke is the ONLY thing that settles my stomach properly.

If I'm a lil bit queasy, gingerbeer or peppermint work, but when it goes further, it's coke.

HATE the stuff the rest of the time!
5252 posts
I just like to take to my bed and feel totally sorry for myself. Lucky it doesn't happen very often. I remember as a child always having milo and a tomato sandwich as soon I started to recover from flu. I loved it - great memory :)
5351 posts
Normally when my stomachs crook. I take two panadol, Sip on Sprite or Water. Put a hot water bottle near my tummy. Curl uder my fluffy throw until it passes. 
1289 posts
Depends what is wrong with me, if it is that time of the month panadeine, hot water bottle and curl up in bed. Other things that have me feeling sorry for myself ge the chopped ginger, lemon juice and hot water drinks and chicken soup/2 minute noodles. A good nap never goes amiss either
1243 posts
I try and keep hydrated - lots of water. Dry crackers once I can stomach food. Urgh it's no fun!
5112 posts
Haha Trudi that's a weird one - that coke makes me so burpy and usually on energy drinks do that. I'll try it next time ;-) 

Hnnn Maree you made me remember having them too! White bread and a bit of marg... YUM! If tomatoes weren't so damn expensive this time of year I would be making one, thats for sure!

Macs that's what I usually do too :-D 

Hahahah ragingfrog you sound like me lmfao I also do that if the pain is THAT bad. I also really like ginger/lemon combo and the packet chicken noodle soup, but I can't find the brand I really loved. Tomato soup has changed too its so watery. Bleh

You're right about that Pifithrin! It really is no fun. I'll get some water crackers to have on hand, I quite like them even when I'm not sick haha. 

Thanks ladies, I'm feeling better already ;-) 
8375 posts
it's best if it's warm or flat, shaz.  Totally gross but it works.  Better than throwing up! (or other-ending)
1155 posts
Hope you get better soon Shaz! I drink flat lemonade and if im hungry I'll eat dry toast.drink plenty of water and rest up xx
2056 posts
I find ginger ale best. The ginger soothes the stomach while the bubbles help clear the stomach.

Feel better :)
5112 posts
Hahah everyone I know thinks warm coke is yuck (well, room temperature "warm") but I quite enjoy it, but its also what makes the burps come haha. Thanks Trudi x

I think the worst of whatever it was is over, and I haven't spent too much time in bed (but I've spend a lot of time in the sun on the sofa reading :-D ) thank you lovelies for your advice, I'm going to stock up on a few things just in case it happens again :-) xx
3392 posts
Charcoal tablets and burnt toast. Also just drinking lots of water to stay hydrated. And taking it easy resting with something to keep your mind off how you're feeling.
1280 posts
An ex-work collegue used to swear by grated raw carrot.  She would grate a carrot, then eat the grated bits and drink the juice that came out during the grating process.  Apparently there's something in the carrot that helps to bind an upset stomach.  I know grated apple works too and some say boiled egg, but I can't face the thought of eating egg when I'm feeling ill.

I hope you're feeling better, Shaz.  
5112 posts
Ooh charcoal you say? That sounds interesting. Burnt toast is another odd one but I'll try it next time. Hopefully not too burnt, just a darker brown than I like ;-) 

Mmm I do love carrots! I would almost be tempted to add cheese and pineapple though, make a salad out of it ;-) hahaha. No I don't think I could stomach an egg when I'm feeling yuck either, maybe the whites but the yellow mmm no thanks! Haha thanks Silvene x
1422 posts
I always used to give the kids flat lemonade when they were not well.  Your pharmacy will also have rehydration sachets, they help you recover and will replace electrolytes which you would have lost, especially if you are going both ends.  Feel better doll xx
1547 posts
panadol, bed and hot water bottle is what I do. I also drink lemon honey and ginger. When I start to feel better I watch tv to take my mind of things.
221 posts
If I am sick than I do some light work to divert my mind..,, I know I am weird. I don't like to lay down on bed whole day. 



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