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it struck me as weird that...

18 posts, 10 members
8375 posts
... I literally coloured myself in last night. I chemically changed the colour of my skin and hair.

And it's perfectly normal!

What other beauty things, when thought of in a different light, are really quite odd?

- the fact that we spend money on things to put on our faces AND things to take things off our faces for one!
639 posts
I can imagine it being weird seeing my makeup collection and there being three or four of the same shades that are slightly different. Like this is pink, that's pink too but slightly colder, oh yea that one's pink too but that's an orangy pink. That one's mauve, so not really pink but slightly pink. 

And a lot of asian beauty ingredients like lets put some snail slime on me face today! Or acid peels, because acid on your face totally doesn't sound scary at all.
8375 posts
yes! The asian beauty trends get me too. 'hey lets bleach our skin!' (actually! :/)
639 posts
Yep, there's such an obsession with being pale in asia. My relatives always say to me 'wow you're so white!' as if it was a compliment. Sad truth is I get sunburnt super easily and it's so traumatising that I just try avoid the sun as much as possible.
8375 posts
haha yeah when i'm in Japan i often get asked things like 'how do you get your skin so pale?' 'How do you get your eyes so big?'

I hate to say the answer is 'get born caucasian (and big eyed)' but.... :p
3395 posts
   I remember a time in my teens when I wanted to be as white as I could, thankfully I never went as far as skin bleaching. It took a long time to accept my skin color. Now I wear sunscreen and try to be careful because of the thin ozone layer in New Zealand and I'm worried about sun damage.
5357 posts
Funny you brought it up. I was thinking about all my cleansers I have on my bathroom wiindow sill thinking the same thing about how weird it is to put make up on and off. 

423 posts
I thought it was funny to take off my makeup and clean my face, before I cover it with mud to clean it out!
3005 posts
Haha Alicat, I was thinking the same about putting mud on your face too. 
8375 posts
ohhhh the mud is a great one!
5112 posts
You brush your eyelashes and they get thicker and darker :P  I think as long as you word it right, it's always going to be weird. Like applying special paint to the hard bits on your fingers and toes for aesthetic purposes hahahahahaha
915 posts
Yes I love my facial mud mask but it leaves my face cloth a disgusting colour and to think I pay for Mud !!
8375 posts
you're right shaz, it's all in the wording haha :D
3395 posts
  I think when you think about it it's funny how happy we are when we have completely used up a product or gotten rid of it or used up stock but then we like to have more stuff that needs to be used up as well. We're happy having a large ammount of stuff opened, till we want a simple routine and fewer opened products, then we decide we want to have more stuff to rotate between.
3395 posts
How happy we are to pan off something so we can spend money, get poorer and get another one exactly like the one we were so happy to use up.
1547 posts
yeah tannygirl the panning is an interesting one. I once stayed with my friend and let her use my bronzer and some of my makeup and she said "are you sure, I don't want to use your stuff up", and I said "honestly I have plenty, you're actually helping me use it up"!
3005 posts
Yeah I think that's a weird one too "can't wait to pay lots of money for this product I've wanted for months"....five minutes later "why can't I pan this!!!!"
2718 posts
ha ha ha tannygirl I so agree.  We make such a big thing about panning a product to get rid of it only to purchase another product and go through the same thing lol.  

Its a neverending battle but we love to do it.  I guess its the fun of it, buying and trying new products either loving or hating them he he he.



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