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103 posts, 54 members
2052 posts
My goals are to do a lot more reviews. I'm not far from 200 and would love to do that in the next month.
A featured review would be amazing!! I have a few reviews I'm really proud of.

Super hero would be mega oh my god- so many deserving ladies, would be hard being that fairy picking.

im using the site more to read about products before I buy so I'm saving wasted money and turning it into more expensive amazing products
1 posts
I have only just signed up to BR and am loving it so far! My goal is to consistently review products so that I can keep upping my status! I love how helpful BR is in so many different aspects of beauty and I can't wait to trial something!
1072 posts
Welcome to BR liseyloo  If you need any help with anything site related be sure to check out the FAQs and the About sections at the bottom of each page.
Any questions Beauty related feel free to post them in here and the other BR beauties will do their best to help

Enjoy your time on here and happy reviewing xx
1243 posts
I just want to write the reviews for all my favourite products! Hoping I get time soon.
191 posts
Mine would include spernding more time on the site, I have been super busy recently and I havent had much time to spend on BR, I do always log on and have a browse but don't write nearly enough reviews as I used too. I have a super long list of "my favorites" that need reviews written and to get them all done would be a huge achievement.
1422 posts
I would love to increase my reviews and make sure they are totally awesome.  I love reading reviews and I hope people will like what I have written and have yet to right. I also love to try and make a difference to people.  Making them it
1147 posts
Right this was my short term goal number 1 - to make it to 1000 points. I just did it with this comment! yayy lol.

Next is to buy a couple of things a month to review so I can add more to the review database. I love reading the reviews for products I need so I'm going to go buy a couple of those this week.
8375 posts
Lol all the mentions of instagram just inspired me to join ;)
1031 posts
Yass! Get on board the Instagram train! It's a good place to post everything makeup related without annoying friends and family on Facebook haha
8375 posts
Thats the one, Sarah lol. Is it appropriate to stalk the BR one and add people? Lol
1031 posts
Hahaha that's actually not a bad idea. I found Lutece one day and have randomly found a couple of the other girls from her page, but never thought of doing that. Doh! Let the stalking begin!
1849 posts
Hahaha Sarah! Funny thing is I have 2 IG's, one for family type things and 1 for my makeup things so its not filled with my makeup stuff lol, its fun when you find other BR on IG :D
Speaking of BR goals, the statuses will be changing soon, ekk I cant wait to see whats in store!!
8375 posts
Lol sarah and lutece... lutece i akready followed your 'pro' one ;)
8375 posts
Lutece true that re the statuses! While i'd love to be a hero idk if i've been 'involved' for long whoever gets the badges i'm just looking forward to the always-cute reactions <3

The superheroes always change eh?
745 posts
I was just thinking that since this thread started how awesome it is that some of the BR goals people had (myself included!) would have been achieved with the last status change :)
845 posts
I want to be a superhero and also have a featured review :)
1109 posts
I couldn't believe that I achieved my goal so early. I'm so happy!
8375 posts
great point Jesse...and definitely true for me!!!
2718 posts
OMG just realised I reached one of my goals - over the 1000 post mark, how did I not notice that woo hoo lol x
3402 posts
Congratulations Sarah I did exactly the same didn't notice lol.
3402 posts
Congratulation to wannabe too x
474 posts
Great thread! I've been a but AWOL the last 8 months, I've been lurking in the background and doing a few reviews but not as active as I use to be. So my goal of course is to get my BR mojo back! I've achieved Superhero status but I would love to get back to hero status one day. And since I'm thinking about it I'd like to challenge myself to write a review worthy of being featured. I was featured once in the early days but not since so it's a nice way to challenge myself for self improvement! 
1109 posts
I would LOVE to get to 1000 posts in the next month or so (ambitious, I know), I only really got active in the forums this month. April is gonna be huge with the Red My Lips campaign going on and me being in the thick of it and I can imagine that I'll be looking into a ton of lip products. 
424 posts
I would love to achieve hero status again. I would love to participate in a vault.  I would LOVE to be a Super Hero one day....
It's so inspiring to see you all achieve your goals - Trudi and wannabeMUA you are both amazing!  :)
1109 posts
Goodness MamaBear you're gonna get me crying all over again c':
I would love to nail a great review that would end up being Featured  :-) x
1547 posts
Firstly, congrats on achieving one of your goals trudijoy and being bumped up to hero status! My goal is to consistently write good reviews and write them more often, which is hard because my free time is very limited with both work and study. Oh and to get to hero status one day would be a dream too! :)
1768 posts
My goal for BR was to be a hero and hooraah it happened! So happy! Another goal i have is to be a feautured reviewer, awell as write atleast one review a week! Some weeks i can do lots of reviews, and other weeks i can't do any so would love to make my review timing more consistent
5351 posts
Being a hero wasn't on my cards at all. I thought I had a long way to go. My main goal is to perfect my reviews. I been going through editing weekly. With that I can't find my Skinfood cleans All review. I'm like huh? Whats happened? I tried it years ago. Since I recived it in my box I thought I would go over it again to perfect it.
1768 posts
Just thought i would revisit this thread. For the last month or so, iv been really busy and working  6 days a week at work, so feel like iv been neglected BR. But iv taken a week offf work just to relax and catch up on things, one of which is BR and the huge list of things i need to review. So thats how i plan to spend my rainy day. And then i just realised, im only 6 reviews away from reaching 200 reviews. Wow. If this rain keeps up, i might just be able to reach this milestone sooner than expected x
mine, to write better reviews, become a hero and read more articles they have been so helpful so far
567 posts
Oh love this thread!!  Mine would be:

To be picked for super hero status at some stage
Keep my reviews consistent and of good quality
Go back and update/rewrite my first reviews to bring them up to standard
Reach 300 reviews 
Refer more friends
Reach 500 posts on the forum
Meet my BR friends one day sooon.  I have met one and I think shes the penguins knees!!
Reach my two year anniversary
Maintain my hero badge.
1768 posts
Oh i would love to maintain my hero status aswell Shana_Banana84! My love for BR and beauty has also made me want to start a beauty blog, and get featured as a trending blog on BR, and not so BR related but i also want to get 100 followers on my beauty instagram!! Seems my goals keep on changing and changing, but BR is always at the core

1849 posts
3 months since this thread started and my goals have changed.

My new goal is to do at least 4 reviews a week, and since I have been AFK for weeks I have some serious catching up to do, wish me luck :)
136 posts
oooh good luck Lutece! Ive got quite a few 'to do' i try do one here and there to keep them flowing.

Id love to become hero status too though :)
5351 posts
Looking back at what I wanted to achieve. I got to be U review, I got a hero badge, most important to me was to experience the vault and I got to as a hero. What a blessing that was. Thank you Beauty Review.
1768 posts
Lutece, I think 4 reviews a week is awesome x like you im been AFK aswell, so need to get my A into G x
8375 posts
ooh I love when people reactivate threads I posted haha :p

Loved reading back over it - have met a few of my goals, and there are some the new design makes it hard to track.

Would loooove to be named a superhero one day <3
423 posts
My goals are to:

- Write reviews for all the products in my waiting to review by October (because they'll arrive in 6 weeks!)
- Become a hero... and I'll crank out the Bonnie Tyler when this happens
- Reach 100 forum posts
- Reach 100 Instagram followers on my beauty account.
- Successfully survive a no spend month (every month this year has been an epic fail)
- Go through my hoarding and request items to be added that aren't here
- Buy some colorpop shadows (what no spend?)

Head Pixie
569 posts
Alikatnz, that song is now stuck on repeat in my head! (And yes, I'm boppin' to it!) xo
423 posts
Sorry, Not Sorry Head Pixie. I cranked it out this morning whilst on my run. And I mouthed the words as I ran because I was in the gym and singing out loud would be kinda weird. I'm weird, but even I have my limits. 
1768 posts
trudijoy you are so active on BR, i bet it won't be long till your named a superhero x
1209 posts
Being a BR Hero was definately one of mine and hoping I get to keep hold it :) Super Hero status one day would be amazing.... otherwise I like to aim for smaller ones like get all my reviews done sitting on my "to review" list,  start buying stuff off my list of goodies wishlist, but theres some immeasurable goals that have already been achieved on here i've learnt so many different things over my time on BR I feel like i've completely overhauled my makeup and skin care routine and your always learning new tips and tricks
8375 posts
thanks Binary Beauty haha (I'm taking that as a compliment :p) I hope you're right!  I feel like people must get sick of me babbling on lol
335 posts
BR Goal- Get to the bottom of reviews to do before buying more product, then If I have no revies to do It kinda justifies buying and trying some new things.. kinda.
1849 posts
So lastnight I saw I wasnt far away from hitting the 10,000 mark so I was going to write an awesome review only to realise (today) one of my friends has joined beauty review and those points have made my points tick over haha, another milestone to tick off my list :)
2052 posts
Lutece you just hit 1300 posts as well xxx
1732 posts
That is so cool Lutece! I love round numbers like that!!!
5351 posts
I'm also aiming for 10,000 . Gonna take me a while to get there though lol Congrats on getting that far. I probably would have achieved that if I hadn't spent my points on the last vault lol
1849 posts
Farmers-Wife Ohhh I didnt notice that, yay!!! Today was a good day hehe X



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