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You Said What? The Reviews That Made Us Giggle!

8 February, 2018 - 07:40pm by - Head Pixie | 31 Comments

Compiled by BR Kellie

One of the crew's favourite pastimes is reading your reviews - yes, even in our spare time when we're meant to be tucked up at home away from all things beauty (pfffff, as if we're capable of that!). They're informative, they're interesting, they can turn us onto a product we'd not considered, and sometimes they're down right funny.

So what's given us a case of the giggles? Check these out!

When the quest of beauty takes you down a dark and scary path...


When a review takes your mind to... interesting... and perhaps even NSFW places...


When you find yourself imagining standing beside a stranger and asking to smell a random part of their body...



This had our tummies aching from laughing so much! When descriptions are more vivid than a bright red lippy.


The mere thought of pouring wine into a bath may have had us gasping.


Why do we get the feeling this product wasn't the only thing to be used as a workhorse in its time?

Use your daughter as a workhorse? They will seek revenge, one way or another...

(Note - we have no idea if these two are related or not, but seeing the quotes together tickled our fancy.)


Brrrrr, it's cold in here! There's a cool new product in the atmosphere! (Sorry, so sorry. Had to be done.)


Sometimes a little self-deprecation makes for a whole lotta laughs.


Never a truer, or funnier, word was writ... 


There you have it. Ten quotes that gave us the giggles!

Did any tickle your funny bone? 


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14th February, 2018

Haha these are great!

13th February, 2018

Hahaha some of these are GOLD!

13th February, 2018

These are soooo good!!! lol

13th February, 2018

He he he I love reading the reviews especially those written by Shaz, you always seem to crack me up. I think its great to have some giggles in your review, make you sound like you're actually human lol.

12th February, 2018

Haha so good!

12th February, 2018

Hahaha love the eyebrow one! Also the same when I first started out with brow products

11th February, 2018

What the heck is a workhorse haha

11th February, 2018

What a joy to read.

10th February, 2018

These are all funny, but I found the second one particularly funny

10th February, 2018

Haha I like these! You should do more articles like this one!!!

10th February, 2018

Haha, they sure are funny. Thanks BR for sharing with us:)

10th February, 2018

Love how you paired the mother/daughter quotes by each other.

9th February, 2018

Uhhhh I knew opening this that I was bound to have said something silly that made this list... humour always has a place in my reviews.... but hell did freeze over. So theres that. This would be awesome to have monthly too :)

9th February, 2018

Classic! I hope this becomes a regular feature, so funny!!

9th February, 2018

The tiny lips one, I can relate

9th February, 2018

OMG I just read the full review I wrote. I think I overdosed on funny pills whilst wearing my comedian underpants: "It melts even matte lipsticks, stubborn eyeshadows and I'm sure its soooo good it could erase your internet browsing history"