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Is Your Decolletage Dragging You Down?

21 August, 2018 - 07:32pm by - Head Pixie | 24 Comments

By BR Amelia

What's your skincare routine like? Do you cleanse? Tone? Mask? Serum? Oil? Moisturise? Do you do it on your face?... But ignore anything lower than your chin? 

It's easy to forget about our decolletage, but we really shouldn't - especially if we're wanting the skin on our neck and chest to match that on our face as we age. 

So how can we keep our decolletage looking delightful? 

Go low when cleansing. Take your morning and nightly cleansing routine for a journey south of your face and include your neck and chest in your cleanse.

Once or twice a week, smooth it out! And by 'smooth it out' we mean exfoliate. Use a gentle exfoliant to remove dry skin cells and reveal glowing skin.

It's not just your face that needs a little extra care, your decolletage does too! Which is why it pays to get your mask on. Hydrate the area with a moisturising mask, or spot treat it (literally!) with a mask designed for zit zapping if your decolletage is pimple prone. 

Think serums are just for your face? Think again! Your neck and chest will appreciate the boost of serum skincare goodness! 

With all that love shown... Don't forget to moisturise!

Last, but never ever least, smother on the SPF. If your chest is exposed to the sun it's going to show it sooner or later. If covering up is not an option then be sure to apply sunscreen and reapply throughout the day.

So there you have it... top tips for dealing to your decolletage! So, is your chest area in need of some tender loving care? Next time you fab up your face will you treat your chest as well? Chat away!



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8th October, 2018

Hmmm that explain a lot. I really need to take care of my chest when I am doing my face. Thanks for the wake up call.

7th October, 2018

I always give my decolletage a cleanse when I clean my face and I also apply a little organic moisturiser - it actually looks pretty good for my age I think! I'm 47 in Dec and only have a couple of light lines and the skin is pretty good! :)

28th August, 2018

I tend to not cleanse there but always run my serum down to that area.

26th August, 2018

I always include this area in my beauty routine.

25th August, 2018

I wash, exfoliate and moisturise my décolletage. Must start using serum there too. I have ample sized boobs and my cheapest coulda probably do with some help.

25th August, 2018

Not something I have ever thought of but after reading this I will pay more attention to that area

23rd August, 2018

My Nan always enforced upon me from a young age the importance of a thorough skin care regime. Admittedly, as I've got older, I've become a tad lazier with the full steps - cleansing, toning, moisturising. I think this post is enough to give me the kick from behind into the right direction again. Thanks BR xx

23rd August, 2018

Definitely need to start dragging my moisturisers and products past my face and neck!

22nd August, 2018

I definitely give some SPF love to that area now BUT wish I'd done it years ago as I now have to have a spot of sun damage removed from my chest and that scar will be hard to hide - so an important lesson learnt!!

22nd August, 2018

Good points made will have to pay more attention to this area thanks for the article :)

22nd August, 2018

I'm faithful to cleanse my neck when I wash my face but I don't usually take my masks down to my decolletage. The main time I wash my decolletage is when I shower which I do daily. I definitely moisturize and use spf on my decolletage.

22nd August, 2018

I always moisturise my neck and chest, I should start exfoilating as well

22nd August, 2018

It's not something I've every really considered.

22nd August, 2018

I need to remember to moisturise my chest. I get dry skin and it's going to show my age first!

22nd August, 2018

I'm good at face and neck but must admit I do not do the decolletage area. Will be further adding this to my routine.