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Is This The Most Elegant Body Art Ever?

6 July, 2017 - 09:41pm by - Head Pixie | 24 Comments

By BR Kellie

Years and years, and then some more years, ago I found myself sitting inside a tattoo parlour getting a tattoo along with some colleagues. In my life I have never known such pain - it was up there with child birth. The tattoo was a small flower in the upper bum/lower back region. Well, I twitched and wiggled. Breathed heavily. Prayed it would all be over sooner rather than later. The tattooist even commented on how much I jerked about. Apparently I win at jerking whilst being tattooed. Well I got off that table, looked at my pretty new piece of artwork in the mirror, noticed a couple of petals weren't finished off and thought 'stuff that, I'm not getting back on that table for all the money in the world'. 

To this day those petals remain unfinished - which is still fine by me, and I like to justify it by saying I'm a bit unfinished too. 

Now I have sworn black and blue that I'll never be touched by a needle again. I can't hack the pain. BUT, on seeing this new-ish tattoo trend, a tiny part of me could be swayed to get back on that horse. Er, table. I present to you... white ink tattoos!


Would you look at that bird? It's so graceful, so elegant. I also appreciate its subtlety - which makes it a great option for people wanting to get a tattoo but not wanting to be obvious about it, or for people who want a tattoo but who work in industries where perhaps they're not looked upon favourably. 


This half-sleeve though! Sure it's a bit red post-work, but can you imagine just how beautiful and eye-catching it will be once it's settled down?

Of course if you are wanting something on the smaller side you could always go for something like this...


Why we love the white ink tattoo look, it's not something you want to enter into lightly - there are pitfalls to be found.

If the ink mixes with your blood, or the ink used to trace out the design, you can end up with a discoloured tattoo. Over time the ink will fade, and this can lead to it looking yellowish. Even if it doesn't yellow over time, you'll still likely need to touch up areas if you want to keep it looking fresh.

As this is a specialised tattoo, you don't want just anyone to do it - do your research and find a tattoo artist who understands the ins and out of white tattoos because, unlike a white henna design, this is for life - or at least until you can afford to and are willing to go through the pain of tattoo removal. 

But if done right... these embossed body embellishments can be beautiful!

So what say you beauties -white ink tattoos? White hot? Or just... not? Get chatting!


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19th July, 2017

Not a fan but each to their own that like this look

16th July, 2017

It kind of reminds me of scarification

15th July, 2017

I do like the look of the white tattoos, but I really do love colour. I have two at the moment and the can only be seen if I wear certain clothes. I know some people are offended but it is a real personal thing. Tattoos dont change people. I am still the same lovely, awesome person I was befoer tattoos :)

13th July, 2017

Definitely not for me. It kind of looks like a burn mark.

9th July, 2017

These are pretty but I don't think I'd get them. A bit too hipster looking

9th July, 2017

I don't know! It's risky for sure, but could be great for those who don't want prominent tattoos (because of their jobs or what not). I quite like it for the small tattoos but would definitely wait a while for people to become experts at doing this before taking the plunge!

9th July, 2017

I'm sure I'd be right up there for most wriggly whilst getting a tattoo.I dont have any but MAY plan on getting one to celebrate mine & my husband's 10year anniversary later this year. I quite like the idea of white ink tattoos..on females. I cant picture it on males, it seems more feminine. They also remind me of scars, so might be good for people who are paranoid about their scars, turn them into a piece of art :)

9th July, 2017

Looks dainty but a miss for me.

8th July, 2017

these tattoos look pretty cool, but I don't like needles to go through with getting any tattoos!

8th July, 2017

I've never seen this before but they actually look really pretty!

8th July, 2017

Yeah it's a nah from me even though I can appreciate the beauty in the white bird tattoo something generally just looks a little "off" about them at first glance.

8th July, 2017

I like these. I'm someone to get a tattoo but these are very beautiful and elegant.

7th July, 2017

I loved the idea of these a while ago especially when you look a them under black light <3 but I haven't made the leap just yet.

7th July, 2017

Tried white henna before but because I'm so pale, it wasn't very visible. I do really want a white tattoo around my finger though.

7th July, 2017

I like the subtlety of them.