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Is it difficult to find the right cleanser?

13 March, 2017 - 10:57pm by - First Lady | 51 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Out of all of the facial skin care products on the market, I reckon cleansers are the hardest to choose.  I seldom think twice about slapping a new moisturiser or serum on my face, yet I approach cleansing products with caution and suspicion.  Cleansers just seem to be more of a 'risk'.  They can be too drying, too harsh.  Too irritating.  Too abrasive.  They can unbalance the skin by stripping the natural oils.  Then of course if they're too gentle, they're uneffective and you end up having to use a bit of elbow grease to get the job done.  And of course, we're supposed to be gentle on our skin right? 

Now I'm lucky, my skin rarely reacts or shows any sign of irritation, but for our ladies with sensitive skin, cleansing can be the trickiest step to get right.  Sensitive skin is often prone to irritiation and even coming into contact with the teeniest amount of the 'wrong' product can lead to a painful flare up that lasts days.  Acne prone skin can be made worse by harsh cleansers that strip the natural oils, encouraging the skin to produce more.  Eczema prone skin can be inflamed and made worse.  Dry skin can be made so dry it splits. 

Yeap, for those with sensitive skin, there is no jumping skin-first into trying a new product.  You need to look at the ingredients and carefully weigh up if the product might do your skin some good.

We're looking specifically for ladies with sensitive skin to put Zeosoft's Natural Mineral Skin Cleanser to the test.  This gorgeous Kiwi product promises to cleanse, detoxify and wash away impurities.  It's a natural, mineral cleanser that can be used daily to remove makeup and refresh your skin.

It’s active ingredients are natural minerals called soft zeolite and Opal A silica, sourced from thermal spring valleys near Rotorua New Zealand. It gently removes makeup and other impurities on your skin leaving it feeling, fresh, supple and revived.

The product contains no parabens, no colorants, no artificial fragrances and is also environmentally 'positive' as it continues to clean when entering the waterways. 

We think it sounds wonderful - but as always it's not us who gets to do the reviewing - it's you!  So if you'd like to trial Zeosoft's Natural Mineral Skin Cleanser, tell us about your sensitive skin woes below.  How hard is it to find the right cleanser for your face?  Just how sensitive is your skin?

Is it difficult to find the right cleanser for your sensitive skin?

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14th March, 2017

firstly, i clicked on the link on FB and it redirected me to spam - how lovely. clicked again and it's fine.

secondly, yes for me it is! i wouldn't have considered my skin sensitive, but i've been off the pill for a few months now and good lord my face skin is temperamental now. before i could throw anything at my face, now i get some sort of eye ugly (possible dermatitis) under only one eye. like ???? damn you skin! i'd love to give this cleanser a whirl :-)

14th March, 2017

Given my dry and sensitive skin it is very difficult for me to find the right cleanser for me, however I was very lucky with the last trial which included a cleanser which is gentle enough for me, so I will sit this one out. Very exciting for all my sensitive skin sisters though!

14th March, 2017

ooohhh this looks lovely! I've yet to find a cleanser that I'm loyal to. Some leave my skin too dry, others just don't remove the gunk properly, others bring on too much redness, and others cause stinging and other issues. Would love to find a brand that I feel I want to be loyal to!

14th March, 2017

I have sensitive dry skin and would appreciate trialling this cleanser

14th March, 2017

Yep my bathroom is full of cleansers, deep clean, exfoliate, clear blackheads, 1 product that does a good job would be great

13th March, 2017

I would love to find my forever cleanser that does everything for me. I would sit this one out because I don't have sensitive skin .

15th March, 2017

I still haven't found a brand Im loyal too

14th March, 2017

Oooooh are we expecting an announcement sometime soon Shaz????

14th March, 2017

you are so so so sweet maree, but god i hope not!! hahaha there are a few things we want to have/do before mini devil spawns start appearing ;-)

15th March, 2017

I can wait another year Shaz :)