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Ingrown Hairs: Three Steps To Get Em Gone!

17 January, 2019 - 09:13pm by - Head Pixie | 15 Comments

By BR Kellie

The start of proper summer (as in it's above 21 degrees and not likely to see a southerly wind swoop through) sees me do something I steer clear of for months. 

I shave.

Yes, I'm one of those feral beasts who like to let things grow during the colder months. I feel the cold and as far as I'm concerned a thicket of hair on my legs and in other areas decreases the chances of me accidentally freezing to death. 

But with the sun poking its head through the clouds and warming up the air, the shorts come out, the woolly jumpers are removed to reveal a tank top, and before long e the togs make their way onto my bod. Hence, the shaving.

As much as I love the slip and slide of freshly shaved skin, I must admit there's one thing I don't look forward to... the inevitable ingrown hair. Unfortunately the odd papule and pustule are a part of that hair removal life, BUT there are things we can do to help stop the little lumps and bumps appearing here, there and everywhere.

First things first... Get your exfoliate on. Grab a pair of exfoliating mitts or your favourite scrub and regularly remove your dead skin cells. Make it so there's next to no way a hair can decide to grow to the side, get stuck, then curl its way under. 

Next? Double down. We don't just cleanse our face and call it good in the battle against the pimple-type bumps. Nope. We pop on an acid of some type - something we also ought to do if we want to avoid an ingrown hair. Grab a product that contains an acid like salicylic or AHA (alpha-hydroxy acid), then apply it to the areas where you shave. (Be sure to read and follow the instructions, and cease use if irritation occurs.)

As for the actual shaving part? Do not go in for a dry run. You want some moisture on those leggy loos, pretty pits and downstairs bits. Soften your skin up with warm water in the shower or, better yet, work some shaving gel or foam into the areas before going in with the razor.

Lastly? Don't be slow - be sure to throw! Don't stretch out the time between freshening up your blade. The sharper the better. The blunter your razor is the bumpier you're going to get.

There you have it! Some simple tips and tricks to get yourself bump-free this body-baring season! Any more you'd like to offer up? Because in the fight against unsightly ingrowns sharing really is caring!



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26th January, 2019

I have been fortunate enough not to have had ingrown hairs on my legs. I love body scrubs and use them a couple of times a week.

26th January, 2019

I’ve never had an ingrown hair on my leg, but I had one on my bikini line that had to be removed by the GP - not much fun! I recommend always moisturising your knicker line to prevent them along there.

23rd January, 2019

sometimes cheap razors seem to cause rashes. I know it sounds icky but I find if I shave less often it helps thats if you can let them grow for a bit

23rd January, 2019

I agree,exfoliate thoroughly to prevent ingrown hairs otherwise it can turn really bad,I know someone that had an ingrown hair on the buttocks and ended up having surgery because it was so ingrown and the root had to be cut out,scary but true!

22nd January, 2019

I’ve never thought of trying salicylic acid for bumps on skin.

22nd January, 2019

I'm one of the very lucky few with naturally soft skin and very little body hair. I can get away with doing a ten minute tweeze on my legs every couple of months. Though mind you the last time I tweezed my legs was for a cute guy and I realized I had pedicured my toes but not epilated my legs. Don't worry I have other woes like hardly any lashes because hair isn't partial to my eyes.

19th January, 2019

Three words lady: laser hair removal.

19th January, 2019

Great tips, so helpful BR Kellie x

18th January, 2019

I'm back to shaving for the summer bit I don't try that hard.

18th January, 2019

I've always kept up with shaving even in the colder months it's just one of my things, anyhow I actually use hair conditioner instead of soap to shave as it's less drying and you get a smoother result.

18th January, 2019

I didn’t use to have the problem of bumpy skin behind my legs... i think i need to exfoliate more. Want my legs to be smooth again...

18th January, 2019

These are all great tips. I've never tried to put salicylic or AHA on my legs though, I might give that a go.

18th January, 2019

I love my dry body brush from the body shop.. it’s definitely helped mine along with improving my skin condition etc. I just use it every day before a shower and brush my body. They say this also helps with circulation etc.

18th January, 2019

I agree I let the de-furing subside in winter and get on with shaving legs and hair removal of arms begin late spring. I forget how often you do need to shave once you start again but love the feel of super soft hair free skin.

17th January, 2019

Thankfully I do not get ingrown hairs at all. But I can relate to the furry legs during winter lol. It's been super hot here, the first defuzzing is always satisfying:-)

22nd January, 2019

You can find body lotions with AHAs in them just either cover up with jeans the next day or slather on spf.

23rd January, 2019

Oh cool, thanks tannygirl. I will keep a look out for them.

26th January, 2019

That sounds painful.

5th February, 2019

Ouuuuuccccchhh! That doesn't sound pleasant at all.