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Have You Started Christmas Shopping Yet?

17 September, 2022 - 12:48pm by - Head Pixie | 11 Comments

by BR Tabatha

When is it too early to start thinking about Christmas shopping? When is it too early to start promoting Christmas shopping? Should there be a set date where we, as a collective, can all be allowed to ignore Christmas and anyone caught talking or promoting it has to give five dollars to a charity that gives presents to under-resourced families? 

Now, I know BR Nat would say never is it too early to talk Christmas in any shape or form, for she is the Christmas fairy on top of the tree. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a shrine to Christmas in her house. BR Kellie, on the other hand, has only come around to the joys of Christmas since giving birth to a Christmas-loving daughter, so she wobbles from 'nope, not interested' to throwing tinsel around madly on any given day leading up the event. BR Amelia, as well as our beloved Queenie, seem to take chill pills when it comes to the Christmas season, handling the time with elegance and grace. Me? I am... ambivalent. I enjoy the season, but not too soon. Some days I'm here for all the decorations and carols and cheesy tops, other days I want to yell 'consumerism' and hide under my duvet.

It's not just Christmas itself that sees the crew taking very different paths, our shopping styles differ, too. Some of the crew take a very mature, responsible attitude to shopping, putting away presents throughout the year. Ensuring the gifts are well thought out but purchased whenever a bargain is spotted. Others get to the month of October and start their buying then, taking advantage of the Christmas gift sets that come out, as well as any Labour weekend and 'start of summer' sales. 

Me? I'm a hot Christmas shopping mess. I'm that person you see on Christmas Eve looking harried and huffy. Arms full of bags. The ugly wrapping paper that no one wanted sticking out of said bags, whacking anyone who gets in my manic shopping way. I'm the person who spends twice as much as necessary because there are no specials, and I want to get gifts that will be loved by my friends and families, and therefore much moolah must be handed over. 

I'm the person who swears...Every. Single. Year...that next year will be different. That I'll be more organised. That I will plan. That there will be a list written out in February with the names of the people I buy for noted down, alongside gift ideas, so that when I see the perfect gift on special I buy it. The earlier the better. And...Every...Single...Year I fail myself. I see the 'it's halfway to Christmas' posts on Facebook and think 'nope, too early.' I ignore the Insta posts saying 'six more fortnightly pays til Christmas'. I see the stores setting up Christmas shop in September and tell myself that it's too early, that they're being deluded if they think anyone's going to be doing their Christmas shopping at this time of the year. Turns out the only person I'm deluding is myself... as I find myself once more lumbering around with piles of last minute shopping, ruing my rebellious ways.

So, my beauties... What are your Christmas ways? Are you a last minute shopper? Are you super organised? Have you become a reformed last minute shopper? And if so, tell me how you worked such a Christmas miracle! Sharing is caring, so hit up our poll and get chatting below!


Have You Started Christmas Shopping Yet?

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20th November, 2022

I've always wanted to get a head start on Christmas but life always gets in the way. This year we're more then happy to put Christmas on hold due to everything we've had come up - which admittedly is a shame as this will be the first year my partner and I are having Christmas in our own place together

15th November, 2022

Normally, I get started for my kids around July and finished in November. This year, the cost of living has meant I haven't even started, let alone finished. It's a little stressy to be honest to feel so disorganised.

I organise my husband and my parents in December, but they're way cheaper and easier.

9th November, 2022

Oh Christmas!!! We have to get through November first, our family has 6 birthdays then, its a very expensive end of the year for us, as well as another birthday on New Years Eve.

1st October, 2022

I won't be doing much when I do start. It'll be mainly for me!

1st October, 2022

I'm not big into Christmas gifts in general. I'm more about experiences than items, and they can happen at any time of the year :)

25th September, 2022

All my Christmas shopping is done about 3 weeks before the big day and this year it is going to be more easier than other years because we are planning on giving experiences and vouchers possibly just one wee personal gift each and that will be it.

24th September, 2022

Usually onto it but have been so busy with work. It's not a priority at the moment.

20th September, 2022

Well I have a stash of stuff here already beauty products so what doesn't sell is gifts

19th September, 2022

I'm a list maker, so I make a list of who I need to buy for, then a few things I know they like, then keep the list in my bag when shopping so I can mark it off when I find a certain thing in sale. Saves money in the long run.

19th September, 2022

My girl just had her first bday and I went a bit overboard with the gifts lol so I'm thinking of a big gift for her like a swing set as she really doesn't need anything. I will get that soon as I like to be organized and sorted.

19th September, 2022

Like to go somewhere in between the two , do some and as inspiration takes me find more gifts

19th September, 2022

I'm sure she will love a swing set :-)

31st October, 2022

Aww that's cute. Such a special time x

25th September, 2022

I do this too and find it is so much less stressful when it comes to gift shopping.



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