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Have you ever used the beauty department to 'get ready'?

2 July, 2015 - 01:51pm by - First Lady | 37 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

The Beauty Department is a wonderous place.  You know how gleeful Carrie was when she was let into the Vogue closet?  That's what the Beauty Department is like for us beauty lovers.  All the pretties to play with, test out and if we love them, bring home with us.  (For a price of course, we're not advocating the 5 finger discount!)

You know what it's like right?  You either go in with a specific item in mind, or you just enjoy the browse action.  And chances are when you leave, you'll have a few swatches on the back of your hand or your arm.  It's to be expected.  It's what the clearly marked testers are for.  

But what about heading into the Beauty Department, with no intention to buy, only to test?  And by test we mean use.

Maybe you've just finished work and have been invited for drinks.  Or maybe you have a hot date and want to use all the fanciest products that you don't actually own.  Whatever the reason, today's beauty confessional is asking if you've committed a sin on hallowed ground.

Have you used the beauty department, or worse, the counters and their staff, to do your whole face and get ready for something?  

By the power of anonymous vote, may the truth be heard.  And if you're feeling brave...get chatting to us below!

Have you ever used the beauty department to 'get ready'?

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7th July, 2015

Gosh, I even feel guilty trying the testers, so I only do if I'm actually going to buy something. I have often wondered if anyone has gone whole hog and done their complete makeup at the beauty counters on their own without a consultant ;) When I was young, my friends used to run around the Downtown department store spritzing each other in perfume wars with the perfume testers.

7th July, 2015

No, I would be too embarassed with people watching, and the testers are gross anyway.

7th July, 2015

I used to merchandise at a department store, so I would be at work from 6am and would pop makeup on in the beauty department most mornings to save myself a bit of a sleep in at home. I wasn't that clued up on makeup at the time (this was going back 5years or so ago) but I definitely wouldn't do it now!

6th July, 2015

I can't say it has ever crossed my mind to go to a department store to put on my face. It just seems dirty and not rite haha . Iv only ever used a department stores make to to trial the make up colours

6th July, 2015

Never ever. I just don't think I could do that.

4th July, 2015

Not any more ha ha. But back in the day when I was 14ish, me and my best friend would get made up at the chemist before going to Skate Land on Friday nights.

3rd July, 2015

Nooooo sorry I'm a bit of a germaphobe and this screams GERRRMS

3rd July, 2015

Eww no. I would never put random tester products on my face. It's a bit different from a makeup counter when the makeup artist used brushes for everything. Also why would you when its a great excuse to get a makeover done at a beauty counter and to redeem the cost of the makeover on product.

3rd July, 2015

I have not done that, I swatch testers though. I work in a pharmacy and see people going hard out with the testers and a lot of the time people steal the testers. How bad is that?!

3rd July, 2015

No never I just would feel so wrong doing that

3rd July, 2015

No way. I have never done this and never will.

3rd July, 2015

WHAT! Is this a thing? I'd feel so awkward trying to use the testers to full on apply makeup and also I feel like it'll be somewhat unhygienic.

3rd July, 2015

I've gotten matched up for foundation at some high end counters because I was seriously considering buying that high end foundation. The only time I had someone at the counter do almost a full face for me was when I receiving a free facial as part of a promotional event and they offered to do my makeup using the same brand of products that they used for the facial. I got my eyes and lips done.

3rd July, 2015

Never! I think that is just far too cheeky. Makeup isn't free and for people that use all the testers to get ready I think personally is rude. Sure you need to test before you buy but not just because you need some makeup on before you go out somewhere. I feel strongly about this because I have seen it done in our local Farmers a few times and thought it was cheeky. Eww and those that use the lipstick straight off the tube on their lips. Swatch it on the hand sure but not directly on the lips! I do however if I am buying a foundation get the retailer to colour match me before I buy, but that's different.

3rd July, 2015

Nope, I'm one of those people who won't use make up other people have used.



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