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Don't believe the lies – 5 hair myths that simply aren’t true

8 March, 2015 - 09:57pm by - First Lady | 31 Comments

Article by BR Tabatha

Why is hair so misunderstood?  I mean how complicated can our crowning glory be?!  Judging by some of the comments we read and the questions we get asked, people are very confused by their manes.  And we know who to point the finger at.  Old wives.

Here's 5 old wive's tales that you need to stop believing right now!

1. Your hair gets used to your shampoo

Your hair is effectively dead from the root down - it doesn't feel and it certainly doesn't know if you're using the same brand day after day, month after month.  If you've found a product that works for you, don't feel the need to change it up every month.  The products will perform in the same manner every time you use it.

If your hair is oil-prone or you use a lot of waxy or sticky styling products, be sure to use a clarifying shampoo once a fortnight to remove residue and product build up

2.  Brushing your hair 100 times a night will make it shiny and healthy

Brushing your hair 100 times morning and night will not leave your hair any more shiny than usual.  It might cause some unwanted breakage and frizz though.  It's best to brush your hair when you need to - so only when you're styling it. 

Avoid brushing wet hair, as when hair is wet, it's at it's most fragile.  Opt for a wide tooth comb or a gentle tangle brush to de-tangle wet hair, and reserve the brush strictly for styling.

3.  Regular trims help your hair grow. 

Why would removing some of the dead part of something encourage the live root to grow?  Madness. 

Regular trims will remove split ends making your hair look healthy and lay flat, but it won't have any impact on the rate of growth.

To encourage hair growth looks for treatments and masks that focus on delivering key nutrients to the scalp, or try a Hair, Skin and Nails supplement.

4.  A cold rinse will make your hair sleeker and shinier.

We've all heard it right?  That a cold rinse will encourage the cuticles to lay flat and this will make your hair sleek and shiny.

We don't mean to sound repetitive, or morbid but...your hair is dead from the root down.  It cannot feel hot from cold.  And therefore it can't react differently to them. 

5.  Your hair has a maximum length. 

Growing your hair?  Don't be fooled into thinking there's a predetermined length, beyond which you will never reach.

As long as it's receiving the proper nourishment your hair will continue to grow.  And grow.  And grow.


So there you go - 5 hair myths debunked.  Any surprises?  Get chatting below!



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9th March, 2015

I have heard them all too although a small trim taking off dry fizzy ends sometime gives the appearance of longer hair as you don't have all the little bits sticking up

9th March, 2015

I've heard all of them an actually your right none of them are true

9th March, 2015

My hair goes almost down to my butt now and I'm 49 so age has no bearing on hair length either. I've just started taking Vit D as well which helps fight stress and keep your hair healthy. Couldn't agree more about the brushing thing too, it tends to damage my long hair if I do it too often.

9th March, 2015

Thanks for clarifying it for us. There were a few of those that I was unsure on so now I know for sure!

9th March, 2015

I've been told number 3 my whole life. I knew it wasn't true!! Glad to see some of these myths put to rest.

9th March, 2015

Haha I use number 3 to get my two daughters to have a hair cut as they both hate having their hair cut...

9th March, 2015

Number 2 just reminds me of Marsha Brady, brushing her hair 100 times on each side! And I remember I wanted to have lovely hair like ers so I did it, but lost count and gave up. I was young! Still love me some Brady bunch though! And no, I don't think hair does get used to shampoo but it certainly favors them over others.

9th March, 2015

I agree also about number 5. My hair has never grown longer that shoulder height and I only cut my hair twice a year if that.

9th March, 2015

Interesting article. I was fooled into the regular trim myth!

9th March, 2015

I'm so glad to read number three. A hairdresser told me the other day she wanted to give my daughter's hair a trim to help it grow - but my girl's hair is so pretty right now, with a natural ombre happening and I don't want to. So now I'm not going to.

9th March, 2015

Wow, I am surprised at number 4 - I have read so many different articles saying a cold rinse ensures the hair follicles lie flat giving your hair more of a shine. Isn't it funny how you believe these things for so long simply because you've heard it so often, only to find out it's not true :)

8th March, 2015

Oh good, I'll stop the awful shock after a lovely shower ;)

8th March, 2015

I have heard all of these over the years and pretty much ignore all of them. I am grateful for my very fine hair type as I actually don't brush my hair... I couldn't even tell you where my brush is [actually I think my daughter stole it off me lol]; I run my fingers through my hair and it is basically like a wide tooth comb (also helps I had my hair cut short). the best thing about the rinsing with cold water one is that any conditioner residue is then washed away but otherwise it does nothing for me.

8th March, 2015

The cold rinse myth surprised me, just because I specifically remember some a hair dye that instructed you to finish with a cold rinse! But I'm still kind of confused about #1, because I definitely feel like my hair does in fact get used to shampoo, because my products definitely don't always seem to perform the same each time around. Anyone else experienced this?

8th March, 2015

I haven't trimmed my hair much and I eat pretty healthy but I don't think I can get my hair much longer than it is. It used to be past my hips and then I grew taller and I also cut it. I never reached that length again. My hair is pretty long reaches to my waist and at times a few cms short of hips but it refuses to grow longer than that even if it's eight months before I cut it.

First Lady
9th March, 2015

Snap! I have hairdressers in the family dying to chop Milky's curls. No, no, no. I'd pay good money for that ombre!! xx

9th March, 2015

Milky's curls must stay!! And I say that in my head like David Bellamy when he said, 'Old Man's Beard must go!!'

9th March, 2015

Don't do it !!! Enjoy her hair

9th March, 2015

Oh no!! beautiful baby hair is never the same again once it's been cut!!! My son had an awesome soft blond curly mullet half way down his back until I decided to get it trimmed - that was it, she cut too much - baby hair ruined :(

First Lady
9th March, 2015

That's so cute! xx

11th March, 2015

Hahaha the thing is, I actually believed it until I read this article ;-)

9th March, 2015

Wow! if your photo is of you, you only look around 14!!!