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All You Wanted to Know About Brazilians - From the EXPERT!

21 September, 2017 - 09:25pm by - First Lady | 15 Comments

by BR Tabby

I spoke to Zoe. a NASA schooled Beauty Therapist and a certified Nail Technician and got the low down on the Braz.

Zoe says when it comes to waxing, the area that she's questioned about the most is waxing "down there".  And rightly so - we don't want to subject our lady area (and ourselves) to unnecessary embarrassment or pain, am I right?!

The beauty industry is ever changing, to adapt and evolve to society.  Societal expectations, limitations and advances affect how women chose to present themselves.  Over the last few years one change has been prevalent - Standard Bikini lines and 'G' waxes are becoming a thing of the past.  The most common bikini wax is now...The Brazilian!

Originating from, you guessed it, Brazil, this wax has been making an impact - it's risque and controversial nature has landed it the topic of conversation in many a tabloid and TV show.  Who can forget the classic Sex and The City episode where Carrie and Charlotte both inadvertently end up "taking a trip to Brazil"? 

Firstly - flashing your privates is always going to be a little uncomfortable, which is why you will feel much more comfortable if you visit a qualified and reputable therapist.  "Trust me - intimate waxing is something we do several times a day, it's no more embarrassing for us than an eyebrow or leg wax - honest!" Zoe assures me, in a tone I believe.  Plus she's waxed me many a-time and can still look me in the eye!

Secondly - what can you expect pain wise?  Well that will vary from person to person depending on your pain threshold.  Some ladies even report more discomfort having their legs done than their "ahem.."   Popping a couple paracetomol an hour before can assist in minimising the discomfort. There is no doubt that the first time will probably be the worst, but this is where your therapist comes in, she is expertly trained to perform the proceedure as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Once upon a time fashioning our downstairs hair into triangles and landing strips was considered bold.  The full Brazilian (also known as the Hollywood) has pushed these shapes in to the 'conservative' waxing style.

However much you decide to bare, it's important to properly care for your skin after a wax. For the first day or so after don't take a hot bath, avoid tanning beds*, saunas or steam rooms.  Wear loose cotton undies and if the area is uncomfortable use a cold compress to soothe.  Also avoid waxing for a few days before and after your period - your skin will be much more sensitive close to shark week! 

When it comes to pruning the lady garden, what do you go for? The barest look of all, or do you leave a little something-something there?


*Avoid these anyway, what are we, heathens?!


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11th October, 2017

I've not had a Brazilian wax since 2011. My partner at that time found it disturbing that my genital region resembled that of a pre-pubescent girl. As a compromise (because I liked the smooth sensation of a waxed crack & vulva) I retained a triangle at the top. Though since having a child & becoming a single oarent, both time & cost meant waxing my nether regions was no longer a priority. Getting waxing done immediately after my period finished meant minimal pain. I will do it again but as my body has also changed, I'll be leaving a triangle up top. By the way, in Brazil a Brazilian wax is about $10 NZ & is perfect! In truth all waxing in Brazil us very affordable & guaranteed to exceed expectations. I've found NZ beauty therapists to be hit & miss. What a shame the airfares are so costly to get there lol.

26th September, 2017

Something there. I am not a child...

26th September, 2017

i've been waxing for 9 years and it's great, I have some areas where the hair doesn't grow now which is even better! my skin is olive so my hair is quite dark, I prefer waxing as it HAS thinned out my hairs by a great deal, the pain is so minimal to me! I have waxed before, during and after my cycle and it's been fine at all stages. I think the pain factor builds up like going to the dentist can be so scary but afterwards you're like "wish I went sooner"

25th September, 2017

I've always shaved it all off, but I epilate my legs and I know that the pain of epilating my legs diminished after the first three or four times, so maybe waxing down there won't be so bad after the first few times? ... I'm seriously thinking about giving it a go. Eek! Nervous about the first appointment, though (the pain, more than having to bare myself to a perfect stranger whose used to this sort of thing).

25th September, 2017

Never waxed down there! I used to be quite ahem bare, but recently have cultivated a little something-something, of course it is nice and neat :) think it's a getting older thing??

25th September, 2017

I prefer shaving, too embarassed to have down there waxed.

23rd September, 2017

waxing down there just seems too painful, I shave mine from time to time though

23rd September, 2017

I get waxed to the max Nearly all year round :)

22nd September, 2017

Brazil, hollywood all of it gone for me anyway preferably.

22nd September, 2017

I would like to go get it waxed but it's out of my price range so I do the maintenance myself.

22nd September, 2017

Price puts me off more than the pain at some places

22nd September, 2017

I'm a chicken. I won't ever get waxed . I'll stick to shaving.

22nd September, 2017

I prefer to do it myself, but don't know the best method for doing so

22nd September, 2017

I prefer barest but use sensitive hair removal cream.

21st September, 2017

I'd like to try it, but nay - too afraid of the pain....

22nd September, 2017

I didn't know you could do that?

24th September, 2017

I use the sensitive one and don't leave on longer than recommended time

24th September, 2017

Have you gotten used to the pain? Or is it still painful just like the first time?

24th September, 2017

It's not that bad at all It's quick and easy Not as bad as you think :) first time I was nervous now I just hold onto my wee paper g tight thinking it gives me dignity lol

29th September, 2017

It definitely gets better pain wise and the hair comes back thinner and thinner. As long as you get it done regularly it's not too bad. Also most wax ladies are so professional and have seen it all so they are not fazed.

29th September, 2017

Thanks, Candy. I've heard, and read, that the first time is the worst and that the pain gets less after that (just like a leg wax). I guess I just need to adopt a "don't think about the pain" approach and simply book and appointment!