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Are You Here For Wolf Cut Hair?

26 June, 2022 - 07:19am by - Head Pixie | 9 Comments

by BR Kellie

'Mum, I want my bedroom style to be cottagecore-witchy.'

'Mum, I'm playing back rooms Roblox.'

'Mum, I want to get wolf cut hair.'

The above are all statements that have recently left my daughter's mouth... and all sounded like gibberish to me.

Back rooms?

You what now?

Cottage-core witchy?

Say again?

What caught my attention most of all, though, was this wolf cut hair business, especially because she's now talked her father into booking her in to get the cut done at our local hair salon.

So what is wolf cut hair, and why's it big right now? Read on...

What is wolf cut hair?

It appears the name has its roots in K-Beauty, and the style was named for its wild, untamed look. To me, it's a modernised mullet, a funkier shag. In fact, if the mullet and shag had a baby, they'd create wolf cut hair. 

How would I ask for it?

You'd ask for choppy, short layers on the top of your head, and longer, but still choppy layers around the sides and back, with a fringe (that works with your face shape). The cut should create volume at the crown and have a rocker, edgy look to it.

For the sake of clarity (and to avoid walking out of the salon holding back tears... I've been there, I know), your best bet is to hit up the #wolfcut tag on Instagram, find a picture of someone who has your hair type wearing the style, and take that to the salon so your stylist can get an exact idea of what you're after.

Is it for everyone?

Wolf cut hair can be tailored to suit long hair, short hair, straight hair, wavy hair, curly hair. Would I get it? No. But then I don't have the confidence to rock such a style. My daughter, however? Yes. She'll look fab. 

The other thing to consider is how it'll grow out, because the process might be a bit painful considering the shorter layers at the top will take some time to become one with the rest of your mane.

All in all, this is a hair style that deserves careful consideration before you get the chop - especially if you're working with longer hair.

Is it here to stay?

That I can't speak to, I'm not a fortune teller. However, it does remind me of a haircut I got when I was my daughter's age, which tells me that while it may not stick around for years on end, at some point we'll be seeing an itieration of wolf cut hair again.

So, are you a fan of wolf cut hair? Is it a pass for you? And just what is all this 'core' business anyway? Get chatting below!


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4th July, 2022

It's not a hairstyle I would go for. And when I just quickly googled it, because I had no idea what it was, I found a lot of pictures of people who don't really suit it. Maybe their cuts just weren't done well, but overall it does not seem to be a very flattering hairstyle.

2nd July, 2022

Yeah, nah. Not for me. With my curly hair, I reckon it'd make me look like a poodle had a fight with a lawnmower.

1st July, 2022

Ummm most of those photos remind me of my terrible childhood haircuts. So that's a no from me.

28th June, 2022

Oh have not seen this look as yet , but will look up photos Probably too out there for me

28th June, 2022

Ive seen the look on socials. It's different, not for me though.

27th June, 2022

Not into mullets.

27th June, 2022

My 24 yr old son just did this to his own hair and yep it pretty much does look like a shaggy mullet!I am still getting used to his "new look" but it's not for me.

27th June, 2022

Yrp, this kind of cut suits my hair type

27th June, 2022

Hmmmmm I don't think it is for me!