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Our Extraordinary Clay Diary - Day 5

8 July, 2017 - 09:37pm by - Head Pixie | 12 Comments

The new L'Oreal Paris ELVIVE Extraordinary Clay range claims to rebalance oily roots while hydrating dry ends.  Two of our crew members Kellie and Zoe have been using the range and have gone five days without washing their hair - and for usually daily-hair-washers, it's been quite the experience! 

KELLIE DAY 5 - Well Oil Be Damned!!!

You know those moments of insanity when you go 'what the heck was I thinking?'. I had one of those this morning when I realised booking a wheel alignment at 8am on a Saturday morning meant I had to be out the door at 7.45am. Usually that would be the time of day on a weekend where I'd be hauling my bum out of bed and washing my hair (not that I've had to do that for four days, yuss!!!!).

After yesterday's oil-up I was dreading what I was going to face and wondering how I'd fit a shampoo and condition into the shower routine if I were to get to my appointment on time. I glanced in the mirror and breathed a sigh of relief! No shampoo needed - again!!! Are you even kidding me right now? So I cleansed my face and bod, threw my hair up into a freshly brushed bun and raced out the door... this is what my hair looked like...

Usually at this stage it would look kind of stuck together and stringy on top (it always looks a tad stringy on the sides as I only have a dusting of follicles around those areas). Instead I think it looks softer, and it doesn't feel oily either. I imagine I'll have to have a squirt of dry shampoo as the day goes on, but at this point, on day five, I'm seriously impressed.

So what have I learned over the course of this trial? That L'Oreal's clay range is magical. It's meant I could wear my hair out, especially on days two and three - and day one if I'm in the mood to get the blowdryer out. It's meant I saved time in the mornings when showering, which also means saving water/power/money. Yes! And it's taught me that I don't have to hate my hair (because I really do), that with the right products I can actually enjoy my mop.

5/5. Will purchase again. 

ZOE - DAY 5 - Can't call me Olive, cos there's no Oil here.

I should feel gross.  Like seriously, disgustingly gross.  I haven't washed my hair since Monday evening.  It's now Saturday.  In those FIVE days I've used dry shampoo twice.  And yet I don't feel all that icky.

I'm off out tonight so I decided this afternoon I'd refresh my bright colour, which means a hair wash, perfect timing, as I do feel ready to shampoo and condition.  

Here's a comparison, to the left we have my hair at the beginning of this review.  Monday night's oily mess, it had been around 36 hours since I'd last washed it.  And the right is my hair just before I washed it this afternoon.  Five days post L'Oreal Extraordinary Clay Mask.  

Don't get me wrong, my hair is still oily in the most recent picture, but no where near the grease fest as the first image right?!

I repeated the regime from Monday - I used the Clay Mask (applying it myself this time, it is definitely a bit trickier using it solo) and at the same time applied my new colour to the under-lengths.  I rinsed both and followed with the L'Oreal Extraordinary Clay Shampoo and Conditioner.  Here's my finished 'do.  And here's to another 5 days without washing!

I'm crazy impressed with the L'Oreal Extraordinary Clay range - the mask has definitely lived up to its huge promises, the Dry Shampoo was a fabulous tool for stretching out the time between washes and for super fast hair refreshes.  And the shampoo and conditioner?  Well this salon snob is more than happy.


60 reviewers are also putting the Extraordinary Clay range to the test too - you can follow their reviews here.


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13th July, 2017

Whoop whoop!! Sounds like a win for anyone with oily hair :) :)

12th July, 2017

The clay mask sounds really interesting. I think I need try to try this range!

9th July, 2017

This is a great range and I like the daily reports! Would love to see more of this

9th July, 2017

I kind of wish I had oily hair just to try this haha!

9th July, 2017

I'm going to give this a try once I have a break from Keratin. Thank you for keeping us informed, I'm so glad it has worked out for you both!!

9th July, 2017

Fabulous job with your diaries ladies, and the products sound amazing.

9th July, 2017

you two make this stuff sound amazing! I wonder how the clay would work on my unicorn colors - a lot of masks take the color out (at least, it does for me). perhaps as its only the roots it'd be fine... you have given me something to think about :P

9th July, 2017

I love this range, although the clay mask seems to make my hair fall out more than usual. It would be easier to apply (solo) if it had a slightly thinner consistency.

9th July, 2017

Pretty good how this range has helped go five days without washing.

9th July, 2017

Wow what amazing products. Zoe I love your new hair colour!

9th July, 2017

Thanks for the great reviews, I'll definitely be trying these products. My hair needs loads of moisture on the ends thanks to colouring and heat styling but even by the end of the day my roots can be very oily and the least I can get away without a wash is every second day. This just sounds almost too good to be true!

9th July, 2017

That's great to hear. I too will be reprchasing 3out of the 4 products. The dry shampoo didn't seem to work that great for me unfortunately. Love this range though

Head Pixie
9th July, 2017

I love her hair. I want her hair. I have so much hair envy.